Strathfield eNews No images? Click here 15 September 2022Cr Matthew Blackmore, Mayor of Strathfield Council is undertaking a review of the carpark at Homebush West shopping area including the size of car spaces and improving loading zones. This will be done in conjunction with the installation of the exeloo public toilet facility and new pedestrian footpath. In other news, I have previously mentioned the policy updates to tree pruning and removal in our area. As part of this review, new affordable fees for tree permit applications will be placed on exhibition shortly. Keep an eye on the eNews and website for updates on how you can have your say on both of these projects, as well as the many other works staff are conducting. If you need assistance with any local issue, please contact me on 0406 099 048 or Street Trees Council has been in the process of measuring tree coverage canopies in our area. Areas with less than 10% coverage are hotter than others, and so have been identified as needing street trees to improve the area and meet environmental targets. Read more on the importance of trees at the below link. How can you prepare for the next disaster? Research shows that people recover faster if they are prepared for an emergency. To make it as simple as possible, we are urging residents to download the Get Prepared app: a free app co-created by Australian Red Cross and IAG. Download Get Prepared and keep your emergency plan close to hand. Get Prepared today! Hudson Park Update Community feedback for the Hudson Park project told Council residents wanted an off-leash dog park, and this week the fencing was completed! Won't be long until we can welcome our furry residents to the park. This week also saw concrete poured for futsal courts and pathways, and the completion of block work for the amenities building. Australian Citizenship Day Each year on Australian Citizenship Day, 17 September, we celebrate the value and significance of Australian citizenship and the privileges and responsibilities it embodies. Council is marking this day with a ceremony for 101 new citizens from 20 different countries! Cancer Screenings Save Lives Screening for bowel, breast and cervical cancers are widely available and help prevent illness. Multicultural Health NSW has multiple resources in various languages to help you and your loved ones access these free services. Spring Festival Were you at the Spring Festival on Sat 3 Sept? Check out our video to see all the fun! Biodiversity Month - Becoming Weed-wise Now that it’s spring, you may notice more weeds are starting to flower and grow which makes them easier to identify and remove from your yard. Weeds pose a risk to our biodiversity by out-competing our native species for resources. Let’s work together this week to weed out those pesky invaders! THROWBACK THURSDAYParramatta Road, Concord 1940 Locals will recognise this view of Parramatta Road by the dip in the road and the Arnott’s subway bridge in the distance – still there 82 years later. Built in 1914 it is listed on the State Heritage Inventory, significant for its proximity to the former Arnott’s Biscuit factory. It is a little more difficult to recognise the surrounding landscape. At right, W. McAtamney & Co. advertises gates, ramps, sheep feeders and saw benches for sale, having just opened that year. Apartments now stand on either side of Parramatta Road. Major resumptions were made for the building of the M4 motorway. EVENTSSchool Holidays When: 27 Sept - 4 Oct Community Safety Session When: 26 Sept Tax Help Program When: until 31 Oct DEVELOPMENT NOTIFICATIONS250-318 Parramatta Rd A Section 4.55(1A) Modification Application in relation to the subject site has been lodged by Sydney Markets Ltd for reconfiguration of and additions to approved warehouse building. 20 Myee Avenue A Development Application in relation to the subject site has been lodged by Tony Taouk for Demolition of existing structures and the construction of a new two storey dwelling over a basement carpark with associated landscape works. 15-17 Columbia Lane A Section 4.56(1) Modification Application in relation to the subject site has been lodged by Samantha Wilson to reconfigure internal layout of apartments and other alterations including new fire stair to basement level. YOUR COUNCILLORS |