![]() December 2023 Kia ora koutou This newsletter covers our mahi from October to December. It includes:
First certificate through MPI Trade Certification![]() Narae Hong, Veterinary Technical Supervisor in the Live Animals Team, at Auckland airport with the first certificate issued by MPI Trade Certification Last week saw us take a huge step in the delivery of MPI Trade Certification. Staff from the Verification Services Live Animals and Future of Certification teams were at the Auckland office on Friday to issue the first certificate produced by the new system. The certificate was used as the official assurance for a consignment of horses that were exported to Australia in the weekend. Narae Hong, Veterinary Technical Supervisor in the Live Animals Team, was at Auckland airport early Sunday morning to oversee the horses being loaded onto the plane. Ensuring that live animals are fit for travel and have the required documentation is part of her team’s job. Everything went well on the tarmac, and it was business as usual for all involved. The certificate was produced as an early activity for Release 1. From January, MPI staff will start entering information for Release 1 certificates directly into the new MPI Trade Certification system. There will be no changes for industry until later in 2024, when businesses will start using the new system directly. MPI Trade Certification brandAt the November industry update hui, we shared the new MPI Trade Certification brand. This is the look and feel of the digital front end of MPI Trade Certification. Please note that the content in the mock up below and how it is arranged is only indicative. It will change as we further design the new MPI Trade Certification digital front end. Design testing groupWe are organising a group of industry representatives to provide feedback about the design of the MPI Trade Certification front-end. The group will help us make sure that MPI Trade Certification works as smoothly as possible for businesses. The group is currently quite small, but we will expand it in 2024. We will present show and tell sessions at monthly industry hui next year to get wider feedback about the design of MPI Trade Certification. Business to government systemsIn February 2024, we will begin detailed analysis to develop the specifications and information about how MPI Trade Certification will integrate with business to government (B2G) systems. Integrating B2G systems will be a key feature of the move to MPI Trade Certification. Around half of the certificates raised through AP E-cert are raised through B2G systems, and around 45 per cent of those in ePhyto. On Monday 4 December, we held a hui with businesses that will use or supply software systems to connect and interface with MPI Trade Certification. Around 90 industry representatives attended. Attendees at the hui discussed:
Some key takeaways from the hui include:
High-level system architectureThis diagram outlines the different components that make up MPI Trade Certification and how users and systems will interface with it. You can download the high-level system architecture from the MPI Trade Certification webpage. ![]() Monthly industry update huiThere have been two monthly hui since the last newsletter was issued. October huiAround 100 industry representatives attended the October industry update hui. User experience design principles for MPI Trade CertificationWe discussed the User experience design principles for MPI Trade Certification. These can now be downloaded from the MPI Trade Certification webpage. Product traceabilitySome participants wanted more information about product traceability and unique identifiers. For animal products exported with official assurance under the Animal Products Act, MPI Trade Certification will:
MPI Trade Certification will be developed to enable traceability for other products if policy and requirements change. November huiAround 100 industry representatives attended the November hui. Design testingIndustry participants want to be involved in ongoing testing and engagement about the design of MPI Trade Certificate. They were supportive of the design testing group and regular opportunities to see progress and provide feedback. Training and guidanceIndustry is looking forward to more information about training and guidance in 2024. Developing our training approach is a current priority for the MPI Trade Certification team. We look forward to working with industry to ensure businesses are ready and supported to make the change to the new system. Overseas marketsBusinesses are interested in the engagement MPI is undertaking with overseas markets to ensure there are no disruptions to trade with the move to MPI Trade Certification. We will provide more information about this in 2024. Wine sector workshopOn 1 December, we met with around 120 industry representatives from the wine sector. This was the first focused engagement with the sector about MPI Trade Certification. At the end of the hui, over half of participants felt MPI Trade Certification would add value to their business, and around a third said they needed more information before they could decide. Participants have asked for another wine sector hui in 2024. If you missed the workshop or want to share it with others, you can download our presentation. MPI Trade Certification wine sector workshop December 2023 Other industry engagementOur team has met with several industry groups since October, including:
Timeline updateThe MPI Trade Certification timeline is below. It includes a small update about:
![]() MPI Trade Certification webpageOur webpage is the single source of truth about the move to MPI Trade Certification. We keep it regularly updated and upload key information for industry. MPI Trade Certification webpage On our webpage, you can access:
Your feedbackWe would appreciate your feedback about our engagement with industry, and what we need to focus on in 2024. Please use the link below to complete a survey and let us know your thoughts. Feedback on industry engagement about MPI Trade Certification If you have any questions, you are welcome to email us at futurecertification@mpi.govt.nz or feel free to contact the MPI staff you usually deal with. Summer holidaysThank you all for your ongoing support for MPI Trade Certification. This has been a busy year, full of opportunities to meet with you, get your input and keep you updated on our mahi. For those of you who are lucky enough to take one, we wish you all a well-deserved summer break and look forward to seeing you in 2024. Ngā mihi a raumati |