Updates on work to deliver new water supply, stormwater, and wastewater infrastructure in Kingston. No images? Click here Kingston Three Waters Upgrades Newsletter #3 | November 2024 Read on for the latest information on work starting next week to install new water supply pipes on Kent Street in Kingston. An update on Kent Street water supply works Crews have made great progress installing the new bulk water supply main (water pipes) along the south side of Kent Street in Kingston, and expect to be completed on Kent Street before Christmas this year. They’ve laid 475 metres of the high-density water supply pipe already, and plan to tidy up the berm along Kent Street where they’ve been working before the festive season arrives. And over at the future water treatment plant site on Glen Nevis Station Road, crews have completed the bulk of earthworks, some concrete works, and installed Chorus and Powernet services too. In the lead up to Christmas, traffic management and a lane closure will remain on State Highway 6 so crews can trench across the road before they continue to work in the shoulder of the highway. They’ll finish for the year on Thursday 19 December 2024, and Kent Street and SH6 near town will be open to both lanes of traffic. Crews expect to return to work on water supply infrastructure in the new year on Monday 13 January 2025, which will include installing pipes up the shoulder of SH6 to Glen Nevis Station Road and then on towards the future water treatment plant. Stormwater works to begin next year We’ve just awarded the contract for stormwater upgrades in Kingston to Wilson Contractors, who expect to begin the majority of their construction in early January 2025 to keep disruption to a minimum over the Christmas and New Year period. Staff from Wilson Contractors will be completing some minor testing The orange line represents where future stormwater pipes will be installed. The blue line is the new bulk supply water main installed on Kent Street. and investigative works on Oxford Street this side of Christmas, which will involve digging test pits and bore holes. We don’t expect this work to affect any traffic or pedestrians, but please be mindful of where crews are working over the next few weeks. As a reminder, these works will include construction of a large-diameter stormwater pipe along the length of Oxford Street, and the extension of the new bulk supply water main on Kent Street to run along Oxford Street to the Kingston Village subdivision. In January 2025, crews plan to start by constructing a new stormwater gallery outlet structure at the lake end of Oxford Street, which includes a large soakage pit that will help to settle and filter sediment before stormwater enters Lake Whakatipu. They’ll then work from the lake and along Oxford Street, heading back towards Kent Street. We’ll share more details on what to expect as part of these works closer to the time. Work package three - wastewater upgrades As mentioned above, work package one (water supply) is underway and work package two (stormwater) begins next year, but don’t forget about work package three (wastewater). This will include construction of a new wastewater treatment plant and the associated discharge infrastructure/land treatment area on Kingston Station, and a pump station on the corner of Oxford and Dorset Street. These upgrades are in the detailed design phase, and we’re hoping to share more information on procurement timeframes and a start date for these works early in the new year. Currently, we’re expecting work on wastewater upgrades to start around mid-2025, and they’ll likely take approximately 18 months to complete. We appreciate your patience We’d like to thank residents in Kingston for both your patience and treating construction crews and traffic management staff with respect over the last two months. Crews are doing their absolute best to get work done in the township as fast as possible so Christmas in Kingston isn’t dominated by dreaded cones, and they’ve appreciated your support around their work site. FAQs Q. “How large is this “large diameter” stormwater pipe you’re installing in 2025?” A. The stormwater main to be installed down Oxford Street varies in diameter from 1500mm to 1800mm, and will sit at depths of 2.5 metres to 4.0 metres deep. A pipe of this size will enable all modelled stormwater flows in the first stage of the KVL development to reach the stormwater gallery, soakage pit, and Lake Whakatipu without affecting any of the stormwater flows (i.e., Kingston Stream) in the existing township. Got a question, or want to raise an issue? If you experience an urgent issue as part of these works, please report it immediately to QLDC by phoning 03 441 0499. General questions about this project can be emailed through to Kingston Community Association at threewatersupdates@kingstonca.org.nz. The Association will then work with QLDC to provide answers directly to those who have enquired, and the wider public where appropriate. We’ll also be including relevant questions and answers in future editions of this newsletter. When you'll hear from us next We’re planning to share a final update on the works to date this side of Christmas, with more details about what to expect in early 2025 too. You’ll hear from us soon! |