No Images? Click here Dear Reader: It’s a time to prepare for earlier sunsets and later sunrises and therefore an excellent time to implement your earlier supper and bedtimes, regular morning abhyanga (self-massage with appropriate natural oils) practice, except on the menstrual flow (which is for rest), and carrying a handy shawl, socks, hat or hoodie. It’s also a good time to switch to copper water bottles, which are eventually bio-degradable, recyclable and sustainable. Copper produces a warming effect as it contacts various substances. Water is a ‘cold’ substance, and copper water containers help render the water molecules more ‘warming’ in thermal efficiency. Avoid copper water if you have inflammatory conditions; instead stay with boiled, filtered water sipped from a stainless steel or silver vessel. For individualized tips on adjusting to the current change of season while addressing your specific health concerns, please call Jaisri for your personal health analysis. LAST CALL FOR INDIA - extended to Sept. 5th, 2018 To review the flier and other information on this program, please click here and call Jaisri at (604) 290-8201 to ensure you are well prepared for this amazing opportunity, second to none in my now 35+ years experience in Ayurveda practice.
The film was screened and sold out at Bellingham’s ‘The Pickford’ recently, so dear Katrina, the owner of the Bellingham Ayurveda Health Center, has arranged another showing on Thursday, September 6 at 7 pm. She’s doing this for you, dear reader! Bring a friend or family member whom you feel will benefit, too. Don’t miss this extraordinary experience of dear Jeremy accompanying Dr. Lad for about a year or so. Truly, to hear his voice and see his face and form are reminders of Dr. Lad’s great soul presence, being and mission. See a preview here. Please sign yourself and your friend up now! Please contact PANCHAKARMA IN SURREY, BC in SEPTEMBER CHOOSE FROM ONLY 2 SPOTS REMAINING OPEN at this time: Sept. 7-9 Three days To inquire if you are a good candidate for these opportunities, please call Jaisri at 604-290-8201 and review here. NADI PARIKSHA - PULSE ASSESSMENT ACCORDING TO DR. LAD, September 14-24 in Surrey, BC Text: ‘Secrets of the Pulse’ by Vaidya Vasant D. Lad. A teacher is needed to systematically master the contents of this amazing book, as Ayurveda is an oral tradition best learned through auditory and visual mechanisms of understanding. The radial pulse reading technique can be gradually mastered with a combination of good guidance and persistent practice. To view and print the program flier, please click here. For more information and to register, please call Jaisri at 604-290-8201. Also, please watch this newsletter for details of the Nadi Pariksha program to be presented in Switzerland next April 2019 for physicians and Ayurveda practitioners in a retreat format. OCTOBER 1-17 AYURVEDA STUDY GROUP IN LANGLEY, BC This convenient evening schedule offers six classes over 3 weeks, Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8: 30 pm at the Phoenix Rising Metaphysical Bookstore’s new premises at 20499 Fraser Highway, an accessible location. To register for this very thrifty program, please call Goldie at 604-532-1887 to ensure your spot, and your plus-one’s spot, too. This program is open to all ages and stages. For further information, please call Jaisri at 604-290-8201. One scholarship offered by a dear community supporter, Umerath Hassan, is available to someone who cannot afford the $120 and commits to full, on-time attendance! TURIYA THERAPY GENERAL SESSION IN COSTA RICA NOV. 4-7, 2018 My dear colleagues and graduates, Jessica Kruse from Canada and Costa Rica, along with Jill Talve of Long Island, NY, have created this life-changing program and also invited the esteemed Dr. Ramkumar Kutty, coming from India. The combined skills, abilities and knowledge of this team bring a truly outstanding immersion in Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation, Vedic Philosophy and advanced bodywork techniques. Included: local transfers from Tambor domestic airport, an Ayurveda cooking class, 3 gourmet vegan meals daily, 2 yoga/pranayama practice classes daily, an Ayurveda Asana & Pranayama workshop, 1 Ayurveda bodywork treatment, herbal supplements and a welcome gift bag. The program also offers your take-home booklets, dietary guidelines and educational resources, satsangs and of course, free time for rest and integration. Be ready for unexpected benefits on all levels! You and perhaps your travel companion are also welcome to stay for the second week of November 10-17, 2018 to enjoy deeper rest and integration, with a more flexible schedule, including your Ayurveda consultation and massage therapy treatment. Both weeks, separately or together, represent excellent value for your investment through this truly unforgettable learning experience! For more information and registration, please go to Puravedareretreats. In Canada, please call Jessica: 780-868-0780. In the U.S., please call Jill: 516-624-3210 AYURVEDA ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 2ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE, TORONTO, ONTARIO My sincere apologies are offered here to friends and colleagues whom I had expected to meet at this important professional development event, with my fellow Canadian practitioners and students. Perhaps I’ll be invited to speak in the future and feel sad I cannot attend on the new dates, due to prior commitments. Please see the Turiya Therapy program in Costa Rica. The ‘Vipak’ paper, however, is planned for introduction to the public domain, for presenting my interpretation of the esoteric effect of the properties of food substances on cellular and sub-cellular assimilation. ‘Vipak’ is a fascinating topic, worthy of in-depth understanding I feel, not only for practitioners but also for those seeking to make appropriate, healthy food choices. Mental health and contentment are highly influenced by food choices, though we may have little awareness of the mechanisms of ‘Vipak’ and their relationships between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of human function. For more information about the re-scheduled program, and to join our beloved Ayurveda Association of Canada, representing Ayurveda practitioners in Canada, please click here. For more information about membership, please click here. Please join as a member and contribute your skills, time and support for the many enrichments currently in development for the benefit of Ayurveda in Canada. Stronger Together! FEATURE: COPPER DRINKING WATER BOTTLES However, in high pitta conditions such as inflammations, rashes or nausea, please avoid copper water. Instead, favour boiled, filtered water sipped from a stainless steel or silver vessel. Plastic vessels and utensils slowly poison everyone, Vata, Pitta or Kapha, along with other pollutants such as chemical hormones – witness our unprecedented levels of reproductive disturbances, abnormal births and fertility issues, both in humans, especially westerners, and innocent ocean dwellers. Please avoid serving your baby food with plastic utensils, OK? Instead choose items closer to nature herself. To purchase your own copper water bottles in the lower mainland of Vancouver, please pick up your selection by visiting Navjeet Kaur’s Health Food Store, ‘Supplements Vitamins Plus’ at 1748 Lonsdale in North Vancouver, V7M 2J7. For those ordering from outside the lower mainland, please go here.
With good wishes, sincerely, Jaisri Jaisri M. Lambert
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