![]() An Update from Jo How did it suddenly get to be May already! And as May means Mothers Day on Sunday 14th, we have some great gift options available. Boody Loungewear, sleepwear and bedsocks are popular for this cooler weather and herbal tea is always a favourite heading into winter. Though not sure we have many men or kids on our mailing list receiving this newslettter, so Mums, you might need to send them in our direction! And if you rather choose your own gift we also have gift vouchers which we can also courier out. ![]() ![]() ![]() This month I wanted to cover a couple of Homeobotanical Formulas that dont really have a connection to each other, but have been asked about recently. HB#14 – ProMyr Indications: Bacterial, fungal, protozoal and viral infections. Can be used for severe lacerations and infected lesions. Hb #14 has as a particular affinity for the mouth and is suitable for dental and orthodontic complications. It can also be used prophylactically to help prevent infection and as a gargle for sore throasts. It works as a natural antibiotic formulation and immunostimulant therefore is often blended with Hb C (coughs and colds) and Hb I (Immunity and inflammation) for acute winter ailments. HB O – Occular Indications: Acute and inflammatory conditions of the eyes which can include allergies and infection (mixed with 14 as above or A). Also indicated for chronic and degenerative eye issues as it has a protective and healing action and helps stimulate re-epitheliation over wounds. Hb O may be used in conjunction with other therapeutic protocols for the management of acute or inflammatory conditions of the eyes. It is taken orally (not used in the eye). As with all homeobotanials these can be blended with others in the range, and are safe to take alongside pharmaceutical medications. More information is available instore. We look forward to seeing you again soon. ![]()
All of the above specials and offers are only valid while stocks last. ![]()
Note: New products will be added to our website as soon as we can. If you want to purchase these online before we get a chance to do this, please call us to order over the phone instead. ![]() This month we have 4 packets of the Good Vitamin Company Gummie Pouches to give away.
![]() These gummies are suitable for adults only To enter the draw to win the 4 packs of gummies, reply to this email with the answer to the following question. Which Good Vitamin Company Gummie listed above would you like to try the most and why? Congratulations to Carol Spooner who is last months winner of the Hemp Hemp Hearts and Protein Powder 500g and Georgia Burr who won the Smudge Bowl and White Sage stick. ![]() Turbo Tonics are handmade in the beautiful seaside community of Leigh, NZ. The Turmeric Ginger & Lime concentrate is designed to turbo charge your health and strengthen your well-being. Aside from the myriad benefits for your physical being, you just can’t drink it without smiling because just looking at it makes you feel better. Its recommended you take it as part of your daily wellness routine to help maintain optimal health, reduce symptoms related to inflammatory conditions or as a super boost for your immune system when it is “in negotiation” with bacteria or a virus. This tonic has an unrivalled intensity as it is a concentrate, which you take as a shot or use like cordial to make a hot or cold drink. (500ml makes at least 3 litres) Turbo Tonic’s Turmeric, Ginger & Lime concentrate contains an exceptional amount of cold pressed fresh turmeric juice (27%) , each 500ml bottle contains the juice of 220g of fresh Fijian turmeric root. ![]() It is estimated that every 50ml serving contains at least 660mg of curcumin and black pepper has been added to increase bioavailability. The lime juice is grown and pressed in NZ and the honey used is 30+ MGO Manuka Blend. Visit the link to read more about the amazing benefits of the Turbo Tonic ingredients and see us instore for a taste! ![]() Turbo Charged Green Chicken Curry supplier by Cath BSc Human Nutrition/Bio Chemistry & Turbo Tonic’s Chief Engineer Green Curry Paste Make your own from scratch or do what I did below and modify a bought one. Use 3 - 6 tbsp Thai Green Curry Paste depending on how spicy you like it, some pre-made pastes are very spicy and so I use 3 tablespoons , put this in my nutribullet (smaller cup) and add a good handful of coriander, about 10cm of fresh lemongrass stalk (chopped first) , three kaffir lime leaves (torn off spine), couple cloves garlic and a few glugs of olive oil. And then I blitz it into a stunningly green and less ferocious more fragrant green curry paste. For the Curry • 2 x 400 g cans coconut cream/milk (the mid-range coconut creams are not too thick) Pour coconut cream into a large deep-frying pan or broad-based pot. Add the modified green curry paste and heat until simmering. Add finely sliced chicken and simmer gently until chicken is almost cooked. Add chopped vegetables and cook just long enough to cook them through. ![]() And lastly add the Turbo Tonic Turmeric, Ginger and Lime Concentrate at the last minute (don’t want to cook the goodness out of it). Mix and serve over jasmine rice - garnish with fresh coriander! ![]() Debris, bacteria, and dead cells can build up on your tongue over time. This can lead to bad breath and have a negative impact on your overall oral health. One misconception is that using a toothbrush on your tongue is just as effective as using a tongue scraper. The results of one 2004 study suggest otherwise. Researchers found that tongue scrapers removed 30 percent more volatile sulfur compounds on the tongue than a soft-bristled toothbrush. Also a smooth tongue scraper causes less irritation and tissue trauma than the bristles of a toothbrush. From an Ayurvedic perspective, tongue scraping should be performed on a daily basis. This ancient practice helps to stimulate the internal organs through energetic connections with the rest of the body, improve digestion by increasing your sense of taste, and cleanse the body by removing toxins and bacteria from your oral cavity. In addition, along with healthy foods, it can clear and invigorate the mind and is a great way to start the day. By removing the coating, it increases your taste reception, not only do you eat less, you also eliminate the need to add more sugar, salt, or excessive spice to the food to make it more flavourful. Many of the beneficial phytonutrients and “body signals” that food contains are first interpreted by the mind-body upon contact with receptors on the tongue. You want to improve this communication between your food and your body by removing any coating that is interfering with that connection. Benefits of Tongue scraping include: Improve your sense of taste. Older research suggests that using a tongue scraper twice daily can improve your sense of taste. Your tongue may be able to better distinguish between bitter, sweet, salty, and sour sensations. Improve the appearance of your tongue. Buildup of excess debris can cause your tongue to take on a white, coated appearance. Daily scraping can help remove this coating and prevent it from returning. Remove bacteria. Researchers in one 2005 study found that using a tongue scraper twice a day for seven days reduced the overall incidence of Mutans streptococci and Lactobacilli bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria types are known to cause bad breath and dental decay. Improve overall health. Removing bacteria is key to preventing cavities, gum disease, and other conditions affecting the mouth. Reduce bad breath. Researchers in one 2004 study found that scraping was more effective than brushing at removing odor-causing bacteria. Bacteria will build up as you eat and drink, so if you’re concerned about bad breath, you’ll need to scrape after every meal. At a minimum, scrape your tongue when you brush your teeth. This will help prevent long-term buildup that’s associated with severe bad breath. To perform tongue scraping, follow these steps:
![]() ![]() While a gold or silver tongue scraper is common, new research on the health benefits of copper make a copper tongue scraper hard to beat. Copper has been used for centuries as a bacteria-resistant metal, and new studies are confirming these ancient practices. The mouth is loaded with both good and not-so-good bacteria. Copper not only seems to be toxic to the bad bacteria, it also provides important enzymes that are needed for the healthy microbes in the mouth to survive. The tongue can be a mirror to all the organs of the body, and thus, a daily look at the tongue prior to scraping gives you a clue to your general health. An Ayurvedic practitioner may perform a tongue examination as a useful way of evaluating the health of the entire body. When you examine your tongue daily, it’s an opportunity for self-awareness, where you can reflect on the choices of the last several days, months, or years and see how those choices have affected your health. If a thick coating is noted, try tongue cleaning along with your other oral hygiene practices and see if you notice a difference. This simple daily practice can bring more self-awareness and gives you the opportunity to make new, healthier choices. Ref: https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/tongue-scraping https://chopra.com/articles/the-benefits-of-tongue-scraping https://www.ayurvedanz.co.nz/blogs/news/how-tongue-scraping-helps-to-detox |