New brand, new product and new website
If you read the previous newsletter (back in December!), you may or may not remember talk about an impending product called Invoice Rocket. Well today I am excited to announce that Invoice Rocket has finally been released! Want to see it in action? Try a demo. Want to learn more first? Read this.

Not only that, but both Invoice Rocket & Task Rocket now reside at the new Rocket Apps website along with any future apps going forward. While on that subject, Task Rocket has also been rebranded to fit in with the new Rocket Apps brand, so you may notice the new yellow logo on the theme and chrome extension.
Note: Invoice Rocket is not an extension of Task Rocket, but rather a completely separate product.
Task Rocket updated to 4.8
Long overdue, I know. There were a bunch of things preventing v4.8 from being released sooner. But enough excuses. The changelog reads...
- Added Russian (ru) language (thanks Natasha Bishop!).
- Fixed issue where attachment would not show on tasks in admin.
- Fixed hamburger nav issue.
- Added some do_actions for improved developer hook-ability (docs to come later).
- Added ability to remove logged time from tasks by using negative values.
- Added support for impending Multi Task add-on.
- Added new setting: Redirect to front-end after login.
- Changed logo to fit in with new Rocket Apps parent brand.
- Major presentation update of top navigation.
- Task view now shows task instigator.
- Removed fancy tool-tip script and option.
- Smoother menu animations on mobile devices.
- Fixed some minor malformed markup.
- PHP7 error fixes.
- Removed dashboard RSS feed.
After you upgrade to Task Rocket 4.8 you'll also be required to update the following add-ons through the WordPress back-end:
- Task Follow (1.2.5)
- Kanban (1.7.5)
- Add to cal (3.4.4).
- Client Control (3.4.6)
Possible upgrade prompt issue: One user mentioned they were not getting prompted to download the latest version of Task Rocket in the WordPress back-end. This may be an isolated case, I'm guessing some sort of licencing server DNS issue that will eventually resolve (bad pun intended) itself, but if this happens and you don't want to wait then just login and download the latest version.
Chrome extension update
The official chrome extension has been updated. One major issue has been resolved, where it would forget which page you were on when the extension lost focus. With this fixed the extension is way more usable.
New social locations
The social homes for Task Rocket (Twitter, Facebook and Google+) will soon be closed. The new locations are @getrocketapps (Twitter) and GetRocketApps (Facebook) respectively.
Future communications
From this point onwards all future newsletters will be indicated as coming from the new Rocket Apps brand, instead of the old Task Rocket brand.
If you have any questions about any of this, you know how to find me.