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Councillor Donna Gates Division 3

Community news

Welcome to the monthly newsletter from Division 3.

November 2024

Image: We wish all our local Paralympians and the whole Australian team all the best for the Paris Paralympics.

The commencement of school end of year celebrations always highlights Christmas is just around the corner.

Thank you for working with me for another year to improve our area and address issues of concern as best we can. I appreciate your feedback (good or bad!) and will continue to work hard to deliver for residents of our area. 

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Azure Way and Cirrus Way traffic

Azure Way and Cirrus Way Coomera have been considered in light of speeding traffic. Both streets are intended for local traffic only and drivers should consider using the main thoroughfares, rather than rat running.

Traffic surveys indicated that both the traffic volumes and speeds were found to be within acceptable levels therefore Council Officers do not support traffic calming measures being implemented.

Most often when receiving feedback from traffic engineers, it is indicated that on-street parking in narrow streets produces a low-speed environment negating the need for additional measures. So, while it can be annoying, there is a benefit of sorts.

I simply wish the streets were wider – but all streets in the city comply with Australian standards.

Keep me informed

The purpose of traffic surveys includes helping to resolve local traffic issues. In particular, the data gathered plays a major role in informing the decision-making process in transport planning. So please keep me up-to-date with issues in your local street so that I can highlight them to traffic engineers for consideration.

I’m hoping that with the recent change of Government we can finally see progress on the Foxwell congestion (now a road controlled by the State) which clearly requires forward planning and dollars for an additional interchange and an improved entry/exit to the M1.

I note that the Member for Coomera, Mr Michael Crandon MP, committed to the State contributing to the Business Case which is a step in the right direction.

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Grammar Street indented parking

Sometime last year I inspected Grammar Street Upper Coomera, where parking difficulties had been highlighted. As there was a large verge available, funding was allocated from our Division 3 budget to provide three indented platforms for parking. The platforms will be constructed to match the existing indented platform opposite 22 Grammar Street.

The design phase is complete and construction to follow. I will continue to update you with timing via my Facebook page and Division 3 newsletters.

Image shown is of indented parking bays installed at Turnbull Drive Upper Coomera.

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Kelly Avenue Coomera

Officers have investigated road safety concerns following reports of several near misses at the bend on Kelly Avenue Coomera where it was suggested vehicles are blocking drivers’ vision of vehicles coming from the other direction.

To improve safety along this section of Kelly Avenue, arrangements have been made to install a new yellow line along the inside of the curve. Installation of the lines will be completed in the coming weeks.

A further investigation into the potential for a footpath was not supported at this time but has been added to the Active Travel Infrastructure Program for future consideration.

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Timberview Estate Wongawallan

The post and rail fencing at the entrance to Timberview Estate Wongawallan, first installed by the developer, has fallen into disrepair. Officers will repair the existing fencing to prevent further degradation and reduce the risk of collapse. Maintenance of the grass areas will also be undertaken.

I’m hoping this work is complete when you are reading this article however if not yet completed, I expect work will start soon.

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O'Reilly Park off-leash area

I can confirm O'Reilly Park, also known as Levi Park, Coomera has been added to the Animal Control Area Register for investigation and consideration for an off-leash area.

Community consultation, which is necessary under the Policy, occurs once per year and it is a little frustrating that it therefore takes some time to add a leash free area. I am personally supportive of the addition and have funds set aside for the necessary infrastructure, depending upon the community feedback.

I’ll continue to work with Animal Management and keep you updated in future newsletters.

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Tamborine Creek Bridge restoration works

The Department of Transport and Main Roads are undertaking restoration works at the Tamborine Creek Bridge along the banks of Tamborine Creek Wongawallan until mid-November.

This area is one of many that were significantly damaged in the storms between 24 December 2023 and 3 January 2024. Flooding caused the banks of the Tamborine Creek to erode. While temporary bank protection was completed back in January, armouring of the creek bank is now being done to divert flow back to the center and further protect the bank and bridge infrastructure.

Work hours are 6am–6pm, Monday to Saturday. Additional restoration work will be carried out next year. Please follow directional signage and allow extra travel time. Priority access through the work zone will be given to emergency vehicles, where possible.

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Get ready

As we enter our peak storm and bushfire risk season, please be proactive and take precautions to ensure that your family and your home are well prepared.

Last year’s severe weather events showed us we simply cannot be complacent. I hope you never need your emergency plan but don’t leave it until you are alerted that there is a storm or fire on the horizon to act.

There is a quick guide below, or visit

Prepare an emergency kit

An emergency kit is essential in a natural disaster. When preparing your kit, think about how you would survive if you lost access to drinking water, power, the internet and other services for up to three days. Items to include are:

  • bottled water
  • tinned food
  • a torch with spare batteries
  • a portable phone charger
  • a battery radio also with spare batteries
  • a medical kit
  • copies of important documents in waterproof bags and
  • any special needs for your family like infant formula or prescription medicines

You'll find most of what you need around the house or with your camping gear. Store your items in a waterproof container somewhere handy and let the rest of your family know where your kit is.

Find out more about preparing for a bushfire, visit

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Storm debris removal

Samaritan’s Purse, a disaster relief and development organisation which offered support to residents of the Gold Coast following the Christmas Storms, is completing work for northern Gold Coast residents still struggling to remove storm debris.

The Disaster Relief Unit trailer will be located at The Well, Upper Coomera, and coordinated volunteer teams will complete work on 75 properties on the GC and Tamborine Mountain over the coming weeks. Over the past few months, Samaritan’s Purse has received 20+ requests for help from residents for removing downed trees from their properties. All assistance is provided to residents free of charge.

Help is made possible through donations from churches and other individuals, as well as a grant from Australia Post - People of the Post program. Information on the project and how to volunteer can be found on the Samaritan's Purse website.

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Contact me

Please continue to contact me regarding issues of interest or concern. Whatever the issue please call 07 5581 6598 or email so that I can action your request.

You can also report after-hour matters that might be more urgent to Council on 1300 465 326.

It’s helpful when you to alert me to things that require attention and raise issues of interest or concern with me because sometimes it’s hard to be across what’s happening throughout the entire area.

The best community is an informed community and I want you involved in making sure our area is up to scratch for the benefit of us all. I am always available to answer any questions you have and am just an email or phone call away.

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Useful quick links

My Neighbourhood Map - Discover what's happening in and around your neighbourhood. 
Find everything from local parks and projects, to venues and facilities.... and your bin collection day.

What’s on at your Library

Coomera Connector updates

Make a payment

You can use our online payment service to pay:

  • rates and water bills
  • applications
  • infringements
  • dog registration renewals
  • permit and licence renewals (payments)
  • bonds and notices to pay
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Newsletters archive

For previous editions, please contact my office.

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While care has been taken to ensure that information contained in this newsletter is correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances may impact on the information provided.

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