![]() November 2021The monthly E-News shares provincial program information and updates about the Facility Engagement (FE) Initiative. This information will be of interest to medical staff association (MSA) support teams, please feel free to forward the newsletter to your MSA executives as needed. Annual Review/Site Reporting and Review Process (SRRP)It’s time to start planning for the 2021-22 annual SRRP. All eligible sites will now have received an email with the SRRP package information and instructions. If you have not received your site's email, including the login information for the SRRP submission package, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca as soon as possible. FE will be running an optional webinar to review SRRP activities. It is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16 from 11am-12pm. If you would like to join, please register here. The webinar will be recorded for those that are not able to attend. FEMS SRRP Report UpdateThe FEMS report titled ‘Site Reporting and Review Process’ under the Reporting tab has been renamed to the ‘Activity Summary’ to more accurately reflect its current purpose. While this report is unrelated to this year’s SRRP, it provides a great way of exporting your engagement activity information from FEMS into PDF or Excel. There have been a few tweaks to the report, including the removal of 3 empty columns to make the report more streamlined and eliminate irrelevant information. If you have any questions, please contact your EP or femssupport@doctorsofbc.ca ![]() PM Helpdesk Lunch and Learn LibraryThere is now a collated document with all lunch and learn webinar links. The FE provincial office, in conjunction with the PM Helpdesk Consultant, Erica Kjekstad, have created a library document of all of the past lunch and learn sessions from 2021. This document will continue to be updated each month with current information. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca Governance: Succession Planning Recording and SlidesThe recording and slide deck for the most recent governance webinar are now available. To access the governance webinar hosted on October 28th, as well as our past webinars on multiple topics, please visit our website at https://facilityengagement.ca/webinars If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca Webinar: Peer to Peer Knowledge Sharing EventPlease mark November 22nd 5:30-7pm on your calendar for our Peer to Peer Knowledge Sharing Event. The topic of this session will be “Moving the Engagement Dial with Practical Examples” This is a unique opportunity to meet peers, and hear about and share learnings, challenges, and successes with other Medical Staff Associations (MSAs) from across the province. Presentations and discussions will be peer led and facilitated by the Facility Engagement Team at Doctors of BC. 3 physicians will present on their successful MSA/HA engagement processes, highlight the impact of their activity, and share lessons learned. A Q&A with the audience will follow. The webinar will be recorded for those that are not able to attend. To register, please click here. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca Webinar: PM Helpdesk Lunch and LearnOur next Lunch and Learn will be held Tuesday, November 23, 12-1pm
If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca Webinar: MSA Knowledge Sharing Event for Tier 6 SitesPlease mark November 30th 5:30-7pm on your calendar for our Provincial Knowledge Sharing Event for Tier 6 Sites. The topic of this session will be “How to Maximize your Facility Engagement Funding” and will include sites from across the province that have a similar number of acute care beds and facility engagement funding. We are asking that a maximum of 2 physician delegates from each tier 6 MSA attend, along with 1 project support staff. Webinar registration and agenda will be sent out in the coming weeks. The webinar will be recorded for those that are not able to attend. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca ![]() Did you know...? November is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month. Do you have ideas on future e-news topics?Please let us know at engagement@doctorsofbc.ca ![]() engagement@doctorsofbc.ca I www.facilityengagement.ca Facility Engagement is an initiative of the Specialist Services Committee, one of four joint collaborative committees that represent a partnership of the Government of BC and Doctors of BC. Want to learn what’s happening in your community? Check out the Divisions Dispatch, an e-newsletter published by the Divisions of Family Practice initiative which is funded by the General Practice Services Committee.