News and information for Board directors and alternates. No images? Click here Hello directors. The Denver Regional Council of Governments provides a forum for regionwide approaches so no one member government has to go it alone. I invite you all to be part of the conversation — whether that's through sharing relevant insights at Board meetings and work sessions, attending the annual Board Retreat, your representation on regional committees and advisory groups, or your city or county manager's participation in Quarterly Managers Forums. Our collaborative is successful because of your willingness to lean into the issues with respect and determination. Don't ever change! Oh, and just a reminder — whether you're new to the Board or a longtime director or alternate, you can always reach me directly at 720-545-7717 or by email. Cheers, P.S. Today's Board Work Session has been canceled. Transportation Improvement Program spotlightBoulder rolls out North Broadway improvements![]() The Fourmile Canyon Creek greenway now passes below North Broadway in Boulder. (Photo courtesy of the City of Boulder.)
Total funding for the project was $11 million, including $6.2 million in DRCOG-administered Surface Block Transportation Grant funding and $4.8 million in local match. For more information, visit DRCOG’s Transportation Regional Improvement Projects and Survey database. ![]() Vehicle, bike and pedestrian users above the underpass benefit from concrete pavement, wider bike lanes, a multiuse path, buried power lines and a new traffic signal. (Photo courtesy of the City of Boulder.) Board recognitionLongmont mayor Joan Peck honored for Board service![]() At the January 15 Board meeting, Chair Jeff Baker presented Joan Peck, mayor of the City of Longmont, with an award commemorating her many years of service on the DRCOG Board of Directors. (Photo by Melinda Stevens/DRCOG) Area Agency on AgingState Health Insurance Assistance Program staff help hundreds of residents navigate Medicare benefits![]() State Health Insurance Assistance Program staff marked another productive year helping hundreds of Medicare beneficiaries navigate open enrollment. Staff received 1,107 calls from 674 Medicare beneficiaries in an eight-week period from October 15 through December 7. Staff provided crucial assistance with reviewing coverage options and comparing plans. The average call time was 45 minutes. A big thank you to program manager Desiree Boelte, program staff and volunteers, and other Area Agency on Aging staff who jumped in to help. COG CaresStaff help the region's less fortunate with food donations![]() Before the staff holiday party on December 17, Communications and Marketing division assistant Sheila Martinez, left, and email marketing and events communications specialist Maddie Bjornholt, right, prepare employee-donated food items to deliver to the Bienvenidos Food Bank. (Photo by Keona Gardner/DRCOG.) Way to GoShow your love for bike commuters this Valentine's Day![]() ![]() Residents of the Denver region celebrated cold-weather commuting during last year's Winter Bike to Work Day on Friday, February 9, 2024. The event returns this year on Friday, February 14. (Photo by JR Goodwin/DRCOG.) This year, Winter Bike to Work Day again coincides with Valentine's Day, so how about showing your community's intrepid bike commuters some love? On Friday, February 14, organizations throughout the region will sponsor stations to provide breakfast, giveaways and water to the region's hardiest commuters. Some host bike parties during the evening commute. In the Denver region, the annual event is organized by Way to Go, a program of DRCOG. More than 1,000 riders have already demonstrated their commitment to winter bike commuting by pledging to ride. Your community can celebrate their tireless support of better air and less congestion by hosting a station, or encouraging local businesses to get in on the fun as participants or sponsors! Visit Way to Go or email its staff for more information. Climate pollution reduction grantSpotts appointed building decarbonization managerIn case you missed it, Robert Spotts (pictured), who has, for the past year, led the Denver Regional Council of Governments efforts to secure the $199 million building decarbonization grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and kick-off activities related to it, has been appointed to manage the program. "I’m incredibly excited about this opportunity and am committed to giving it my all," Spotts told his colleagues. "I definitely feel the weight of this responsibility but knowing I have so many of you helping me carry it gives me great confidence." ![]() Spotts addresses attendees at the July 22, 2024, grant announcement. (Photo by JR Goodwin/DRCOG.) The $199 million federal grant will enable DRCOG to reduce climate pollution and promote sustainability across the region by funding an ambitious and comprehensive regional program to transform the building sector in the Denver area, with focused investment in underserved low-income and disadvantaged communities. CalendarWednesday, February 53 p.m. Tuesday, February 11Thursday, February 13Friday, February 14All day Monday, February 17Presidents Day closed Tuesday, February 188:30 a.m. 10 a.m. Wednesday, February 194 p.m. 5 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Monday, February 241:30 p.m. Friday, February 289:30 a.m. 11 a.m. If you need digital accessibility assistance, submit a request at or call 303-455-1000. Please expect a response within 72 hours (three business days). |