Ngā kaupapa o Toi Moana e panga ana ki te iwi Māori No images? Click here Hakihea | Tīhema | December 2023Komiti Māori Members 2023(L-R) Councillors: Te Taru White, Malcolm Campbell, Kevin Winters, Andrew von Dadelszen, Ron Scott, Ken Shirley, Jane Nees, Doug Leeder, Lyall Thurston, Toi Kai Rākau Iti, Stuart Crosby, Kat Macmillan, Paula Thompson, Matemoana McDonald (Komiti Māori Chairperson). (Back) Chief Executive: Fiona McTavish. E aku nui, e aku rahi tēnā koutou katoa As we reflect on the past year, we would like to acknowledge all tangata whenua for their participation in our mahi, for their work as kaitiaki of the whenua and for graciously hosting Komiti Māori on their marae. In response to the suite of new Government policies and direction, we will pivot to ensure we continue delivering for our communities. The relationships with our iwi Māori are highly valued and we will work to ensure we meet our responsibilities in the work we do. Komiti Māori is committed to enhancing its relationships with tangata whenua and look forward to 2024. The first Komiti Māori for 2024 will be held in February and will be held at the Regional House Council Chambers, in Tauranga. If there are marae that would like to host in 2024, please make contact with General Manager Strategic Engagement Kataraina O'Brien. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday Nā te Heamana Nau mai ki Komiti MāoriKomiti Māori will be held on Tuesday 12 December 2023 at Tuapiro Marae, 20 Hikurangi Road, Katikati. A pohiri will be held at 9.30am, the hui will commence at 10.30am. Presentations will be heard from:
The meeting agenda is available here. If you have any further questions, please contact Kataraina O'Brien. ![]() Community-led Climate Change Adaptation funding is now openToi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council has up to $15,000 available for iwi-hapū or community groups looking to start planning for a changing climate at a community scale. The funding recognises that communities are deeply connected to their whenua and observe any changes as they happen to those areas. Past recipients have included groups whose marae or areas of significance are in low-lying coastal areas vulnerable to inundation and erosion. This newly established grant has a pool of $12.8 million to develop the capability and capacity of hapū and iwi in their aspirations for their freshwater taiao. Te Mātāpuna o te Wai offers a three-year investment through planning support for Te Mana o te Wai/Taiao System approaches and supporting the capacity of hapū and iwi by resourcing kaimahi (full time employees). Te Mātāpuna o Te Wai Grant is presented by Te Pou Taiao. The Grant was provided to Te Pou Taiao – the Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group from The Ministry for the Environment as part of the Essential Freshwater Fund. The Grant will be delivered with support from Te Wai Māori Trust and Poipoia Ltd, who are responsible for administering, managing and distributing funds. Applications close on 12 January 2024. ![]() Ngā Mātarae and Turirangi Te Kani Memorial Scholarships availableThe Trustees of Ngā Mātarae Charitable Trust are pleased to offer the Ngā Mātarae Scholarship Programme. The Trust is a partnership between the Port of Tauranga and Tauranga Iwi with the primary purpose to promote the wellbeing of Te Awanui Tauranga Harbour. Applicants intending to undertake study in a discipline that will benefit the wellbeing of the harbour and who are descendants of Tauranga Moana iwi (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Pūkenga) are invited to apply. In recognition of the relationship with the Port of Tauranga and the respect Turirangi Te Kani held within the Tauranga community, a scholarship is offered within the area of the Tauranga Moana Trust Board, the Port of Tauranga is pleased to offer the Te Kani Memorial Scholarship Programme. Applicants will have affiliation with Tauranga Iwi and will have been resident (but allowing for schooling or University study outside the area) within the Tauranga Moana Trust Board area for the last five years. Applications open 1 December and close on Friday 2 February 2024. Regional Land Transport PlanThe review of the Bay of Plenty's Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) 2021-2031, known as Te Mahere Waka A Rohe o Toi Moana, is an important process that aims to address the transportation challenges in the region over the next decade. The plan covers various aspects of the transportation system, such as safety, walking and cycling, public transport, and road maintenance and development. This review, mandated every three years under the Land Transport Management Act (LTMA), is essential for adapting to changes in the national, regional, and local operating environments. Toi Moana will seek feedback from the community on changes to the current plan, the engagement phase is likely to start in early 2024. Providing feedback through this process helps to ensure inclusion of Māori needs and perspectives. If you need more information or wish to contribute to the review process, please contact Did someone forward this newsletter to you? Click subscribe to receive the next edition straight to your inbox. |