![]() June 2024The monthly E-News shares provincial program information and updates about the Facility Engagement program. This information will be of interest to Medical Staff Association (MSA) support teams, but please feel free to forward the newsletter to your MSA executives as well. NEW: Annual Review Emerging Priorities for 2024/25Seventy of seventy five eligible MSAs have now submitted their 2023/24 AR report. Annual Review activities include:
MSAs also identified their strategic goals and related activities for the upcoming year. Emerging key priorities focused on the following themes:
Other top priorities include improving team culture, governance, physician leadership, and education and training. Thank you for all the hard work and commitment to furthering engagement at your MSA. FE invites all participants to provide their feedback on the AR process via this survey, as your input is used to inform planning for next year’s process. The FE team will continue to support post-AR planning and activities with MSAs, and use AR data findings to prioritize program activities, resources, and tools. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca. NEW: SEAT Database Projects AddedThe SEAT database has been updated to include the latest April 15th submission data – now listing over 2,800 projects and activities! How can you use SEAT? You can browse entries, or search by subject or keyword to:
If you have any questions please contact seatsupport@doctorsofbc.ca. FYI: FE Provincial Evaluation UpdateAs part of the FE provincial evaluation, in late 2023 interviews were conducted with a sample of MSA members, health authority representatives, MSA administrators, and Doctors of BC staff. The purpose was to collect rich data on process and outcome related questions to triangulate and validate with other sources of data for the program evaluation. The final Interview Technical Report is now available for your information here. Additional interviews, as part of the final phase of the evaluation, will be occurring in summer/fall 2024. From May 1-31st, 2024, Facility Engagement launched the FE evaluation survey for medical staff and health authority leaders as part of the final phase of the provincial evaluation. Personalized survey invitations were sent from our evaluation consultants, Ference & Company. Thank you to everyone who helped spread the word about the survey and encouraged participation in this important evaluation. The FE evaluation survey was focused on measuring FE's outcomes, and the aggregate results of the survey will be used to support ongoing learning and improvement opportunities to the FE Initiative, as well as to communicate the impacts of the initiative to stakeholders at a facility, health authority and provincial level. Over the coming months, MSAs will have an opportunity to see their site level data (subject to meeting minimum response numbers) by request through their Engagement Partner – more details to follow. For more information on the provincial evaluation and timelines, please refer to the Evaluation Overview and FAQs. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca. FYI: FE Provincial Summit Knowledge Sharing SummaryThank you to everyone who contributed to the FE Provincial Summit on April 17th, 2024 by participating as attendees, helping your MSA to send site posters, prepping for Lightning Round presentations and Engagement Journeys, and more generally, for all the work that you do to support Facility Engagement across the province. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca. FYI: JCC Support for Physician Leadership DevelopmentThe new “Closer to Home” initiative enables physicians to learn as a group within their own region, bringing physician leaders together for shared leadership development in collaboration with FE. For an example of this program in action, please see here. The Physician Leadership Scholarship Program (PLSP) also supports individual MSA executives to further develop their leadership skills through courses, conferences, and coaching. Finally, FE has created a PowerPoint slide deck on physician leadership here to include as part of your MSA executive onboarding process, or for other general FE updates as applicable. If you have any questions, please contact JCCtraining@doctorsofbc.ca. FYI: May Lunch and LearnOur next MSA Administrator Lunch and Learn will be on Tuesday, June 18th, 12-1 PDT. Community building:
Learning Topics:
Link is here – hope to see you then! If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca. TIP: FEMS Tip of the MonthAs part of the FEMS updates that occurred on April 1st, it is now required for all administrators to enter their time and expenses into FEMS as supplier claims. This involves three steps:
For full information and step by step instructions, please see the linked tip sheet for supplier claims, one for executives on how to approve claims, and an overall look at the different kinds of claims. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca. TIP: PM Helpdesk Lunch and Learn LibraryThe FE provincial office, in conjunction with the PM Helpdesk Consultant, Erica Kjekstad, have created a library document of all of the past Lunch and Learn sessions from 2022 and 2023. The 2024 library document is now live and will continue to be updated each month with current information. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca. ![]() Did you know...? No other month in the year begins on the same day of the week as June. Do you have ideas on future e-news topics?Please let us know at engagement@doctorsofbc.ca ![]() engagement@doctorsofbc.ca I www.facilityengagement.ca Facility Engagement is an initiative of the Specialist Services Committee, one of four joint collaborative committees that represent a partnership of the Government of BC and Doctors of BC. Want to learn what’s happening in your community? Check out the Divisions Dispatch, an e-newsletter published by the Divisions of Family Practice initiative which is funded by the Family Practice Services Committee.