It’s an ancient tradition! We’re good at using data to make smart decisions, but we’re simply doing something our ancestors did all along. Human obsession with facts and figures has been an integral part of society for thousands of years: it is believed that Palaeolithic tribes marked notches into bones to track their trading activity and supplies, and then compared the bones to predict how long food supplies would last so that they could prepare accordingly. Sound familiar?

Capturing, analysing and using data to survive and thrive is something we all instinctively do, and – thanks to tools like DDD – we can do it with world-class ease! At DDD we are determined to continue enhancing how we use data, because we know how important it is to education professionals like you. We are committed to this journey (read more under “DDD Progress” to find out how) and we couldn’t think of better people to be doing it with!
Data isn’t only about statistics, but also about “unlocking everyone’s full potential”, says Mrs Rasesemola, while describing the value that the DDD Dashboard delivers.   Based in Nelson Mandela Bay, Miss Nell says that DDD is ideal for principals who want to see the stats of learners who are passing certain subjects versus those who are failing.   Mr Modise emphasises that regular term-to-date/weekly DDD data submissions are key to being able to track attendance and subject performance properly.
  Stay ahead of the curve! Next week the enhanced Detail page on the dashboard goes live. Get a sneak peek of what to expect by clicking on the computer screen image to the right.

For more “Help in a Hurry” video tips, visit the media section of the DDD Learning Hub.
Learner profiling tips – and a login refresher
DDD district training is well underway
interventions at work
If you’re a new user who needs an intro on how to log in and navigate the dashboard, OR if you’re a school official looking for tips on how to profile learners for subject performance, support and monitoring, then don’t miss next week’s webinars. Wednesday is for new logins, and Thurs/Fri for learner profiling. Click below to reserve your seat!   Good luck to all the district officials and EMIS colleagues who are doing DDD training throughout May. More than 30 sessions are taking place across the provinces, from Champion Principals and Master Training to intervention planning, Valistractor support, curriculum, FET schools and more. See the events section on the Learning Hub for details.   Northern Cape districts are on a roll! Seen above are Pixley-ka-Seme school management teams finalising their 2024 intervention strategy in April, with Circuit Manager Mr Shadrick Kalo and DDD’s Mme Monki Gabashane. This is a fantastic example of how data analysis is informing performance improvement, and we can’t wait to see the results!
  Is your school, district or circuit truly data-driven? And when reviewing performance, is your first question always “what does the data tell me?” More and more education officials are using data insights to understand issues better, make decisions faster, and focus their resources more effectively – and the DDD Dashboard is how they’re doing it. Here’s how we know this:  
53 000 VIEWS   28 000 VIEWS
The dashboard’s Reports page (containing the Learner Chart Report and more) has been viewed 53 000 times in Term 2.   Officials have visited the Detail page (for in-depth attendance, task marks and promotion info) 28 000 times this term.   Almost 9 000 officials have accessed the DDD Dashboard in Term 2 so far – the highest number in the past 12 months.   Overall, active users in Term 2 have logged in at least 12 times each so far, which is an average of twice a week. Keep it up!
Some important updates go live on the dashboard next week, all of which aim to streamline and improve your experience of the DDD Dashboard. These changes build on the simplifications we’ve already made to the Overview page, and come with a few other small enhancements that we have developed in response to your feedback. For a quick summary read this or watch this short video.
MPROVED DETAIL PAGE Simplified, with buttons for quick access   OTHER ENHANCEMENTS
Small dashboard tweaks to improve your experience
Why visit the website before you log in?
After Monday 20 May, the dashboard’s Detail page will look noticeably different, with key entity metrics at the top of the page and everything else grouped together in a series of quick-to-click buttons. This means 95% less scrolling and faster access to the specific info you are looking for. Click below to see what’s changed and how.   Several other updates that are going live next week include: A new Trends page, containing all trend-related graphs over time. Extra buttons on the Detail page for NSC and Overage learner info. Extra buttons on the Reports page to give immediate access to data downloads, without first having to view the relevant report.   When logging in to DDD always use the button on the website (rather than bookmarking the username/password window) as the site has valuable news updates, webinar links and more. The user support page also has useful tips and guidelines. Learn more about what the website offers by watching this 30-minute webinar.

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