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Central Island News and Events
Find the latest news from the Central Island Division and complementary organizations in this issue of News and Events.


  1. 2024 AGM
  2. RCME Session and Shared Care and Elder Sessions Update
  3. Divisions of Family Practice Updates
  4. Attachment Coordinator Report Oceanside & Port Alberni
  5. Pre-retirement webinar
  6. Personal Touch Answering Service now available in Port Alberni
  7. Mind Space, formerly CBT Skills Groups Society.
  8. 36th Annual Diabetes Directors Seminar
  9. Pathways Webinar - Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Pediatric Dermatology & More - Oct 17
  10. Direction from Doctors of BC regarding 2024 provincial election
  11. Oceanside Hospice Society
  12. Divisions Dispatch
  13. Divisions in the News

2024 AGM

2024 AGM

The Annual General Meeting of Central Island Division took place on September 18 at Tigh Na Mara Resort.
The formal Annual Report - please click here - was delivered and the auditors of Chan Nowosad and Boates provided a video report of the official audited financials for the fiscal year 2023-24. Please click here to view the audited financials.

The evening saw over 40 guests in attendance for dinner and a presentation following the AGM by Darla MacIver and Holly Armstrong of the Docs of BC Physician Business Services. A special addition this year was a formal greeting from Geraldine Tom, a first nations elder from Nu Chal Nulth in Port Alberni. We want to thank all the presenters and organizers of this great evening for all they did to make it a success.

Nominations/Elections committee:

Nominations for four board positions were requested from July 22-August 9, 2024. Four members were nominated during that period. All nominees were elected by acclamation.

Therefore, the Board of Directors for the 2024-25 year are….

  • Dr. Mark Morris
  • Dr. Edward Aasman
  • Dr. Anienne Marsay
  • NP Fran Chiste
  • Del Kristalovich
  • Dr. Jim Dimmick
  • David James
  • Lori Camire

I would also like to acknowledge the talented, dedicated employees at Central Island for working hard to make 2023-24 a success. They are:

  • Tina Biello, Project Manager
  • Amanda Salvage, Port Alberni PCN Administrative Assistant
  • Jill Skuse, Division Coordinator
  • Jennifer Taylor, Operations and Recruitment Coordinator
  • Sharon Todd, Central island Division PCN Director

Best regards,
Evelyn Clark
Executive Director

RCME Session and Shared Care and Elder Sessions Update

Shared Care Port Alberni

A Shared Care project has begun in Port Alberni bringing together Specialists and GPs. This project will focus on offering support to remote First Nations surrounding Port Alberni and the West Coast.

For more information and if you are interested in participating, please get a hold of Tina Biello at

Addictions CME in Parksville - Save the Date!

Led by Dr. Ramm Hering
Tuesday, October 22 5:30-7:30 pm
Qualicum Beach Inn

We invite you to join us on Tuesday October 22 for an evening CME on Addictions Medicine in Oceanside with Dr. Ramm Herring. Joining him will be a local Addictions medicine provider.

Dinner will be provided. All providers from both Oceanside and Port Alberni are welcome. Sessionals will be paid.

Email invitation coming soon!

Elder Autumn Sessions

We are so happy to be connecting with you all again to invite you to an engagement series this fall with Nuu-chah-nulth Elders in collaboration with Port Alberni PCN and Central Island Division of Family Practice.

Providers from both sides of the hump are welcome. Sessional will be paid.

Each session will have 1-3 Nuu-chah-nulth Elders and involve an activity. See below.

This is an invitation to take part in cultural activities and teachings and build relationship with our Indigenous partners.

In the spirit of truth and reconciliation, we look forward to hosting you.

Lunch and/or dinner will be served.

Please choose as many sessions as you can, these are listed below, and RSVP to Amanda Salvage:

Tina Biello

Session 1
Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024   Noon – 1:30 pm      
Special outing to Stamp Falls, lunch included
Location: Stamp River Provincial Park (Stamp Falls)

Session 2
Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024   5:30 – 7:00 pm    
Making Devil’s Club Salve
Location: Echo Fieldhouse

Session 3
Thursday, Nov. 28 2024   5:30 – 7:00 pm           
Medicine bundles
Location: Echo Fieldhouse

Divisions of Family Practice Updates


Supports for integrating a nurse into family practice

FPSC and partners have prepared supports to help primary care clinics integrate a nurse into practice. Published on the FPSC website, the supports are particularly helpful for practices participating in the Ministry of Health’s Nurse in Practice Program and provide a step-by-step guide through the process.

Integrating a Nurse into Practice. Online resources including:

  • Templates for job descriptions, job postings, and interview guides. 
  • Onboarding plans and checklists.
  • Links to related episodes of the TeamUp! Podcast, a collaboration with Health Quality BC (HQBC) and the UBC Innovation Support Unit (ISU).
  • Nurse Compass. Interactive learning tool developed by HQBC and UBC ISU. Outlines scopes of practice for registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and five certified practice RNs.

Nurse in Practice support events. Interactive webinars hosted by FPSC and the Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC (NNPBC). Session dates will be announced soon!


Business Pathways webinar: Handling harassment accusations

On Wednesday, October 16, Doctors of BC Business Pathways and Knapp Resolutions will host “Handling harassment accusations without losing your cool,” a session that will equip participants with the tools needed to handle stressful confrontations when a patient or colleague accuses a doctor of bullying, harassment, or discrimination. 

COHP seeking physician input on child and youth mental health

The Council on Health Promotion (COHP), a physician-led committee dedicated to health promotion and illness and injury prevention, is developing a policy statement on child and youth mental health, focusing on early intervention and prevention. Doctors of BC is seeking physician feedback on the draft version of the policy statement.

If you are interested in providing feedback, please contact Manny Gill, Senior Policy Analyst, Doctors of BC ( to receive a copy of the draft statement. Please ensure feedback is provided by Wednesday, September 18.


Fraser Health’s Anxiety Toolkit Now Available

Fraser Health’s Mental Health and Substance Use Working Group are excited to announce a new resource to support people experiencing mild to moderate anxiety. This comprehensive toolkit includes links to assessment tools, practical strategies, and other resources to help people understand and manage their anxiety. The accompanying workbook enables patients to add notes and track their progress throughout their learning journey.

Access the resources on Pathways:

New alcohol use disorder care pathway: GPAC / BC Guidelines

An enhanced alcohol use disorder care pathway makes it easier for doctors to find services and send information to patients. This care pathway is the first in a new collaboration between Pathways and BC Guidelines to bring actionable evidence to point of care.

Find the new care pathway as a clickable button at the top of the Specialty of Addiction Medicine.

Healthy From The Start: Breastfeeding support phone line

Interior Health’s Healthy From The Start (HFS) program has launched a breastfeeding support phone line to assist with breastfeeding challenges and system navigation for complex concerns. Parents, physicians, and other primary care providers can speak with a lactation consultant by calling the HFS line (1 855 868-7710) Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PT. 

For further information, please contact Eliza Henshaw, Executive Director, NP Provincial Initiatives and Programs ( or


Burnaby Division's Dr Baldev Sanghera receives King Charles III's Coronation Medal

Dr Baldev Sanghera received a King Charles III Coronation Medal in recognition of his outstanding community service and physician leadership. Dr Sanghera has made significant contributions to the medical profession in BC through his roles as a family doctor in Burnaby, physician lead for the Burnaby PCN, founding board member of the Burnaby Division of Family Practice, and longtime FPSC committee member in the role of Interior Health region representative.

Congratulations Dr Sanghera! Thank you for your commitment to your community and to the medical profession.

Rural Voices Gathering: November 20-27

The Rural Voices Gathering, co-hosted by the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc), First Nations Health Authority, and Health Quality BC, takes place November 20-27. The province-wide event brings together and amplifies the voices of rural, remote, First Nations, and Métis communities in British Columbia relative to:

  • The Rural and Remote Health Strategy being developed by the BC Ministry of Health.
  • Transportation for health services.
  • Education and training for health care providers in rural communities.
  • Hybrid health care including peer-to-peer virtual support, in-person, and virtual patient consultations.

Session details and registration.

New resource to support Shared Care physician learning projects

Shared Care is partnering with UBC Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD) on a pilot project to provide education expertise in physician learning for approved Shared Care expressions of interest (EOIs) and proposals. After reviewing your EOI/ proposal, UBC CPD may connect with your project team to share resources or discuss opportunities to enhance your projects.

Costs associated with UBC CPD’s initial review and consultation will be paid by Shared Care. Costs associated with project or physician lead time to meet with UBC CPD will be paid from approved EOI/proposal budgets.

For more information, contact

Shared Care call for proposals: Cancer care projects

Cancer care is complex and requires the full health system to support action—family doctors, other primary care team members, specialists, imaging and laboratory professionals, and cancer experts all have a role to play.

The Shared Care Committee encourages you to submit an expression of interest (EOI) outlining your innovative project idea to improve cancer care in your practice, community, or facility.

Physicians can apply for up to $25,000 in EOI funding to develop a project proposal to help advance BC’s 10-Year Cancer Action Plan. Applications are due by October 4.

For more information, visit Shared Care’s Call for Proposals page.

Attachment Coordinator Report Oceanside & Port Alberni

With the current retrofit recently happening in the Health Connect Registry, the hard work of our team and the onboarding of new GPs into our Oceanside community, our numbers have improved significantly within the Health Connect Registry for Oceanside.

All figures below for Oceanside are compared to figures from June 12, 2024. June figures were Active 11,228, Attached 2,306 and Pending 839.

June 2024
Active: 11, 228
Attached: 2,306
Pending: 839

September 2024
Active: 9480 (decrease in PTs)
Attached: 5214 (+increase in attachment)
Pending: 397 (-decrease)

Port Alberni
In the Port Alberni area, the Health Connect Registry is starting to capture patients that need attachment since our registry went live for Port Alberni in 2023. We have successfully handed out posters and rack cards to various clinics and pharmacies to help notify the public of this service and it seems to be paying off, in getting clear up-to-date data for attachment needs within this geographical area.

June 2024
Active: 752
Attached: 43
Pending: 0

September 2024
Active: 1,102 (increase in PT's)
Attached: 100
Pending: 6

Pre-retirement webinar

Approaching Retirement?
Join our Webinar
Date: October 29. 2024
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM

Click here for more information.

Personal Touch Answering Service now available in Port Alberni

In recent conversations with Port Alberni caregivers, it became clear that having an after-hours answering service, which is required through the College of Physicians and Surgeons, would be a helpful product to instigate. Central Island Division is already assisting Oceanside caregivers with this service and have recently added a separate phone number for Port Alberni members.

Please be aware: The service is paid for by the Division and free-of-charge to all Division members. It is quick and easy to sign up and initiate service. It also allows members to have peace of mind that they are within current College guidelines.

According to the College website, the use of a "lay answering service" is appropriate as long as answering guidelines are established between the physician and the service provider.

See this link:

No medical advice is provided by the service, and most calls are forwarded to the on-call physician. It is typically up to that physician to determine the urgency of the patient's request. This has been a part of services to the Oceanside call group for many years, with little or no issues so the service is trusted, confidential and convenient.

If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please email Jennifer Taylor  to get more information and get signed up today.

Mind Space, formerly CBT Skills Groups Society.

The following are some updates about Mind Space psychoeducational groups and information that reflect the current referral situation within your region.

  • We have a NEW level one 8-week program starting in January 2025 - CBT Skills for Insomnia! Once referred, patients can start to register for this group in September 2024.
  • We are continuing to offer level one programs - CBT Skills Foundations, Raising Resilient Kids Parenting, Skills for Success: ADHD Strategies for Adults
  • We have revised our program content to reflect our equity, diversity and inclusion values.
  • We are offering many affinity CBT Skills Foundations groups now – men only, women only, LGBTQIA2s+, cancer survivors, young adults, new parents and more to come!
  • We can be found on Instagram, Facebook and Threads, please consider following us and sharing our posts!

We received a total of 33 referrals from Central Island primary care providers during the months of May/June/July 2024!  We are hoping to continue to increase these referrals by ensuring all primary care providers are aware of our unique mental wellness program model. Our goal is to provide patients with accessible evidence-based mental health support and sustain vital programming.

Please click here for the recent newsletter highlighting our Mind Space Fall and Winter programming to physicians.

Please click here for patient promotional posters that can be used in clinics or other communication channels. 

36th Annual Diabetes Directors Seminar

Date: October 18, 2024
Time: 8AM - 3:45PM
Venue: Vancouver Holiday-Inn Centre (Broadway)

We will have incredible speakers who will cover a variety of topics in the field of diabetes and provide interactive case-based reviews of common issues encountered in the care of diabetes patients.

The 36th Annual Diabetes Directors Seminar has been RCPSC and CFPC accredited by the UBC Division of Continuing Professional Development for 6.25 MOC Section 1 and 6.25 Mainpro+ Group Learning credits. 

To register, please click here.

Pathways Webinar - Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Pediatric Dermatology & More - Oct 17

Learn about New Features to streamline your workflow and New Care athway tools for improving your management of Anxiety, Alcohol Use Disorder, Pediatric Dermatology and Chronic Pain.

Thursday, October 17, 2024
6:30-8:30 PM
Presented on Zoom
Open to:

  • Physicians
  • MOAs
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Pathways Administrators
  • Staff Supporting Physicians

Click here to REGISTER

Direction from Doctors of BC regarding 2024 provincial election

On October 19th British Columbians will head to the polls for the upcoming provincial election. Doctors of BC is providing direction on activities that can be undertaken during the election period and staff are available to respond to any requests that may arise during this time. We also want to be fully transparent about Doctors of BC’s approach, to best support physicians and staff.

Direction from Doctors of BC for the JCCs

Doctors of BC is providing information specifically to Joint Collaborative Committees (JCCs) staff, programs and initiatives, including Divisions of Family Practice (divisions) and Medical Staff Associations (MSAs). Given the JCCs are funded through the Physician Master Agreement (PMA) via the Ministry of Health and Doctors of BC, it is important for divisions and MSAs to remain non-partisan during the election.

For divisions and MSAs, and individuals representing divisions and/or MSAs, this means refraining from:

  • Making media/public comments on issues or topics that relate to government, political announcements, etc. This includes refraining from using logos and letterhead, or providing endorsements, letters of support or other commentary that would appear to support a particular party or candidate locally or provincially. Additionally, individuals making comments should not appear to speak on behalf of or use their role in the division or MSA to do so.
  • Sponsoring or hosting events, panels or other activities with candidates or on election related topics. This also includes refraining from news releases, media pitches or other public announcements on projects funded by the Ministry and Doctors of BC.
  • Using division or MSA resources (e.g., staff, mailing lists, meeting space) to host or support any events, candidates or activities associated with the election.

What can continue during the election:

  • Individual physicians can speak out on issues on their personal time; however, they should not identify or be affiliated with the division, MSA or any other program or projects funded via the JCCs or the PMA. This also applies to staff/contractors associated with these groups.
  • Public service announcements (e.g., get your flu shot, etc.).

What is Doctors of BC doing during the election?

Doctors of BC will also not be endorsing or supporting a particular party this election. However, the Doctors of BC will be posting its health care priorities for the provincial election on the website.

Doctors of BC is also posing a series of five questions to each party on how they plan to address some of these issues. Physician leadership will be included in those discussions, and party responses will be recorded and shared on the Doctors of BC website.

You can find the Doctors of BC full election strategy package here.

Oceanside Hospice Society

The Oceanside Hospice Society serves individuals and families experiencing end-of-life, care-giving and bereavement in the area stretching from Deep Bay to Nanoose, and west to Errington and Whiskey Creek
We strive to provide links in the continuum of care by supporting care giving at home, in hospital or the palliative care unit at Trillium and at community care facilities.
Please contact us at 250.752.6227 or visit for further information.

Divisions Dispatch

The latest news from the provincial team and complementary organizations.

Please click here for updates including:

  • LFP Payment Model updates
  • Updated BC Cancer screening report titles
  • Divisions invited to meet with BC Cancer Cervix Screening Program to prepare for transition from cytology to HPV primary screening
  • East Kootenay family doctor develops guide to reducing environmental impact of health care
  • July 19 webinar | Antidepressants and substance use
  • July 20 webinar | Updates on risks and harms of alcohol use
  • Opioid use disorder training for doctors and their clinical teams: LOUD in PC Collaborative

Divisions in the News

Divisions in the News
See what is going on in other divisions around BC:

If you would like more information on a particular story, please contact the division at
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Central Island Division of Family Practice, PO Box 195, Qualicum Beach, BC, V9K 1S7