New Album 'Breaking The Thermometer' Out This Friday No images? Click here FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LEYLA MCCALLA SHARES NEW TRACK “LE BAL EST FINI” NEW ALBUM ‘BREAKING THE THERMOMETER’ OUT THIS FRIDAY ![]() Photo Credit: Noé Cugny WEST COAST TOUR DATES WITH NEKO CASE BEGIN JUNE 7 New Orleans multi-instrumentalist Leyla McCalla has shared the track “Le Bal est Fini” today via the Sourthern culture magazine Garden & Gun. Featured on her new album ‘Breaking The Thermometer’ which comes out this Friday, “Le Bal est Fini” is French for “The party is over”. Listen to the song and read Leyla’s short interview with G&G about the record and its themes encompassing the Haitian Revolution HERE. “Haiti’s always seen as this far-away place,” she says, “but we’re far more connected as Americans than we realize. Haiti was the first independent Black nation in the western hemisphere. Its very existence was and remains a threat to colonial power. At the same time, though, it symbolizes a lot about injustice and oppression around the world. When we talk about ‘Black Lives Matter,’ Haiti is a huge part of that.” “The more I researched this project, the more I found myself examining my own sense of Haitian-ness,” McCalla reflects. “I spent a lot of time recalling my experiences visiting Haiti as a child, thinking deeply about the moments in my life when I felt very Haitian and the moments when I didn’t. In the end, the music and the stories here all brought me to a more nuanced understanding of both the country and myself.” The ‘Breaking The Thermometer’ theatre work will be shown at Miami Dade College this Friday on album release day and in June Leyla will embark on a run of West coast tour dates with Neko Case. All upcoming shows are listed below. ![]() Pre-Order ‘Breaking The Thermometer’ ##### Breaking the Thermometer to Hide the Fever is a National Performance Network (NPN) Creation & Development Fund Project co-commissioned by Duke Performances at Duke University, the Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans, MDC Live Arts – Miami Dade College, and NPN. The Creation & Development Fund is supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Special thanks to the Human Rights and Radio Haiti archives at the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University for serving as the research site and partner on Breaking the Thermometer to Hide the Fever, and to the Forum for Scholars and Publics. ##### For More Info on Leyla McCalla, Contact: |