No images? Click here Using health and well-being data to support improvements in mental health in schoolsWelcome to the SHINE March 2022 UpdateDear All, We are pleased to bring you the SHINE March newsletter, which includes:
SHINE Webinar Series: recordings and next eventThe recording of the 7th SHINE webinar in the series has now been uploaded to the SHINE website, showcasing the work of the SHINE Development Officers working with SHINE this year. The three seconded teachers present their development work, charting the progress of embedding the SHINE model in both primary and secondary schools. Tips and advice on how to use SHINE data reports as part of a whole-school approach to wellbeing in a school setting are shared. Save the date! Thursday 19th May 2022 4 -5pm Webinar 8 in the series: "Interpreting and implementing SHINE mental health data reports successfully in the school setting" will offer research expertise, networking opportunities and school case studies for practitioners. Hope to see you there! SHINE Conference 2022/23 - please vote for online or in person!The SHINE team are looking forward to planning our next conference for 2022 - 2023 We have held one face-to-face conference in 2019 and two virtual conferences in 2020 and 2021. Thank you to those who have voted so far. The number of votes is too small to be conclusive either way yet. Please complete the poll below to tell us your preferences for an online or face-to-face event. Thank you for taking 10 seconds to do this! Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 The Mental Health Foundation have announced that the theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (9-15 May 2022) will be Loneliness. Loneliness affects millions of people in the UK every year, and it has had a significant impact on mental health over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 will raise awareness of the impact of loneliness on our mental wellbeing, as well as the practical steps that can be taken to address it. You can learn more about the campaign, and how you can contribute to its impact, here. HBSC survey 2022 recruitment progressRecruitment for the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study is well underway. The survey will involve one P7 class and one S2 class & one S4 class in each sample school. The online survey will take place between February and March 2022 (with possible extension into the summer term) so there is still time to reply if your school has received an invitation. SHINE member schools who take part will be provided with a school-level health and wellbeing data report (subject to minimum numbers) to support health and wellbeing planning and activities within the school. The HBSC Scotland survey is part of a large WHO Collaborative international study and has been conducted every four years since 1990. This survey round will have a special focus on mental health and wellbeing, and new questions on COVID-19 exposure & impact. Wider research, events and resources for schools
We’ve been working with Changing Faces, the charity for anyone with a scar, mark or condition that makes them look different.16th March 2022, saw the launch of new resources for youth workers and volunteers across Scotland to better support young people with visible differences and disfigurements, after research revealed that one in six
children living with a visible difference, say they are too self-conscious about the way they look to join new groups.
Beth Doherty who took part in the film, said: “As a youth worker with a visible difference, I was so pleased to be part of the project. When I was younger, it would have helped me enormously if more adults had felt equipped to talk about looking
The Anna Freud Centre for Children and Families has produced a new booklet to help LGBTQI+ young people with their mental health. You can take a look at this new booklet here.
Young Minds have released their Impact Report for 2021. You can access this report, along with other updates from Young Minds here.
“Am I really alive?”: Understanding the role of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in young LGBT+ people's suicidal distress. Marzetti, H., McDaid, L. & O’Connor, R. (2022). Social Science & Medicine.Children’s human rights under COVID-19: Learning from children’s rights impact assessments. Tisdall, E. K. M. & Morrison, F. (2022). The International Journal of Human Rights. COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on social relationships and health. Long, E., Patterson, S., Maxwell, K., Blake, C., Pérez, R. B., Lewis, R., McCann, M., Riddell, J., Skivington, K., Wilson-Lowe, R. & Mitchell, K. (2022). Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. Cross-Country and Gender Differences in Factors Associated with Population-Level Declines in Adolescent Life Satisfaction. Marquez, J., Inchley, J. & Long, E. (2022). Child Indicators Research. Cross-national validation of the social media disorder scale: findings from adolescents from 44 countries. Boer, M., van den Eijnden, R. J. J. M., Finkenauer, C., Boniel-Nissim, M., Marino, C., Inchley, J., Cosma, A., Paakkari, L. & Stevens, G. W. J. M. (2022). Addiction. Digital technologies to support adolescents with depression and anxiety: review. Bevan-Jones, R., Hussain, F., Agha, S., Weavers, B., Lucassen, M., Merry, S., Stallard, P., Simpson, S. & Rice, F. (2022). BJPsych Advances. Effectiveness of the Strengthening Families Programme in the UK at preventing substance misuse in 10–14 year-olds: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Segrott, J., Gillespie, D., Lau, M., Holliday, J., Murphy, S., Foxcroft, D., Hood, K., Scourfield, J., Phillips, C., Roberts, Z., Rothwell, H., Hurlow, C. & Moore, L. (2022). BMJ Open. International perspectives on social media use among adolescents: Implications for mental and social well-being and substance use. Boniel-Nissim, M., van den Eijnden, R. J. J. M., Furstova, J., Marino, C., Lahti, H., Inchley, J., Smigelskas, K., Vieno, A. & Badura, P. (2022). Computers in Human Behavior. Loneliness in young people: a multilevel exploration of social ecological influences and geographic variation. Marquez, J., Goodfellow, C., Hardoon, D., Inchley, J., Leyland, A. H., Qualter, P., Simpson, S. A. & Long, E. (2022). Journal of Public Health. Mental health and life satisfaction among 10-11-year-olds in Wales, before and one year after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moore, G., Anthony, R., Angel, L., Hawkins, J., Morgan, K., Copeland, L., Murphy, S., Van Godwin, J. & Shenderovich, Y. (2022). BMC Public Health. All the best, The SHINE TeamDawn Haughton E-mail: |