Kia ora, hello, and welcome to the second issue of Planning Matters – Queenstown Lakes District Council’s (QLDC) quarterly newsletter covering the latest in resource consenting, development engineering, and district planning! While we’re already in February and 2025 feels like it’s positively racing by, I’d like to wish all our readers a happy new year, and to acknowledge the many new subscribers that are keen to stay in the loop with our Planning & Development teams. In this issue, we dive into Special Zones and some of the final
chapters of our District Plan to be reviewed and brought into the Proposed District Plan (PDP). We also have exciting news about Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation (now approved) and how it will pave the way for much-needed housing development in the Queenstown Lakes. Additionally, you’ll find details on upcoming changes to how resource consent applications will need to be paid for and submitted in the near future, an introduction to central government’s new Fast-Track Approval Act, and some guidance on “Within Scope” and “Given Effect” applications. To finish things off, we’ve also detailed a new engineering acceptance
streamlining process, provided an update on subdivision 224 and engineering acceptance timeframes, and outlined our 3-step guide to construction monitoring. We’re always looking for ways to improve the way we do things. If you have any suggestions or comments on how we can make Planning Matters more relevant or provide more value to you, please get in touch at and share your thoughts. And a big thank you to our readers who responded with ideas and feedback following our first edition last October! Dave Wallace
QLDC Planning & Development General Manager
In memoriam:
A tribute to Andrew TipeneFollowing the heartbreaking news of Andrew Tipene’s passing, our thoughts are with his family, friends, and colleagues during this difficult time. Andrew was a valued member of our team and made a lasting impact on our district, not just through his expertise but with the relationships he built and the integrity he brought to his work. Andrew commenced his work with QLDC's Property & Infrastructure team as a Stormwater Engineer in 2017. He was a trusted advisor, offering invaluable guidance on our district’s infrastructure and his knowledge and willingness to collaborate strengthened connections across departments
— relationships that continue today as part of his legacy. Over the past five years, Andrew continued to share his skills as a contractor within Planning & Development at QLDC, particularly in stormwater and other important engineering matters. He helped to shape the future of our community. We would like to acknowledge Andrew’s substantial contributions, the engineering expertise he provided to the Queenstown Lakes District, and the important māhi he accomplished. Beyond his technical skills, Andrew will be remembered for his warmth,
pragmatism, his generosity with his time, and his ability to bring people together. His contributions will live on in the communities that benefit from his work, and in the people who were lucky enough to know him. We will miss him dearly. The QLDC whānau are thinking of Andrew’s loved ones at this time.
Review of special zonesWe’re reviewing Special Zones this year as part of our as part of our District Plan review process.
A Special Zone refers to a designated area where specific land use and development rules apply, which differ from those in other zones within the district. There are various reasons why land may have been categorised as a Special Zone — typically because it could not be managed under any of the frameworks established for other zones at the time, or because there were multiple areas within the zone requiring different activity uses or development densities.
Why are we reviewing them?
These Special Zones are required to be reviewed as part of our rolling review of the District Plan. They’re some of the last parts of the Operative District Plan to be reviewed and will be incorporated into the PDP once this is complete. The review also means we may be able to incorporate some of these Special Zones into existing zoning frameworks within the PDP (like Low/Medium Density Suburban Residential, Business Mixed Use, etc), actioning National Planning Standards direction to standardize and simplify our planning provisions. Please note: Special Zone status will be maintained for areas if they: - Are significant to the district, region, or country.
- Are impractical to manage under another zone.
- Are impractical to manage through a combination of spatial layers.
What locations will be reviewed?
What the review means for you
If your property is located in a Special Zone it may be rezoned as part of this review in accordance with directives from central government, which may impact the activities you can undertake on your property. We’d encourage everyone to engage in the review process once it begins to ensure your views are heard. We will share more information about the review and notify the public of any proposed changes using a range of different channels to ensure as many people as possible are aware and able to get involved in the submission process. You can also discuss the proposed changes once they're released with one of our Policy Planners by emailing or calling 03 441 0499 (Queenstown) or 03 443 0024 (Wānaka).
You'll be able to provide feedback on any of the proposed changes by making a formal submission, and if you wish, by speaking to your submission at a hearing. An independent hearings panel will then make a recommendation on the proposed changes.
More information on the Special Zone review will be shared in the near future. In the meantime, click here to learn more about the District Plan review.
Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation approved by Minister
If you missed the news in late November last year, Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile streamlined planning process Variation was approved by Minister for the Environment, Penny Simmonds, meaning the area will be able to provide for future housing demand in the Queenstown Lakes and enable approximately 2,400 new residential units at higher densities. Considered operative from Friday 6 December 2024 and now forming part of QLDC’s Proposed District Plan, the new Zone requires a minimum density of 40 units per net hectare (for medium and higher density) over the Zone, meaning the area will require higher density development than other zones in the Queenstown Lakes District to
ensure efficient use of the land. The Zone will also provide a range of open spaces and community facilities, support commercial activities through a new commercial centre, and focus on providing active travel and public transport infrastructure to support a significant shift in how people get around the Whakatipu Basin. Resource consents are required for all development and can only be approved once the required infrastructure is available. The Variation includes provisions to ensure development in the area is integrated with transport infrastructure, from
elements like upgraded and signalised intersections, bus lanes, and active travel links to provide public transport and safe cycling and pedestrians options to ensure future housing in the area can be effectively serviced by the infrastructure available. Work now shifts to ensuring development in the area meets the purpose and requirements of the Zone. Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Zone and its associated provisions can be viewed in QLDC’s PDP ePlan, found at
Changes to the resource consent application process
As of 3 March 2025, Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) will be making changes to how you will need to pay for all applications processed by the Resource Consent Team.These changes are part of ongoing efforts to improve the customer experience of the application process.
Instead, an invoice for the initial fee will be issued once an application has been received (typically within 1-2 business days).
Payment correctly listing the application reference must be received before an application can progress further.
Payments must only be made on receipt of an invoice.
We will only be receiving and progressing applications:
- When application forms have been completed correctly and all necessary supporting material is included, appropriately separated and named as per Council’s requirements (see our website – there is no change to these requirements). If information is missing or incomplete or the incorrect form is used, the application will be rejected.
Why are we making these changes?
These changes are part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of applications and streamline the overall application process. The changes will lead to: - A reduction in the time an application is with Council prior to being accepted for processing by eliminating council staff time spent fixing application errors, chasing information, re-naming files and bringing substandard applications up to the required standard for allocation and
- A reduction in inefficiencies and delays during the initial stage of application processing.
Make sure you get your application right first time to avoid any rejections and delays. Further details of the application process can be found on our website.
Changes to our resource consent and subdivision webpages
You may have noticed some changes to our Resource Consent and our Subdivision and Land Development webpages. We’ve given them a bit of a refresh to make them easier to navigate, but if you have any trouble finding what you need, please get in touch with our Duty Planner.
We’d love to hear what you think of the changes and any suggestions you might have for further improvement. Share your thoughts by email at
Guidance on “Within Scope” and "Given Effect” applications We’re receiving more applications for within scope and given effect resource consents, so we thought it timely to include information on these and what we need from applicants when making these applications. Given effect applications: Given effect means that a consent has been exercised/implemented, and therefore the lapse date on the consent no longer applies. The consent can be utilised until it’s duration expiry date; or forever if it is a District Council land use consent and has no duration expiry date. We will assess and determine whether the consent has been given effect to, or whether it has lapsed, based on the evidence provided in the application. Given effect applications must
provide: Within scope applications: Changes to a development or activity may fall within scope of an approved resource consent and may not
require a formal variation to the approved consent, or a new consent. Typically, changes that fall within scope are small insignificant changes, or potentially changes that do not trigger RMA requirements. The following needs to be included when preparing a within scope application: What the approved consent authorised – i.e., what was applied for within the AEE and supporting documentation that was subsequently approved (including the approved
plans), and the consent triggers, as this establishes the scope of the consent.
Other requirements for both applications: Refer to the subject site and the consented decision (application reference number including underlying consents where applicable) in your application. Any applications for consent or variations to consent made relating to the subject
forms: Both application forms can be found on our website under the Other Relevant Forms subheading. Fees and charges:Charges for processing resource consents and related activities have been set by Queenstown Lakes District Council in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and Section 150 of the Local Government Act. Council’s fees and charges schedule outlines the hourly rates and initial fees payable upon lodging an application, effective from 1 July annually. “Given effect” and “within scope” applications don’t require an initial fee to be paid and instead are charged hourly at the rate associated with the processing planner and decision maker.
The new Fast-Track Approvals Act 2024
The Fast-Track Approvals Act (FTAA) came into force on Monday 23 December 2024 and establishes a permanent fast-track approvals regime for infrastructure and development projects of national and regional significance.
How are applications processed?
Specific projects have been identified in the FTTA (listed in schedule 2) that can bypass the referral process and jump to what’s known as the substantive process; applying directly to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for consideration by an expert panel. Other parties seeking to utilise the FTAA process must first go through the referral process (via the EPA), before they then pass through to the substantive process once pre-approved.
Who administers the process?
Council acts as an affected party for both the substantive and referral process with no decision-making role.
How to consult with Council
The FTAA requires that applicants consult with Council during both the referral and substantive application process. Under the legislation Council can recover all fair and reasonable costs of its consultation with applicants, (including that of any consultants used to assist). The EPA are responsible for making all decisions on who should be consulted under the FTAA including any decisions to consult with the wider community.
- A detailed proposal description, including plans and location.
- A list of relevant resource consents (approved, declined, lapsed, withdrawn, or pending).
- A list of required permits or licenses that may be required from Council.
- A list of resource consent requirements that the proposed development triggers under Councils Proposed District Plan, including if the land is within an Outstanding Natural Landscape (ONL) area.
- Plans for servicing the development (water, wastewater, stormwater, transport).
- Any assets proposed to be vested in QLDC.
- Reserve provision or impacts on existing reserves.
- Any landowner agreements (e.g., DoC, LINZ, QLDC).
- Any costs to ratepayers that will result from the proposed development.
- Known natural hazards and management plans.
- Timeline for submission of your application to the EPA.
- Other
consultations with agencies, iwi, or landowners.
It is important for potential applicants to specify precisely what matters they wish to consult on. Once submitted, the request will be acknowledged and assigned a council reference number i.e. FTRC (for consultation for the referral process) or FTSC (for consultation for the substantive application process). Information kept by Council under these references is not publicly viewable unless disclosed under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA).
Council staff will review the information and schedule a consultation meeting based on availability and the applicant's timeframe for submitting their application to the EPA. Typically, representatives from all relevant departments will be present at consultation meetings. Following consultation meetings, Council will provide written comments with a focus on relevant areas (e.g. spatial planning, infrastructure, District Plan and reserves).
NOTE: Council does not assess or decide on the application, but instead provides factual feedback on any impacts (positive, negative or neutral)
For more information on Fast Track Approval Act consultation, visit our website.
Streamlining engineering acceptance applicationsGreat news! In response to industry feedback, we're launching an Engineering Acceptance (EA) streamlining process; meaning complete applications for subdivisions of four lots or fewer, with no deviations from the Code of Practice (CoP), could now qualify for an expedited EA process.
Introducing the leaders driving QLDC's Development Engineering team
Hayden Bed Manager of Development Engineering
Hayden Bed is the Manager of Development Engineering within the Planning & Development department, bringing nearly 20 years of experience in civil engineering. His expertise spans the full lifecycle of infrastructure projects—from initial concept and strategic planning to delivery, finalisation, and long-term asset management. As a leader, Hayden is committed to empowering and guiding his team to create enduring, high-quality places and spaces that enrich communities. His approach is driven by a deep respect for the past, an awareness of present challenges, and a vision for a sustainable, well-designed future. Passionate about fostering positive change, he is inspired by the whakataukī: "Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua" – I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on the past. This philosophy underpins his work, ensuring that past learnings and contemporary best practices inform decisions that shape a thriving, resilient future for generations to come. Outside of work, Hayden is a proud father of two and an avid cyclist, enjoying the spectacular trail
networks of Aotearoa.
Mike Wardill Team Leader - Resource Consent Engineering Reporting
Mike’s key advice for developers: Schedule a pre-application meeting if you have any uncertainties about any engineering or planning.
Mike, a Civil Engineer with extensive expertise in the Otago region, leads the team that assesses engineering aspects of resource consent applications. From road design to water infrastructure, his team produces over 800 technical reports and consent conditions annually, ensuring that projects comply with engineering and safety standards. Mike's extensive engineering knowledge and expertise are well recognized, particularly for his direct involvement in development projects within the district since the late 1980s. He resides in Cromwell with his wife of 35 years and their two dogs, who were graciously gifted by their now-grown children. Fun fact: Mike is also a former NZ cherry pit-spit national champion!
Craig Hughes Engineering Acceptance and Road Corridor Management
With 15 years of experience in civil engineering across various sectors, Craig oversees the review of detailed engineering designs and ensures infrastructure meets consent conditions and safety standards. His team also manages Corridor Access Requests (CARs) and inspects infrastructure works for compliance. Outside of work, Craig is an avid outdoor enthusiast, enjoying activities like mountain biking and snow sports with his family.
Dominic Lundon Subdivision Finalisation, Development Contributions, and Property Administration
Dominic, a qualified lawyer with over 30 years of experience in real estate and property law, leads a team responsible for finalising subdivisions and managing development contributions. His team ensures all legal processes for subdivision compliance are met, from land title registration to updating council records. He has a real passion for increasing the wellbeing of communities by uplifting the quality of developments and in our region and making the processes he overseas as straight forward as possible. Domonic lives in beautiful Arrowtown and loves being having the mountains and back country huts right on his doorstep.
Infrastructure construction monitoring: 3 steps to success
Are you unsure on QLDC’s expectations for monitoring and certifying infrastructure construction in our region? Here’s our 3-step guide to how we monitor your infrastructure construction project from design phase to completion.
An update on development timeframes
We’re committed to providing an efficient and timely service when processing engineering acceptance and subdivision 224c applications. However, we understand that predicting the processing times of these applications can create challenges when planning a project, so we’re sharing the latest projections on development timeframes to help you plan and manage any current and future work. EA and Subdivision applications numbers remained relatively steady between July 2024 and December 2024. And in the lead up to Christmas and the holiday period, both our EA and Subdivision teams put
aside some time to work with the industry to resolve older applications. Together, application numbers and this pre-festive season focus mean rolling averages for development timeframes have expanded out slightly from our last Planning Matters newsletter in September. But that’s not the only thing affecting timeframes! Our processing engineers and officers have also noticed a noticeable drop in application quality over the last few months. Please help us keep processing timeframes as low as possible by lodging complete and robust applications, and if in doubt, guidance on how to do this can be found on our application forms and checklists. When we receive applications that are complete and have all condition requirements met, they should be processed in under twenty working days. In the Resource Consent engineering reporting team, three of the last six months in 2024 saw record high numbers for requests (409 requests to December 2024). Looking ahead, we expect this significant consenting workload is likely to flow through into our EA and subdivision teams, which may put pressure on resourcing and timeframes in the future. We hope this information helps you understand how development applications are currently tracking and makes it easier to plan your projects accordingly.