No images? Click here ![]() Weekly Update 14 February 2023 Kia ora koutou, Welcome to our weekly update report. We want to keep you informed of our work and answer your questions. We'll include lodgement queue processing times and volumes. This weekSea freight queueFor this week, sea freight lodgement turnaround is estimated at 3 - 6 days. On Monday 13 February, morning, the total sea freight queue (includes Australian lodgements) stood at 1,198 lodgements and TET were processing lodgements due back Friday 10 February at 1:26pm Last week: average turnaround of sea freight lodgement for first submissions was 35:18 hrs (previous week 33:56 hrs) and for second submissions 12:39 hrs (previous week 12:17hrs) Airfreight queueFor the coming week, air freight lodgement turnaround is estimated 3 - 9 hours. On Monday 13 February, morning, there were 120 airfreight lodgements in the queue for processing and TET were processing lodgements due back Monday at 7:59am. Last week: average turnaround of air freight lodgement for first submissions was 10:45 hrs (previous week 11:12 hrs) and for second submissions 10:48 hrs (previous week 11:00 hrs) Australia queueOn Monday 13 February, morning, there were 253 Australian specific lodgements, the team is processing consignments due back Friday 10 February at 1:26am Last week: Average turnaround of air freight lodgement for first submissions was 11:13 hrs (previous week 11:34 hrs) and for second submissions 10:43 hrs (previous week 11:13 hrs) Average turnaround of sea freight lodgement for first submissions was 25:33 hrs (previous week 29:11 hrs) and for second submissions was 8:30 hrs (previous week 10:08 hrs) Pressure point:None noted Lodgements processed Weekly 6 February – 12 February All timings are based on business hours from 7am to 5pm. Total lodgements processed = 3,787 (previous week 3,787) Air cargo first lodgements 2,034 Air cargo 2nd submission 282 Total
Sea cargo 1st lodgements 1,928 Sea cargo 2nd submission 390 Total 2,318 Australian queueSea cargo 1st lodgements 376 Sea cargo 2nd submission 63 Air cargo first lodgements 419 Air cargo 2nd submission 45 Notice regarding port holdsYou can contact the Target Evaluation team for urgent help with port holds 24/7 at You can also phone the team or your local MPI office during business hours. Should you encounter any issues with port holds we expect that we will be contacted in a timely manner. There are some occasions where port holds may be reapplied after initial MPI release, or fail to release. For example:
We understand that it may be necessary to add the port to delivery notification field on some occasions eg. transhipments, however we recommend checking that no holds have been applied as a result. MPI is unable to track all port responses for containers and it is the responsibility of the broker or freight forwarder to follow up if port holds are not removed as expected. Notification of additional category for third country pork under the import health standard (IHS) Pig Meat and Pig Meat Products from AustraliaMPI has added another category for third country pork originating from and manufactured (i.e. cooked) in an approved country (European Union, United States of America, or Canada) and legally imported into Australia. This third country pork must be accompanied by a:
Download the application for permit to import animal products [PDF, 186KB] Send completed permit applications to There are no changes to import requirements for:
Download the IHS Pig Meat and Pig Meat Products from Australia [PDF, 201KB] BMSB enquiry stats![]() |