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Number 450 18 July 2024



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We are delighted to launch Culture as a Public Good: Navigating its role in policy debates, our latest extended report in the Sustainable Futures series featuring insights from eight experts: Dwinita Larasati (Indonesia), Matina Magkou (Greece), Sonia Montecino (Chile), Maru Mormina (United Kingdom), Farai Mpfunya (Zimbabwe), Pablo Raphael (Mexico), Tarisi Vunidilo (Fiji), and Stephen Wainwright (New Zealand). It provides a brief overview on the definitions of public goods in economic and social terms, as well as consideration for culture. The report interrogates what culture as a public good means in different contexts and proposes tangible, actionable pathways for action with a series of recommendations.

The concept of culture as a public good has gained momentum since the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022, where the declaration signed by Ministers of Culture from over 150 countries visibly underlined culture's critical role in sustainable development. This recognition has been recently reinforced in the draft of the soon-to-be adopted Pact for the Future, which clearly calls for a stand-alone goal for culture in the UN's post-2030 sustainable development agenda. Our report recommends recognising culture in both its symbolic and sectoral aspects, protecting and promoting it as an essential social good, and considering it beyond economic frames to avoid commodification. The report also calls for developing cultural capabilities for resilience and adaptability, addressing systemic inequalities locally and globally while embracing diversity, providing an enabling environment for agency and self-determination in narratives, and ensuring that policy work is practical and actionable.

Our Culture as a Public Good report serves as a stepping stone towards the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture on Charting the future of arts and culture, co-hosted with Arts Council Korea (ARKO) to be held in Seoul in May 2025. At IFACCA, we fully support culture as a standalone goal in the post-2030 sustainable development agenda and will work closely with our members and wider network to support and strengthen our shared common agenda including at MONDIACULT 2025 in Barcelona. In these contexts, our report seeks to spark inclusive discussions on the power of culture and the importance of embracing the diversity in our humanity in shaping our future. Download the extended report in English and Spanish here.

In related news from around the world, UNESCO is inviting input from the cultural sector to help shape the future of cultural policies at MONDIACULT 2025 through a survey. A new report on Nigeria’s cultural and creative industries presents the dynamic interplay between cultural production and economic growth. In the Republic of Korea, the Ministry of Culture has outlined four missions to boost the K-content industry, focusing on projects in gaming, webtoons, film, music, and broadcasting, while in Panama, efforts are underway to promote culture as a right, emphasising active participation for all, including children. Meanwhile, Spain’s Ministry of Culture has initiated a participatory process to develop the Cultural Rights Plan, a key priority for fostering cultural engagement.

A reminder that the Call for Participants for the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture is open until Wednesday, 31 July 2024. We welcome proposals from policymakers, academics, government representatives, cultural and community leaders, practitioners, and professionals in the arts, culture, and related sectors. We look forward to hearing from you!




ACORNS Iberoamericano


Le recordamos que continuamos entregando noticias del espacio iberoamericano tanto de los países miembros como artículos en prensa en general de la región.  Al final de cada edición de ACORNS encontrará la sección de ACORNS Iberoamericano.  Asimismo, nuestro sitio web cuenta con una variedad de noticias en español a su disposición.




Final reminder to submit your proposal by 31st July for the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture 2025

We are pleased to invite proposals to participate in the programme for the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture, which will explore the theme: Charting the future of arts and culture. We welcome proposals from policy makers, academics, government representatives, cultural and community leaders, practitioners, and professionals working in the fields of arts, culture, creative and cultural industries, as well as other related sectors.

To submit a proposal, please use the online form available in English and Spanish. While there is no form in French, submissions in French are still welcome. Please note that submissions sent via email will not be considered. Applications close on Wednesday 31 July 2024, and you can find more information and details on how to submit a proposal on the Summit website here. If you know anyone who might be interested, please share the details.


National Agency News


The Tourism and Culture Committee holds a hearing on the proposed law on artists and professions

Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Tunisia, 14 July 2024, Tunisia

The Committee on Tourism, Culture, Services and Handicrafts held a session on July 12, 2024, dedicated to hearing the Minister in charge of managing the Ministry of Cultural Affairs on the proposed law on artists and artistic professions n° 55/2023.


Arts organisations' feedback to inform better support from Creative New Zealand

Creative New Zealand - Toi Aotearoa, 11 July 2024, New Zealand

Arts organisations value non-financial and community support alongside financial support to meet the challenges they face. Creative New Zealand heard from 323 arts sector organisations across the country in response to a questionnaire about the support they found most valuable for them and their communities.


Arts Council Malta announces agreement with Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability

Arts Council Malta, 10 July 2024, Malta

Arts Council Malta (ACM) is pleased to announce a collaboration which will see it working together with the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) in order to further their shared vision for the cultural and creative sectors.


Culture is an expression of nationalism

National Arts Council (BASATA), 10 July 2024, Tanzania

BASATA director of development and development, Edward Buganga, commended "Kilimanjaro one travel and tours" for enabling the organizers of the "lake zone cultural and tourism festival" which is primarily aimed at maintaining and inheriting the foundations of Tanzanian culture.


Strategy to support future of Glasgow’s cultural sector launched

Creative Scotland, 10 July 2024, Scotland

A new strategy which will support the future of Glasgow’s cultural sector has been unveiled. Glasgow’s Culture Strategy 2024-30, approved by Glasgow City Council’s City Administration Committee, is designed to enable culture to shape and build the future health, prosperity and sustainability of Glasgow and its people.


The Lithuanian Council for Culture’s Forum discusses the role of artists and the significance of investment

Lithuanian Council for Culture, 08 July 2024, Lithuania

The Lithuanian Council for Culture has invited the cultural community to its annual forum, "The Power of the Creator". The forum examined the situation of creators from various angles, including their daily work experiences and challenges, collaboration with organisations, the significance of public investment, and attitudes toward creators.


Korea and EU Discuss on Leading the Global Copyright Regime

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 04 July 2024, Korea, Rep

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Minister YU In Chon, MCST) and the European Commission (President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, EU) hosted the “1st EU-Korea Copyright Roundtable” in Seoul on July 4 (Thur).


Arts Community Pulse Survey

Canada Council for the Arts, 20 June 2024, Canada

On June 20, the Canada Council launched a Canada-wide Arts Community Pulse Survey to help build a robust portrait of the current state of the sector across Canada.


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International News


Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi partners with Dubai Culture and Arts Authority to support research on museums and archaeology

Abu Dhabi Media Office, 17 July 2024, United Arab Emirates

The Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) and the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) have partnered to coordinate efforts on various projects and initiatives related to museums, archaeology, and heritage.


Ahsan announces establishment of creative industries, blue economy units

The Nation, 14 July 2024, Pakistan

Minister for Planning, Development and Spe­cial Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal on Sat­urday unveiled a transformative step towards economic diversi­fication and sustainable growth with the establishment of dedicat­ed units for Creative Industries and the Blue Economy within the Min­istry of Planning and Development.


Ministry strives to safeguard intangible cultural heritage

FBC News, 07 July 2024, Fiji

The Ministry of iTaukei Affairs strives to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage of Fijians of Melanesian descent under the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.


Namibia Arts Council conducts consultation on draft bill

NBC, 05 July 2024, Namibia

The National Arts Council of Namibia (NACN) has started with its regional consultations on the amended draft bill and regulations for the National Arts Fund.


Biggest national culture survey: people mainly go to the cinema or a concert for entertainment

Statistics Estonia, 27 June 2024, Estonia

The Cultural Participation Survey conducted by Statistics Estonia reveals that over half a million people in Estonia went to the cinema at least once last year. Almost the same number of people attended a concert. Overall, 79% of residents aged 15 and over participated in a cultural event in 2023.


Funding to help invigorate First Nations art industry

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 27 June 2024, Australia

89 First Nations-owned art centres, art fairs, regional hubs and industry service organisations across the country will receive a share of more than $21 million in funding through the Albanese Labor Government’s Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support Program.


Facility with 4.5/5 fire rating to house vital documents

Barbados Today, 22 June 2024, Barbados

The government is racing to recover and safeguard invaluable cultural assets following the catastrophic fire at the Department of Archives, with a planned full move of valuable documents to a disaster-resistant facility by November, according to the minister responsible for culture.


Firm policy framework crucial for creative economy: Experts

VietnamPlus, 22 June 2024, Viet Nam

A firm policy framework is crucial to nurture the creative economy, one with “unlimited” development potential, according to Dr. Tran Thi Hong Minh, Director of the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM).


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Creative Economy Outlook 2024

UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade & Development, 11 July 2024, International

The Creative Economy Outlook 2024 underscores the pivotal role that creative industries play in trade and economic growth. UNCTAD’s global survey reveals the varied economic contributions of the creative economy across different countries, ranging from 0.5% to 7.3% of GDP and employing between 0.5% to 12.5% of the workforce.


Unleashing Policy Coherence to Achieve the SDGs

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 10 July 2024, International

In an era of overlapping crises, achieving sustainable development is more challenging than ever. As we approach the 2030 deadline, the world is off track to meet most of the Sustainable Development Goals.


AEA Releases the 2023 Cultural Infrastructure Index

AEA Consulting, 01 July 2024, International

AEA Consulting is pleased to share the latest edition of the Cultural Infrastructure Index (CII), a measure of major investments in capital projects in the cultural sector with budgets of US$10 million or more, that were either announced or completed in 2023.


Cultural and Creative Industries – 2023 Activity Report

Agence Française de Développement (AFD), 01 July 2024, France

AFD has been supporting the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) since 2018. In 2023, AFD committed 40 million euros through 17 projects to the development of the CCI sector. The funded projects will support cultural entrepreneurship, develop cultural infrastructure and facilities, support vocational training in culture-related activities and help structure cultural policies.


The independent Performing Arts scene in Bulgaria

IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts, 30 June 2024, Bulgaria

IETM and Toplocentrala are pleased to present the mapping of the independent performing arts in Bulgaria, published in connection to the IETM 2024 Plenary meeting held in Sofia.


Cultural Mobility Yearbook 2024

On the Move, 25 June 2024, International

On the Move regularly commissions researchers to investigate different themes closely related to the network’s activities and the work carried out by its members. Reflecting on transversal concerns and key areas of artistic and cultural mobility, the network tries to establish a clearer picture of current movements and trends while formulating policy recommendations.


Roaming New Roads: DutchCulture Database Mapping 2023

DutchCulture, 21 June 2024, Netherlands

2023 saw a vibrant year of international travel, with makers once again touring at pre-pandemic levels. Although makers continue to face challenges on a global-political scale, they have re-doubled their efforts to work internationally. The result is a bustling map, with 17,493 international cultural activities tracked in 2023.


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Opportunities and Events


ENCATC Congress 2024: 18 - 20 Sept 2024

ENCATC - European Network on Cultural Management and Policy, 18-20 September 2024, Italy

The 2024 Congress is not just a forum for discussion but a hub for action and transformation in the cultural sector’s drive for sustainability. By participating, you gain a unique opportunity to exchange and network with the cultural management and policy community from all around the world, fostering new connections and sparking future collaborations.


European Commission seeks partner to run structured dialogue on cultural policy

European Commission, 6 September 2024, International

The European Commission has published a call for tenders for a new structured dialogue with civil society on cultural policy covering the period from 2025 to 2028.


caravan International Producers’ Breakfast 2024: 22 August 2024

Caravan Theatre, 22 August 2024, Scotland

The International Producers’ Breakfast is an annual event held during the Edinburgh festivals. It offers a platform for producers, promoters, programmers and artists of international work to network, exchange and form new collaborations.


International Cultural Policy Conference: Public Registrations Now Open!

Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends, 25 July 2024, Montenegro

Today the Compendium of Cultural Policies & Trends are opening the registrations for the International Cultural Policy Conference taking place on 26 September in Podgorica, Montenegro in cooperation with the University “Mediterranean” Podgorica.


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Read more ACORNS

ACORNS 449: International cultural exchange and recognising Indigenous knowledge

ACORNS 448: Launch of the theme and Call for Participants for the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture May 2025

ACORNS 447: Global news round up: Celebrating World Book and Intellectual Property Days and spotlight on AI and Indigenous issues

ACORNS 446: Education, culture and AI: recent policy developments and implications




Download Publications

Culture as a Public Good: Navigating its role in policy debates

9th World Summit Report

9th World Summit Discussion Paper

Re-Shifting Centres and Peripheries

From Symbolic Acknowledgement to Tangible Recognition

A crisis of sustainable careers?

Supporting Culture in the Digital Age





Nos enorgullece lanzar La cultura como bien público: navegar su rol en los debates de política pública, nuestro último informe ampliado de la serie Futuros Sostenibles que presenta opiniones de ocho expertos(as): Dwinita Larasati (Indonesia), Matina Magkou (Grecia), Sonia Montecino (Chile), Maru Mormina (Reino Unido), Farai Mpfunya (Zimbabue), Pablo Raphael (México), Tarisi Vunidilo (Fiji) y Stephen Wainwright (Nueva Zelanda). Ofrece una visión panorámica de las definiciones de bienes públicos en términos económicos y sociales, así como en consideración de la cultura. El informe cuestiona qué significa la cultura como bien público en diferentes contextos y propone vías de acción tangibles y viables con una serie de recomendaciones.

El concepto de cultura como bien público ha cobrado impulso desde la Conferencia Mundial de la UNESCO sobre Políticas Culturales y Desarrollo Sostenible – MONDIACULT 2022, donde la declaración firmada por Ministros(as) de Cultura de más de 150 países subrayó visiblemente el papel fundamental de la cultura en el desarrollo sostenible. Este reconocimiento ha sido reforzado recientemente en el borrador del Pacto para el Futuro que se adoptará próximamente, el que claramente exige un objetivo independiente para la cultura en la agenda de desarrollo sostenible post-2030 de las Naciones Unidas. Nuestro informe recomienda reconocer la cultura tanto en su aspecto simbólico como sectorial, protegerla y promoverla como un bien social esencial y considerarla más allá de los marcos económicos para evitar su comodificación. El informe también insta a desarrollar capacidades culturales para la resiliencia y la adaptabilidad, abordar las desigualdades sistémicas a nivel local y mundial, y al mismo tiempo celebrar la diversidad, proporcionar un entorno propicio para la autodeterminación en las narrativas y garantizar que el trabajo de políticas públicas sea práctico y viable.

El informe La cultura como bien público sirve como un trampolín hacia la 10ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura bajo el lema: Trazando el futuro de las artes y la cultura, organizada conjuntamente con el Consejo de las Artes de Corea (ARKO) que se celebrará en Seúl en mayo de 2025. En IFACCA apoyamos plenamente la cultura como un objetivo propio en la agenda de desarrollo sostenible post-2030 y trabajaremos en estrecha colaboración con nuestros Miembros y una red más amplia para apoyar y fortalecer nuestra agenda común compartida, incluso en MONDIACULT 2025 en Barcelona. En estos contextos, nuestro informe busca generar debates inclusivos sobre el poder de la cultura y la importancia de abrazar la diversidad de nuestra humanidad para dar forma a nuestro futuro. Descargue el informe ampliado en inglés y español aquí.

En noticias relacionadas de todo el mundo, la UNESCO invita a entregar aportes del sector cultural para ayudar a dar forma al futuro de las políticas culturales en MONDIACULT 2025 a través de una encuesta. Un nuevo informe sobre las industrias culturales y creativas de Nigeria presenta la interacción dinámica entre la producción cultural y el crecimiento económico. En la República de Corea, el Ministerio de Cultura ha delineado cuatro misiones para impulsar la industria del contenido K, centrándose en proyectos de juegos, webtoons, cine, música y radiodifusión, mientras que en Panamá se están realizando esfuerzos para promover la cultura como un derecho, haciendo hincapié en la participación activa de todos(as), incluidos los(as) niños(as). Mientras tanto, el Ministerio de Cultura de España ha iniciado un proceso participativo para desarrollar el Plan de Derechos Culturales, una prioridad clave para fomentar el compromiso cultural.

Le recordamos que la convocatoria de participantes para la 10ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura  está abierta hasta el miércoles 31 de julio de 2024. Damos la bienvenida a propuestas de formuladores(as) de políticas públicas, académicos, representantes gubernamentales, líderes culturales y comunitarios(as), practicantes y profesionales de las artes y la cultura, así como sectores relacionados. ¡Estamos atentos(as) a su participación!

Noticias de IFACCA


Último recordatorio para presentar su propuesta antes del 31 de julio para la 10ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura

Nos complace invitar a que presenten propuestas para participar en el programa de la 10ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura, que explorará el tema: Trazando el futuro para las artes y la culturaInvitamos propuestas de responsables de políticas públicas, académicos, representantes de gobiernos, líderes culturales y comunitarios y profesionales de las artes, la cultura, las industrias culturales y creativas y otros sectores relacionados.

Para presentar una propuesta, le rogamos complete el formulario virtual en español y inglés. No disponemos de un formulario en francés, pero puede usar los existentes para presentar propuestas en ese idioma. No se aceptarán las propuestas enviadas por correo electrónico. Puede presentar propuestas hasta el miércoles 31 de julio de 2024, y encontrará más información sobre la presentación de propuestas en la página web de la Cumbre, aquí. Si conoce a alguna persona interesada, puede hacerle llegar esta información.




Paraguay y Chile firman Memorándum para promover intercambio cultural y artístico

National Secretary of Culture, Presidency of the Republic, Paraguay, 17 July 2024, Paraguay

Esta mañana, en el Palacio de Gobierno, se llevó a cabo la firma de un Memorándum de Entendimiento de cooperación entre la Secretaría Nacional de Cultura y el Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio de la República de Chile. El documento fue firmado por la ministra de Cultura, Adriana Ortiz Semidei, y la ministra de Cultura de Chile, Carolina Arredondo. Este significativo acuerdo tiene como objetivo principal promover y facilitar la difusión recíproca del arte, la cultura, los patrimonios y saberes de las comunidades.


Ministerio de Cultura incrementa el aporte económico público destinado a las ASFL culturales

Ministerio de Cultura, República Dominicana,16 July 2024, República Dominicana

El Ministerio de Cultura (MINC) anunció que este año 2024 el aporte económico destinado a las asociaciones sin fines de lucro (ASFL) culturales incrementó significativamente con respecto al ejercicio presupuestario 2023.


Perspectivas de la Economía Creativa 2024

UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade & Development, 11 July 2024, International

El informe Perspectivas de la Economía Creativa 2024 subraya el papel fundamental que desempeñan las industrias creativas en el comercio y el crecimiento económico. La encuesta mundial de la UNCTAD revela la variada contribución económica de la economía creativa en los distintos países, que oscila entre el 0,5% y el 7,3% del PIB y emplea entre el 0,5% y el 12,5% de la mano de obra.


Secel firma parceria com Fundação Itaú para levantamento do PIB da cultura em MT

State Secretary for Culture, Sports and Leisure of Mato Grosso, 11 July 2024, Brazil

A Secretaria de Cultura, Esporte e Lazer de Mato Grosso (Secel) e a Fundação Itaú assinaram nesta quarta-feira (10.07) um termo de cooperação para levantamento do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) gerado pelo setor cultural no Estado.


OEI recibe taller de Gobernanza Cultural de la Economía Creativa en Paraguay

OEI - Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos, 10 July 2024, Paraguay

En un esfuerzo por impulsar la economía cultural y creativa de Paraguay, el Centro de Formación e Innovación en Políticas Públicas (CeFIPP) de la OEI acogió el Taller "Gobernanza de la Economía Cultural y Creativa en Paraguay", iniciativa promovida por la Secretaría Nacional de Cultura con el respaldo del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).


Ibermúsicas lanza el Catálogo Iberoamericano de Partituras

SEGIB - Secretario General Iberoamericano, 08 July 2024, International

Ibermúsica, uno de los 30 programas de cooperación iberoamericana impulsados por la Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB), ha lanzado el Catálogo Iberoamericano de Partituras, una herramienta diseñada con el objetivo de mejorar la falta de acceso a la música escrita iberoamericana.


El Ministerio de Cultura abre un proceso participativo para la elaboración del Plan de Derechos Culturales

Ministry of Culture, Spain, 03 July 2024, Spain

El Ministerio de Cultura ha anunciado la apertura de un proceso participativo para la elaboración del Plan de Derechos Culturales, iniciativa que está desarrollando como línea de actuación prioritaria. Así lo ha comunicado hoy el ministro de Cultura, Ernest Urtasun, junto a la directora general de Derechos Culturales, Jazmín Beirak, en el acto de presentación de la hoja de ruta del plan celebrado en el Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza.


UNESCO presenta Reporte de Evaluación del Estadio de Preparación de Inteligencia Artificial de México

UNESCO, 03 July 2024, Mexico

La UNESCO lanzó el Reporte de Evaluación del Estadio de Preparación en Inteligencia Artificial de México, realizado en colaboración con la Alianza Nacional para la Inteligencia Artificial (ANIA), y con el apoyo del Centro-i para la Sociedad del Futuro, mediante un proceso abierto y plural con más de 250 personas y representantes de los gobiernos federal y estatales, órganos autónomos, organizaciones civiles, de la academia y la iniciativa privada.


Política Nacional de Fomento a la Lectura, la Oralidad y Acceso al Libro fue presentada

Ministerio de Cultura y Patrimonio, Ecuador, 26 June 2024, Ecuador

La lectura fomenta el desarrollo cognitivo, la creatividad, el pensamiento crítico y el acceso equitativo al conocimiento, esencial para una ciudadanía informada y participativa. Por ello, la mañana de este miércoles, el presidente de la República del Ecuador, Daniel Noboa Azin, junto a la ministra de Cultura y Patrimonio, Romina Muñoz, presentaron la Política Nacional de Fomento a la Lectura, la Oralidad y Acceso al Libro de Ecuador.


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