Sector UpdateTwo-year-old child injured whilst left unsupervisedThe LearningWhen children are actively supervised in education and care services, the risk of harm is dramatically reduced. Effective supervision requires a combination of observation, engagement, assessment of the environment and identifying any possible risks. However, it also requires educators to communicate with each other to ensure that all children are safe from potential harm. Educators should position themselves so they can observe all the children while also engaging with children to support their learning and development. Active supervision of children in their care should be the priority of all service staff rather than routine tasks around the service. More information can be found in the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) Information sheet on Active Supervision. Regular audits and checks must be conducted by all approved providers to ensure staff are always following service policies and procedures. In this case, the service had policies and procedures in place; however, the systems in place to ensure that they were followed were inadequate. The Incident A Department of Communities investigation found that in December 2022, a two-year-old child, received injuries to their face following an altercation with two other children whilst attending KidsHQ Jacaranda in High Wycombe. A review of CCTV footage from the service revealed that the incident occurred while the children were left unsupervised for a period of up to 7 minutes in the sandpit area. The injured child was left with bite and scratch marks to their face after being inadequately supervised. The Penalty Approved provider, Hadema Holdings Pty Ltd, has been ordered to pay a penalty of $12,000 by the SAT for contravening section 165(1) of the Education and Care Service National Law (WA) Act 2012, by failing to ensure that children at the service were adequately supervised, and a further $1,500 towards the Department of Communities' legal costs. More information on the SAT order is available on the eCourts website. |