Welcome to the Communique from the 28th meeting of the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board No images? Click here ![]() SA Arid Lands Landscape Board CommuniqueWelcome to the Communique of the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board following its meeting 11-12 December 2024. Preliminary data from the water accounting trialThe Board received a comprehensive presentation from the SAAL Water team on the progress and early learnings of the Water Accounting Trial. The project is an objective within the Far North Prescribed Wells Area Water Allocation Plan supported by a small working group of Pastoralists. It supports learning around daily consumption of livestock, feral and native animals across various seasons and landscapes. This is alongside a range of technologies that best support water accounting to measure total usage, noting the complexities of water use and management in this region. Early learnings, while not conclusive, provides some indicative data sets for a range of six individual trials to be compared and analysed over the coming 18 months. International Rangeland Congress – June 2025Discussions occurred on the involvement of the Board and SAAL community in the upcoming International Rangelands Congress (IRC) to be hosted in Adelaide in 2025. The Board, in collaboration with its seven district groups, will provide sponsorship for community members to apply to attend the conference. The Pastoral Board of SA will also provide additional sponsorship and will work with the SAAL Board to maximise the opportunities for the community to attend through a single application process. More information will be shared in the early in the new year. The Board is also a gold sponsor of the event, will host field tours in the region and has been invited to present several papers to support the themes of the IRC. Significant Environmental Benefits – the role we play and navigating our policyNoting the connection of the Board with community, the knowledge of the environmental, agriculture, cultural and biodiversity assets, the Board is working on its policy and role as it applies to facilitating and brokering outcomes for the region in the Significant Environmental Benefits (SEB) space. With the development that has occurred and the proposed growth of the renewables sector, the role of the Board lends itself to supporting the maximum benefits for the region in redistributing offset funding for environmental outcomes. In-depth discussions have further assisted the Board in the role it has and the role it may play in the future. The ultimate aim, while acknowledging the Boards ‘regulator’ responsibilities, will be to support maximum appropriate reinvestment into heritage sites and Significant Environmental Benefits in the SAAL region that enhances First Nations, environmental entities and landholders’ shared aspirations for the improvement of land. Biosecurity and Total Grazing Pressure update – Buffel Grass, pigs, goats, kangaroosIn 2024, and into the future, the investment of the Board in reducing total grazing pressure and biosecurity has never been greater. The Board was updated on the Kangaroo Partnership Program which is moving toward some strong and meaningful outcomes for regional landholders and environment. The expansion of effort and capacity in managing rangelands goats was also discussed at length this meeting with the introduction of the new Rangelands Goat Management Coordinator and his work plan. The regional and statewide endeavour around the management of Buffel Grass and the Board’s heightened partnership approach to managing the problem, as well as supporting its declaration as a Weed of National Significance, was a big discussion. The incursions and movement of feral pigs in the region is an increasing concern and the Board was engaged in the discussion as to its options for management, the resourcing required and some of the successes occurring with baiting and monitoring to support further effort in partnership with landholders, neighbours and feral pig management experts. Board Hellos and GoodbyesThis was the final meeting for Kurt Tschirner and Tim Flowers, who have served the Board since its inception in 2020. Each has been instrumental in shaping the development and future prospects of the Board. Presiding Member Douglas Lillecrapp, reflected on the value both had contributed to shaping and managing the Board’s business at a shared lunch with staff to thank them both for their invaluable services to the region, the board and the various sub committees they have served on. David Whitelaw is a new Board appointment, commencing in February. David brings a wealth of experience in the NRM space, having worked for the non- government, not-for-profit environment sector, and leading First Nations Corporate entities, predominantly in rangeland regions. David is the CEO of Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation. The Board enjoyed a meet and greet dinner with David and looks forward to his contribution over the next four years as a ministerially appointed member, who brings great experience, energy and passion to the role. ![]() SAAL Board Members - (L-R) Tim Flowers, Jodie Gregg-Smith, Jodie Harris, Ellen Litchfield, Douglas Lillecrapp, Sanchia Treloar, Scott Michael, Kurt Tschirner ![]() Outgoing Board members Tim Flowers and Kurt Tschirner The SA Arid Lands Landscape Board and staff would like to thank all for the ongoing support and participation in it’s work across such a broad breadth of issues and opportunities. The new year promises to be just as busy and successful, only possible through the connections with community, stakeholders, industry, government and delivery partners. Have a safe and merry season and see you in 2025! ![]() COMING EVENTS7 February 2024 – North East Pastoral Landscape Group Meeting @ Yunta Telecentre 20 March 2025 – SA Arid Lands Pastoral Field Day |