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Dear EMTC members,

Parent/Child tournament Christmas drinks & pizza Sunday 4 December

Come and join in the fun with Jake from Futures organising the parent/child tournament from 2.30-4.30pm which will be on courts 1-5. Pizza and drinks provided afterwards. Please RSVP HERE. Members free, non members $10.

Sunday Social Christmas drinks & pizza Sunday 4 December

Another great opportunity to meet members. Come along and join us for mixed doubles social tennis between 1.00pm and 4.30pm and then stay afterwards for pizza and drinks provided. All members welcome. Please note play will be on courts 6-10 for this Sunday only due to the Parent/Child tournament.

Night Social Tennis Christmas drinks & pizza Tuesday 13 December

Come and have a hit and a fun night to celebrate Christmas.Tennis start time 7.00pm until 9.00pm. Pizzas and drinks provided afterwards. Half hour matches then we’ll swap around so you’ll have 4 rounds of tennis. All members welcome to this free event.

Life membership - Tony Lane

Tony Lane was awarded life membership at the AGM held on 23 October for his extensive time, effort and contribution in many ways to our club for over 20 years including Treasurer, President, Junior Co-ordinator, manager of the Bar Fridge, creator of many of the original policies and spreadsheets - many of which are still used today, volunteering at many events, attending many meetings as our representative and the list goes on. Congratulations Tony on this outstanding achievement and a massive thank you.

Congratulations Carla Lenarduzzi

Congratulations to our club member Carla Lenarduzzi winning both the 2022 Victorian PWII women's singles II-1 and the women's doubles II-1 held on 7-9 October at Albert Reserve.

Competition Players

It is now easier for you to complete your Competitive Player Profile to have your playing history and upcoming match data stored securely in one place, giving you full visibility of your tennis stats and performance.

Simply head to Match Centre to login or register for your Tennis ID and select the ‘ACTIVATE UTR RATING’ button located below your profile. Find more information here.

Everyone who completes their competitive player profile by 30 November 2022, goes into the draw to win one of 10 VIP experiences at Australian Open 2023. Find out more here.