No images? Click here ![]() Weekly Update 7 December 2020 Welcome to our new weekly update report for the BMSB season. We want to keep you informed of our work and answer your questions. We'll include lodgement queue processing times and volumes. This weekSea freight queueFor this week, sea freight lodgement turnaround is estimated at 1- 6 days. On Monday 7 December, morning, the total sea freight queue (includes Australian lodgements) stood at 1048 lodgements and TET are processing lodgements slightly ahead of operational performance targets. Last week: average turnaround of sea freight lodgement for first submissions was 20:23 hrs (previous week 21:50 hrs) and for second submissions 4:06 hrs (previous week 5:10 hrs). Airfreight queueFor the coming week, air freight lodgement turnaround is estimated 3- 7 hours On Monday 7 December, morning, there were 197 airfreight lodgements, the team is processing ahead of operational performance targets. Last week: average turnaround of air freight lodgement for first submissions was 3:26 hrs (previous week 3:43 hrs) and for second submissions 2:45 hrs (previous week 3:10 hrs). Australia queueOn Monday 7 December, morning, there were 226 Australian specific lodgements, the team is processing ahead of operational performance targets. Last week: Average turnaround of air freight lodgement for first submissions was 3:26 hrs (previous week 3:45 hrs) and for second submissions 3:16 hrs (previous 3:01hrs). Average turnaround of sea freight lodgement for first submissions was 19:46 hrs (previous week 19:38 hrs) and for second submissions 3:44 hrs (previous week 5:04 hrs). Pressure point:
Lodgements processed Weekly 30 Nov – 6 December All timings are based on business hours from 7am to 5pm. Total lodgements processed 5,851 (previous week 6,708) Air cargo first applications 2792 Air cargo 2nd submission 373 Total
Sea cargo 1st applications 2,299 Sea cargo 2nd submission 387 Total 2,686 Australian queue Sea cargo 1st applications 527 Air cargo first lodgements 654 Sea cargo 2nd submission 81 Air cargo 2nd submission 71 Enquiries to Customer Enquiries Centre and Standards Team![]() Enquiries to Standards:![]() Your questions answeredTopic 1: Alternative treatments for BMSB Container from a schedule 3 country. Question Shipper has advised treatment will damage the contents. What treatment options are there for offshore treatment for BMSB? Response There are other approved treatments for BMSB which can be found on the Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) website. All the approved offshore treatment providers and guidance fact sheets and treatment methodology are listed on the Australian website here: List of offshore BMSB treatment providers - Department of Agriculture Guidance for conducting BMSB Treatments - Department of Agriculture Topic 2: New machinery from Netherlands Question I have a customer looking to import self-compacting public electronic rubbish bins from the Netherlands. They will be in fully closed containers direct form the factory not stored outside Is it possible to do the fumigation in New Zealand? Response Your cargo would be covered by 5.3 New Machinery. If you meet the exclusions listed with the import health standard, then you do not require BMSB extra treatment. The exclusions are:
Forms and templates for importing vehicles, machinery, or parts