Green Lake groundbreaking coming up, Hobson opened, SAGE, volunteers No images? Click here Sure, we just held a big event at Hobson Place. But we have still more homes to build! Join us on Tuesday, Feb. 22, 11 a.m., for a free virtual groundbreaking event for our new affordable housing development, DESC Green Lake, in Seattle's Aurora-Licton Springs neighborhood. Register for the Zoom event at courtesy of Collins Woerman and Sustainable Living Innovations) ![]() DESC Equity CornerWith Rhonda Banchero, DESC Director for Organizational Equity & Inclusion Now deep into February, I am personally always torn about celebrating being black for one month of the year, when in reality I try to enjoy my history or heritage in some way every second of every day. I firmly believe that BLACK HISTORY MONTH IS EVERY MONTH, just as it should be for every other culture of people that make up these United States of America. Actions towards black people speak much louder than any highlight, mantra or readings one month can convey. DESC is striving to make equitable and inclusive changes to reflect the above statement. Internal Social Justice Groups are leading the way to improving our program and administrative operations across the agency. Staff have also reached out with resources and links to educate ourselves about the history of black people in America, and I warmly invite all to visit these links to learn more:
Note: These links are not meant to be a comprehensive list of everything that’s important to know, but rather as a starting point for further education. No one culture or ethnicity should only be celebrated for just one month out of the year. This month doesn’t begin to "check the box" for all the work that is actively happening to erase black history--or any other culturally relevant history. Let’s put words and good intent into action and tangible results! SAGE staff assist clients on the road to recoveryNearly 1,900 adults per year are enrolled in Support, Advocacy, Growth and Employment (SAGE), DESC’s largest comprehensive outpatient mental health program. SAGE case managers, psychiatrists and nurses work with people who are, or have been experiencing homelessness, as they journey towards recovery. This includes help with obtaining and maintaining housing, improving clinical and social stability and enriching their level of independence and self-sufficiency. SAGE is now in the midst of moving to the Clinic at Hobson Place. Learn more about SAGE in the video below. It was one of the segments in the Hobson Place grand opening event on Jan. 25. You can view several different segments and the entire virtual grand opening here. ![]() This sign in the lobby of the new Clinic at Hobson Place welcomed the first DESC clients on Feb. 14. DESC staff toured and had orientations to the facility in preparation. Harborview Medical Center joins the clinic in March, completing the project. Hobson Place welcomes tenants to new homesWith amazed excitement and relief at having homes (including their own bathrooms!) people who have been experiencing homelessness for a long time have begun moving into Hobson Place's bright new apartments. The dedicated Hobson staff began placing the first of the expected 92 new tenants into housing on Jan. 24. Thanks to donors and volunteers, they're welcomed into fully furnished units equipped with basic housewares. Volunteers from local businesses, clubs and families adopted apartments, paying for move-in kits, then helping to set them up on Jan. 21-23. Still more volunteers equipped the units with items DESC purchased with your donations. They made beds with sheets, comforters and pillows; set tables with dishes, glasses and cutlery; hung bath towels and shower curtains; put cleaning supplies away in cabinets and placed toiletries atop the bathroom sinks. They set bedside clocks and lined closet rails with clothes hangers. ![]() Thank you to all of the volunteers who turned empty apartments into homes. And the new tenants can simply go downstairs to access behavioral or primary health care at the Clinic at Hobson Place. DESC and Harborview Medical Center's unique partnership at Hobson Place realizes a long-term vision for both agencies. You can read more here. ![]() Keep May in mind for annual Lunch Date with DESCWe are planning to hold an actual in-person 2022 Lunch Date with DESC, and are hoping that will be possible sometime in May! We are also preparing in case we need to stream it as a virtual event. Watch for more information in coming newsletters. Matt Villanueva photo Come work for DESC! We have openingsWant to get involved in other ways? Visit our website to learn how you can participate.Bitter Lake project progresses![]() The DESC Permanent Supportive Housing Project at Bitter Lake is coming along and expected to open in mid-summer 2022. But before that, the building will get a meaningful permanent name, as DESC will soon announce. We started construction on the 100-unit project at 924 & 934 N. 143rd Street, Seattle, in June 2021. |