No images? Click here CENTRE CONNECT26 September, 2023 New Centre for Healthy Communities Membership Option: Research AffiliateThe Centre for Healthy Communities is excited to offer a new membership option: Research Affiliate. Research Affiliate members are researchers who are passionate about working closely with communities to achieve collective impact. This membership category is to complement our two existing membership categories: Scientist and Practice Affiliate. Join our community, by submitting a request to be a Centre for Healthy Communities Research Affiliate. Centre for Healthy Communities Financial Wellbeing & Financial Strain Framework PublicationsTo support efforts to build better and fairer communities, the Centre for Healthy Communities led an international collaborative, participatory, multi-method project on financial strain and financial wellbeing. The research-practice team engaged a panel of experts from government and non-profit sectors and participants in Canada and Australia for guidance on the development of two resources: the Action-Oriented Public Health Framework on Financial Wellbeing and Financial Strain and a companion Guidebook of Strategies and Indicators (both available in English and French). These resources are meant to support organizations and governments acting on any area related to financial strain and financial wellbeing, such as education, employment, or social safety net. In addition to these resources, four academic articles related to this project have been published. Below you can find the links to each of these publications. A Rapid Review of Initiatives to Address Financial Strain and Wellbeing in High-Income Contexts. This rapid review was conducted to identify and describe initiatives targeting both personal and household financial strain and wellbeing in high-income countries. Equity-relevant gaps found in the literature are reported in the paper. This paper identified what community and government initiatives aimed to address financial wellbeing works, for what populations, and under what conditions in high-income countries. This paper introduces the Framework with its 17 priority areas for action on financial strain and financial wellbeing. Additionally, it explains the multi-method process that led to the design of the Framework. This paper presents the Guidebook which contains 140 evidence-informed strategies and a sample of process and outcome indicators for assessment of policies and programs. It also describes the variety of methods and the integrated knowledge translation process that informed the development of the Guidebook. |