No images? Click here Welcome to the first edition of the St Patrick’s Regeneration Newsletter£160m Investment to BallymenaThe Department for Communities is leading on the regeneration of the former St Patrick’s Barracks site in Ballymena which is expected to deliver more than £160m investment through a comprehensive, mixed-use housing-led development. Stakeholders are working in partnership to maximise social value benefits for the surrounding community, aligned to three key themes of • Jobs and Economic Growth; • Health, wellbeing and the environment; and • Strength of community. Infrastructure A new access road through the site will connect the Larne Link Road to the Broughshane Road. This will deliver significant improvements in infrastructure and active travel, as well as linking north and south of the town. The Department for Infrastructure has appointed FP McCann as construction contractor. Work is now starting with completion expected in 2023. FP McCann are holding a Public Engagement Event on Wednesday 25 May from 14.30-19.00 in the Des Allen Suite at Ballymena Showgrounds. This session is open to anyone with an interest to come along. It is a chance to find out more about the project, its impact, and the opportunities available. An internal road scheme and pedestrian and cycle links to service the entire site with access to existing roads at Demesne Avenue are planned. This will help integrate the development into the town centre and to neighbouring key sites such as the new Northern Regional College Campus, ECOS building and surrounding parkland. HomesRadius Housing Radius Housing is developing a new mixed tenure housing development consisting of 135 high quality homes at St Patrick’s. The new residential development will provide a mix of social and affordable properties, and represents an investment of circa £26m by Radius. Work is currently ongoing to appoint the contractor for the housing development, with construction expected to begin later this year. Public SpacesNew Central Civic Space Mid and East Antrim Borough Council plans for the site include new Council buildings constructed around a new civic space / events space, creating a central focal point for the development. This space will have a town square feel with current design concepts including low level bollard lighting, raised planters, a water feature and high quality public realm providing access to the front entrances of Council’s buildings for pedestrians. The central public open space is dual purpose and will be transformed into an events space when required. LeisureLeisure Centre Mid and East Antrim Borough Council are also planning the construction of a new leisure centre at St Patrick’s which will replace the Seven Towers leisure centre upon completion. This will consist of a 25 metre pool, learner pool, 4 court sports hall, café, gym, spin studios, clip and climb, soft play area and spa facility. LearningNorthern Regional College - Farm Lodge Campus Redevelopment Northern Regional College has embarked on a £45 million capital investment project, delivering a new state of the art campus on its current site in Farm Lodge, Ballymena. The project is funded by the Department for the Economy. Initial preparatory work is underway, with construction work onsite commencing in summer 2022. The new campus is due to be operational for the start of term in September 2024 with all works fully completed by December 2024. View a video of how the campus will look below. Technologyi4C Innovation and Cleantech Centre The i4C innovation centre is presently being progressed by the Council under the Belfast Region City Deal and construction is scheduled to commence in 2024. It will provide office accommodation, labs and workshops and a range of enterprise and innovation supports for SME’s and local industry. This is a £23.5 million project comprising a mix of SME incubation and scale-up space, premium office accommodation and co-working space. It will also include an iLAB makerspace and a skills training workshop where local businesses and entrepreneurs will have access to technicians and equipment in order to develop, test and commercialise their ideas. i4C will provide supports for key industrial sectors, such as advanced manufacturing and agri-food. It will also have a focus on developing supports in clean technology as the economy moves towards zero carbon. CommunityNew PSNI Ballymena Police Station The PSNI plan is to create a new Police Station to replace the current Galgorm Road station in Ballymena. The new station is part of the PSNI’s wider transformation and modernisation plans. For more information on the St Patrick’s regeneration please click the button below During the construction phase, there is the opportunity for the local community to provide suggestions on any help they think the scheme could provide. This could be in the form of materials from the site, environmental, community group requirements or whatever the local community might need. Each request will be considered and engagement will continue throughout the development of the scheme. If you have any suggestions or if you want further information, please contact: |