All the latest from the LVA... 😎 No images? Click here The LVA is looking forward to being a part of 10 Years on: Community Day, on February 17, a community event created to commemorate and reflect on progress since the Hazelwood Mine fire. There is no doubting that the fire event in early 2014 had a significant impact on the Latrobe Valley. The Community Day aims to respect the enormity of this impact whilst also celebrating, commemorating, and reflecting on the 10 years that have passed since the Hazelwood Mine Fire. The event is open to the public, is free to attend and everyone is welcome. We will also be there! A group of enthusiastic staff from LVA will join others in volunteering at the event and there will also be an opportunity to find out more about Gippsland 2035 – the Latrobe Valley and Gippsland Transition Plan and all the progress that’s being made in the region. Inclusive Employment Worker Transition (IEWT) ProjectDomestic Building Course Graduation It is part of the broader Inclusive Employment and Workforce Transition Project (IEWT), an initiative supported by the LVA and delivered by the Gippsland Trades and Labour Council (GTLC), focusing on ensuring vulnerable workforce cohorts in Gippsland are provided with the opportunity to participate in the local economy. A collaboration between partners, union and industry associations, businesses and training providers Ace Training and Safety Edge Training, the project focuses on developing work entry employment opportunities. Photo - LVA CEO Chris Buckingham (far left), Domestic Building Course graduates, and (far right) Gippsland Trades and Labour Council Project Officer Shane Ambrosini and Secretary Steve Dodd. The Latrobe Valley and Gippsland Transition makes global headlinesBloomberg has published this insightful and interesting take on the work being done in the Latrobe Valley towards a fair and successful transition. There’s a Way to Quit Coal Without Wrecking Jobs and Communities Photo credit: James Bigg/Bloomberg 2024 Gippsland Innovation Breakfasts Gippsland’s Innovation Breakfasts are back on again in 2024. The breakfasts are a collaboration between Federation University, Latrobe Valley Authority, and Regional Development Victoria. The 2024 series promises to be even more insightful, constructive, and topical. To receive regular invitations to these monthly events, please register your interest. Victorian Training Awards - Nominate Gippsland Gippsland is brimming with talented and committed individuals, teams and training providers, who are achieving great things in the Victorian TAFE and vocational education and training sector. Education and training is critical to economic growth, sustainable industries, and strong communities in our region. So here’s your chance to be recognised for great work - don’t be shy! Wave the flag for Gippsland and nominate now. Latrobe Valley and Gippsland Transition Plan An important reminder...there are lots of new activities, initiatives, projects and programs across industries, education, communities and governments since The Latrobe Valley and Gippsland Transition Plan was launched in August! The most recent update to the Plan includes information about a number of new health projects, with a focus on young people and primary school children, liveability improvements. Visit our website to discover more about Gippsland 2035 and the Transition Plan. |