A pānui to share what Komiti Māori and Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council is doing around the rohe that is relevant to iwi, hapū and marae. No images? Click here E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatangamaha o Te Moana ā-Toitehuatahi tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. E ngā iwi me te hāpori Māori, mai Ngā Kurī a Whārei ki Tihirau, mai Maketū ki Tauhara huri noa i te rohe o Toi Moana kei te mihi. A pānui to share what Komiti Māori and Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council are doing around the rohe that is relevant to iwi, hapū and marae. ![]() Nau mai ko Hineraumati, nau mai ko te mahana me ngā hua o te whenua. As we welcome the warmer days, and the time of growth for the whenua, we reflect on the past 12 months at Toi Moana and across the region. It has been a year of change and perseverance. We acknowledge the collaborative work across the rohe, to progress better outcomes for our whenua and communities. On behalf of Toi Moana staff and councillors, we wish you and your whānau a safe and happy holidays. The Komiti Māori hui on Tuesday 14 December is being held via Zoom only due to Covid-19 Protection Framework restrictions. The meeting will commence at 9.30am and is due to finish at approximately 12.00pm. Only councillors, reporting staff and confirmed presenters and participants will be given access to join the Zoom meeting. The meeting will be recorded and livestreamed. To watch the meeting live, click on the following link. The meeting agenda is now available on the Toi Moana website. Tangata whenua presentations will be heard from:
Presentations and staff updates regarding:
If you have any further questions, please contact Kataraina O'Brien. Update for the Essential Freshwater ProgrammeEngagement with tangata whenua has continued, as we progress work under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPSFM). If you have any questions or would like to organise a hui please contact Reuben Gardiner. We invite you to look at the Tangata Whenua Participate page which was created to allow tangata whenua to share their experiences, knowledge and understanding of their taonga wai māori. The password is: Waimaori and you will be required to register before you can submit any information. ![]() Community led climate change projects get a boost Pictured above: Chair of Te Rereatukahia marae komiti (Ngai Tamawhariua), Ngairo Eruera and below: Roana Bennett, Kaiwhakahaere, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketū (on behalf of the Maketū Collective). Two community led climate change adaptation projects have received funds from Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council this week to explore the future impact on their community and begin planning. Successful applicant Ngai Tamawhariua will be exploring the potential impacts of climate change on their marae and papakāinga. The Maketū Iwi Collective will begin their climate change journey by running a series of wānanga to develop a shared understanding of how the Maketū community will be impacted. The Maketū Iwi Collective is made up of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whakaue
ki Maketū, Whakaue Marae Trustees and Te Arawa Ki Tai Trust. ![]() The development of tikanga within the legal system Trans-Tasman Resources Limited v Taranaki-Whanganui Conservations Board & Ors The use of tikanga within the legal system is transforming. The recent Supreme Court decision in the Trans-Tasman v Taranaki-Whanganui Conservation Board case demonstrates the willingness of appellate Courts to accept tikanga as a standalone source of law and the use of the Treaty of Waitangi separate to its principles. Tikanga Māori is set to become firmly embedded in all facets of our legal system. ![]() Transport knowledge hub for Te Ao Māori, now available A new knowledge hub is now live. The Hub provides a platform for iwi and hapū Māori partners, government stakeholders, academics and Māori organisations to identify and prioritise the main evidence gaps relating to Māori in the transport sector, and to collectively work towards addressing these gaps through further research. Komiti Māori Members 2021(L-R) Councillors: Toi Kai Rākau Iti, David Love, Te Taru White, Kevin Winters, Matemoana McDonald (Komiti Māori Chairperson), Bill Clark, Stuart Crosby, Stacey Rose, Jane Nees, Doug Leeder, Lyall Thurston, Norm Bruning, Andrew von Dadelszen, Paula Thompson. (Back) Chief Executive: Fiona Mc Tavish. |