20 February 2025#4
afrika Platform

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela


Drie UGent'ers winnen een ERC Proof of Concept Grant - onder andere voor RedressHub, een project rond koloniaal onrecht

RedressHub zal mensen en gegevens samenbrengen en een interactieve platform ontwikkelen voor het in kaart brengen van initiatieven die Europa’s koloniale erfenis willen aanpakken.

Als innovatief onlineplatform zal RedressHub gebruik maken van geavanceerde datatechnologieën, interactieve visualisatietools en participatief design om initiatieven in kaart te brengen en met elkaar te verbinden.

Volunteer Opportunity: Support At-Risk Scholars Through Proofreading

At-risk scholars can face significant challenges in securing academic positions due to limited career support and mentorship. Each year, many turn to Scholars at Risk (SAR) for assistance in advancing their academic aspirations in a safe environment.

Among its many activities, SAR provides assistance through the Volunteer Proofreader Initiative (VPI), which provides scholars with professional proofreading services to enhance their job search materials.

We are looking for volunteers with academic experience, professional proofreading/copy editing skills, or expertise in academic hiring to provide individualized feedback and edits.

Thank you for your support in empowering scholars at risk.

VLIR-UOS Community Talks: Remote Sensing for Urban and Rural Development & Resilience (ReSiDeR) in South Africa - 26/2/2025

Climate change is hitting both rural and urban environments hard.

This project explores trade-offs and win-win scenarios between rural-urban development and natural resource conservation under climate change.

The University of Cape Town led the project, collaborating with the Universities of Venda and Fort Hare, and worked closely with South African policymakers.

Koen De Feyter Memorial Lecture Series - 26/2/2025-26/3/2025

On 20 September 2024, Professor Koen De Feyter passed away. Unexpectedly. Professor De Feyter was an inspirational scholar. He published widely on human rights and development cooperation, the rights of indigenous peoples, human rights and business, and the right to development.

His driving force was his quest for justice, in particular for indigenous peoples, local communities and the Palestinian people.

In this lecture series, four colleagues from different parts of the world who have closely collaborated with professor De Feyter will commemorate his life and legacy.

Plant Biotechnology Online Café - 7/3/2025

We are excited to invite you to our March Online Café on Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of cereals for Striga resistance.


  • Dr. Laurens Pauwels
  • Dr. Steven Runo
Samedi Cinéma: Film screening & Public lecture with director Mamadou Dia - 25/3/2025

Before opening this year's Africa Film Festival in Ghent with his new film Demba, we are glad to welcome Mamadou Dia for the screening of his renowned short film Samedi Cinéma (2016) during the module of Visual Anthropology.

This module is part of the Anthropology course within the Department of Educational Sciences and aims to demonstrate how film - and other visual media - can serve as a powerful research tool to gain insights into various aspects of humanity.

Book presentation and discussion with the author: Sulaiman Addonia at De Centrale in Ghent - 25/3/2025

On March 25, Sulaiman Addonia will visit De Centrale in Ghent.

Following a reflection by Angel Patricks Amegbe on Addonia’s work, he will engage in a conversation with Annelies Verbeke.

Interuniversity Job Market for Young Researchers - 27/3/2025

The Job Market for Young Researchers is a great place to engage in 1 afternoon with +120 PhD employers, network with professionals in and beyond your industry, and become more aware of what competencies are valued in a PhD employee.

Extra labour-market oriented info sessions and workshops are offered on-site.

Final event of the VLIR-UOS SI project "Lowering Market and Financial Barriers for Women Entrepreneurs" - 16/5/2025

Join us on May 16, 2025, at Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, for the final event of the VLIR-UOS SI project "Lowering Market and Financial Barriers for Women Entrepreneurs."

What to expect:

  • Presentation of research findings
  • Inspiring guest speakers and panel discussions on financing women entrepreneurs and lowering market barriers
  • A vibrant market showcasing women-led businesses
  • Inspiring stories of change through entrepreneurship

Let’s celebrate and empower women entrepreneurship together! 

Re-connect at the International Society for Biosafety Research Symposium - 2-6/11/2025

The 17th International Society for Biosafety Research Symposium (ISBR 2025) will take place in the scenic city of Ghent, Belgium, from 2 to 6 November 2025.

The Symposium will present a highly relevant and interesting program exploring the theme of Cultivating Bio-Innovation for a Sustainable Future.



Call for papers - Conference: Responsive governance and population well-being in later Antiquity (3rd – 6th c. AD) - deadline to submit an abstract: 28/2/2025

For a conference that will be held in Stellenbosch, South Africa, from 13 to 15 November 2025, we are inviting abstracts for papers on government involvement and concern for population well-being in later Antiquity (3rd-6th century AD). Selected papers from the conference will be collected in an edited volume on the conference theme.

We invite contributions on two key themes. First, how did the Roman state itself address issues of well-being—reactively or proactively? Second, how were issues brought to the state's attention by the general populace: through networks, petitions, or acclamations? What areas of population well-being were being addressed?

KBF Africa Prize 2025-2026 - deadline for applications: 3/3/2025

Every two years, the KBF Africa Prize rewards African organisations which contribute to transforming society and sustainably improving the lives of people in Africa.

Beyond its monetary value of 250.000 euros, it offers its laureates unique opportunities to increase their visibility and promote their cause to international audiences.

SGroup InterContinental Academic Exchange Programme - submission deadline: 7/3/2025

The InterContinental Academic Exchange Programme (ICON) finds its origin in long-lasting collaborative links between the SGroup network, its members, associate members and institutions located in strategic regions and countries for the SGroup and also linked to the Think Tank Academy.

As part of this mobility programme, the academic and administrative staff of full-member European Universities of the SGroup (like Ghent University) can apply for a scholarship to conduct a short mobility period in a partner institution of their choice outside Europe.

The Society for Ethnobotany Annual Meeting - abstract submission deadline: 1/4/2025

In June 2025, Prague will become the center of international activity in the field of ethnobotany, as the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences will host The Society for Ethnobotany Annual Meeting. This event, which attracts experts and students from all over the world, represents a unique opportunity to share scientific knowledge and discuss key issues in ethnobotany.

Oproep vir bydraes: 5de Swart Afrikaanse skrywerssimposium, UWK - datum vir indiening van abstrakte: 15/5/2025

Die Departement Afrikaans en Neerlandistiek, Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland kondig met trots die 5de Sas-byeenkoms aan.

Die Departement word die afgelope 40 jaar met dié simposium verbind wat 'n duidelike spoor in die Afrikaanse literatuurgeskiedenis gelaat het.

Die Sas-byeenkoms word vanaf 9-11 Oktober 2025 aangebied. Soos in die verlede is die vertrekpunt 'n bestekopname van “swart skryfwerk in Afrikaans”.



Please contact us in case you would like to join the AUGent Institutional Trip to Uganda - 19-29/8/2025

On the programme:

 -Visits to:

  • Makerere University
  • Makerere University Teaching Hospital
  • Kampala International University
  • Mbarara University of Science and Technology
  • Mountains of the Moon University
  • Gulu University

-Alumni event at the Belgian embassy


Want to learn more about the six Regional Platforms? Take a look at www.ugent.be/regionalplatforms
to find all the information you need.

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