![]() February 2023The monthly E-News shares provincial program information and updates about the Facility Engagement (FE) Initiative. This information will be of interest to Medical Staff Association (MSA) support teams, so please feel free to forward the newsletter to your MSA executives as needed. FE Financial Reporting DeadlineREMINDER ACTION: Financial reporting deadline: January 31, 2023. MSA physician societies are required to reconcile their financials quarterly at minimum to ensure accurate financial reporting and budgeting. This also ensures that the FE program has accurate information on program spending. Physician societies only are requested to provide the following documents within 30 days of the end of each quarter.
*If you are using QuickBooks, the external financial system report is called the Profit and Loss Report and for Sage users it is called the Balanced Income Statement.
If you are unable to meet the deadline or require further support, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca. Fund Transfer AgreementsACTION: Physician Society FTA Due Date: February 24th, 2023. As part of the 2022 PMA ratification, all physician society fund transfer agreements are required to be updated to reflect the new parameters of the PMA. All physician society MSA executives and site administrators received a copy of the new FTA for signature during the week of January 23rd. Additionally, there are some new clauses within the PMA that cover policies and procedures that societies are required to have in place, as guided by the BC Society Act, as well as other BC legislation. A letter of confirmation of these policies was included in the email to MSAs. The additional requirements are:
Physician societies only are requested to return both the signed FTA and Letter of Confirmation of Policies as soon as possible to engagement@doctorsofbc.ca. Deadline for the Fund Transfer Agreement: February 24th, 2023 Deadline for the Letter of Confirmation: March 31st, 2023 Messaging for Physicians Considering The Switch to VoPayNow that the new payment processor for FEMS, VoPay, has been launched, the FE provincial office has developed messaging for MSAs to use to promote the service to their physician members. Please feel free to use the messaging below, or customize it to your specific members. (MSA name) is in the process of transitioning to a new payment platform in FEMS. A banner with a link to VoPay will appear in FEMS when you log in. The link in the banner will take you to a sign up page to identify the bank account to the new processor. One of the benefits of VoPay is that no banking information is saved. This new system uses a token to link to your bank account, making it both anonymous and secure. Another benefit is the potential cost savings to (MSA name) in the form of reduced transaction fees. The change process should take less than five minutes and must be done using the online version of FEMS rather than the app on your smartphone. Please contact (administrator name) if you have any questions or would like additional guidance in registering. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca Doctors of BC Health Authority Engagement Survey Report AvailableLast fall, Doctors of BC carried out its seventh annual Health Authority Engagement Survey, an important tool for informing our advocacy work on behalf of BC physicians. The comprehensive Report of 2022’s survey results is now available for physicians and MSA executives and support teams to read. As well as sharing the many challenges they are facing, members also shared potential solutions, which can be read in the reports linked in this news article. Doctors of BC encourages MSA support teams and executives to share this information with your respective groups, to raise awareness of Doctors of BC’s continual efforts to engage with, and advocate on behalf of, our members, and to ensure they have the chance to read their colleagues’ thoughts. Doctors of BC aims to create programs and policy that reflect the needs of physicians across BC, and the Health Authority Engagement Survey is a major element of this important work. Any questions, or to enquire about a presentation of the survey results, please email advocacy@doctorsofbc.ca Upcoming MSA Administrator Lunch and LearnWe had a great turnout for our January Lunch and Learn, and are hoping to see everyone again on Tuesday, February 14th (Zoom link here) Community Building: How do you do that?! Breakout rooms to brainstorm ideas to thorny MSA administrator challenges Learning Topic: Getting Ready for Year-End – We’ll focus on the key Project Management tasks to do in FEMS, how those impact closing off this financial year, and how to start 2023-24 off on the right foot. If you have great ideas for topics for our community building and/or learning time together, please let me know at pmhelpdesk@facilityengagement.ca – we'd love to hear from you! PM Helpdesk Lunch and Learn LibraryThe FE provincial office, in conjunction with the PM Helpdesk Consultant, Erica Kjekstad, have created a library document of all of the past lunch and learn sessions from 2021 and 2022. The 2023 library document is now live and will continue to be updated each month with current information. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca ![]() Did you know...? "February" is one of the most misspelled words in the English language Do you have ideas on future e-news topics?Please let us know at engagement@doctorsofbc.ca ![]() engagement@doctorsofbc.ca I www.facilityengagement.ca Facility Engagement is an initiative of the Specialist Services Committee, one of four joint collaborative committees that represent a partnership of the Government of BC and Doctors of BC. Want to learn what’s happening in your community? Check out the Divisions Dispatch, an e-newsletter published by the Divisions of Family Practice initiative which is funded by the Family Practice Services Committee.