No images? Click here ![]() Weekly Update 30 November 2020 Welcome to our new weekly update report for the BMSB season. We want to keep you informed of our work and answer your questions. We'll include lodgement queue processing times and volumes. This weekSea freight queueFor this week, sea freight lodgement turnaround is estimated at 1- 6 days. On Monday 30 November, morning, the total sea freight queue (includes Australian lodgements) stood at 458 lodgements and TET are processing lodgements ahead of operational performance targets. Last week: average turnaround of sea freight lodgement for first submissions was 21:50 hrs (previous week 20:49 hrs) and for second submissions 5:10 hrs (previous week 4:43 hrs). Airfreight queueFor the coming week, air freight lodgement turnaround is estimated 3- 7 hours On Monday 30 November, morning, there was 1 airfreight lodgement, the team is processing ahead of operational performance targets. Last week: average turnaround of air freight lodgement for first submissions was 3:43 hrs (previous week 3:44 hrs) and for second submissions 3:10 hrs (previous week 2:52 hrs). Australia queueOn Monday 30 November, morning, there were 111 Australian specific lodgements, the team is processing ahead of operational performance targets. Last week: Average turnaround of air freight lodgement for first submissions was 3:45 hrs (previous week 4:48 hrs) and for second submissions 3:01 hrs (previous week 4:02hrs). Average turnaround of sea freight lodgement for first submissions was 19:38 hrs (previous week 22:51 hrs) and for second submissions 5:04 hrs (previous week 6:06 hrs). Pressure point:
Lodgements processed Weekly 23 Nov – 29 November All timings are based on business hours from 7am to 5pm. Total lodgements processed 6,708 (previous week 5,634) Air cargo first applications 3,346 Air cargo 2nd submission 324 Total
Sea cargo 1st applications 2,630 Sea cargo 2nd submission 408 Total 3,038 Australian queue Sea cargo 1st applications 548 Air cargo first lodgements 738 Sea cargo 2nd submission 80 Air cargo 2nd submission 70 Enquiries to Customer Enquiries Centre and Standards Team![]() Enquiries to Standards:![]() Your questions answeredTopic 1 – Scientific equipment enquiry Question 1: I am exporting marine equipment (a submarine), scientific equipment, unmanned, computers, fibre optics, cameras, video screens and other sensitive instruments from Canada. We do not which to use a fumigant due to the sensitive nature of the equipment and the environment it will inhabit. I want to confirm with you that we can perform the certified treatment process, and this will be accepted by New Zealand Import requirements.
For all new and used aircraft and watercraft, a residual insecticide treatment is an option for treatment (Vehicle, Machinery and Parts (VMP) Import Health Standard: Section 4.1.1 Option C). The treatment must be completed in accordance with the VMP standard and with Approved Biosecurity Treatments (VCE1E) and accompanied by a conforming treatment certificate. New computers, fibre optics, cameras, video screens etc will be exempt treatment as per Section 5.3.1 (2) f). Used computers, fibre optics, cameras, video screens are exempt BMSB management as per the guidance under Section 5.1.1 (1) Requirements under the standard for the items labelled “scientific equipment” and “sensitive instruments” would require further information to adequately identify which category these may fit under.