2022#9 4 May

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela


GAP fellow Ernest Nshemezimana for a one-month research stay at BantUGent

Welcome Ernest!

Ernest Nshemezimana (Burundi University, Bujumbura) arrived on April 22, 2022 in Ghent for a one-month research stay at BantUGent co-financed by a fellowship of the Africa Platform of the Ghent University Association. He will continue the research on Kirundi information structure which he started here as part of his PhD project (2011-2016).


Lecture series: 3x (Counter)narratives on Africa, Current Affairs, Discourse and Imaging - 3, 10, 17/5

We invite you for a series of 3 lectures by Daniel Cattier (EN), Omar Ba (NL) and Don Moussa Pandzou (NL) in which each speaker will bring his own narrative and perspective on current themes and debates in, on, and from Africa. The series is part of the course “Afrika: actualiteit, discours en beeldvorming” and is free for everyone.


Webinar: History of Artemia Activities in Africa - 4/5

Exploring Artemia production and utilization opportunities in Africa for improved livelihoods

The Artemia Webinar is being hosted by Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) in conjunction with the International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium (IAAC).

The purpose of this webinar is to discuss the diverse levels of Artemia activities in different African countries to explore opportunities and address the various challenges to improve the production and utilization of Artemia to improve livelihoods in Africa.


Documentaire ‘La Fabrique des Pandémies’

Voorvertoning in Brussel op 11 mei 2022

‘La Fabrique des Pandémies’ is de nieuwe documentaire van Marie-Monique Robin, gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek. De Franse journaliste raakte geïntrigeerd door de oorzaak van de coronapandemie en bestudeerde het verband tussen de ineenstorting van de biodiversiteit en het ontstaan van pandemieën.

Kom de film op woensdag 11 mei ontdekken in Cinema Galeries in Brussel. Na de exclusieve voorvertoning volgt een interactieve discussie met het publiek. We sluiten de avond af met een drankje en een signeersessie door Marie-Monique Robin.


Exhibition: Indestructibles - from 12/5 onwards

A look at the generation of the future of Africa

In the course of more than two years, the Indestructibles project has documented the stories of 11 boys and girls in 10 African countries that mirror the achievements and the challenges prevailing in a diverse and constantly-evolving continent. This exhibition is a journey that traverses a young, energetic and dynamic territory. One that is brimming with people who push on as best they can. And when things go wrong, they try to be indestructible, and survive.


Open Lezing door Peggy Bouva - 19/5

'De plantage van onze Voorouders'

Peggy Bouva (Rotterdam, 1978) is moeder, public speaker, juridisch kwaliteitsmedewerker en werkzaam binnen het Sociaal Domein in Zuid-Holland. Met haar bedrijf Community & Knowledge streeft ze ernaar om kennis van het Afro Surinaams Cultureel Erfgoed spelenderwijs over te dragen. Samen met journaliste Maartje Duin werkte ze mee aan de Podcast de Plantage van onze Voorouders. Deze productie is in 2020 gebroadcast via de VPRO. De jury verkoos 'De plantage van onze voorouders' unaniem tot Beste Podcast van 2020.


BantUGent talk Jeroen Dewulf - 20/5

Flying Back to Africa or Flying to Heaven?

Competing Visions of Afterlife in the Lowcountry and Caribbean Slave Societies

This study presents a new interpretation of the famous folktale about enslaved Africans flying home, including the legend that only those who refrained from eating salt could fly back to Africa. It rejects claims that the tale is rooted in Igbo culture and relates to suicide as a desperate attempt to escape from slavery. Rather, an analysis of historical documents in combination with ethnographic and linguistic research makes it possible to trace the tale back to West-Central Africa.....



Global South Partnership Event - 30/5

Yearly symposium on Global South Partnerships with and within Ghent University. Focus on how we can connect for change.

Morning sessions:

  • Prof. Doris Schroeder: Director of Centre for Professional Ethics, UCLan (UK) as coordinator for the “Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings” drafted by the TRUST project.
  • Mr. Koen Doens: Director-General, Directorate General for International Partnerships, European Commission

Lunch & networking

Afternoon session: Workshops and parallel infoboothsessions



Applications for mobility grants under the ICon Call 2022 - deadline 31/5

By providing members with mobility grants of up to 1000€, ICon (The InterContinental Academic Exchange Programme) aims to promote, facilitate and/or strengthen collaboration between SGroup universities (also UGent) and institutions of their choice located in strategic regions associated with the Think Tank Academy (China, Latin America and Africa), as well as SGroup associate members.


Invitational Seminar on Environmental Education Research - 13-16 June

Challenges for environmental and sustainability education research in times of climate crisis

Since its first edition in 1993, the Invitational Seminar on Environmental Education Research series has provided a unique opportunity for researchers from around the planet to discuss critical problems, trends and issues in research on environmental and sustainability education (ESE).

From 13 to 16 June 2022, the 15th edition will be organised in Ghent, Belgium, by the Centre for Sustainable Development of Ghent University in collaboration with partners of the SEDwise network (‘Sustainability Education – Teaching and learning in the face of wicked socio-ecological problems’).


Yearly Competition Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences

Every year each Section of the Academy puts two questions forward on specific subjects. Each award-winning work in the yearly competition is granted a prize of 2,500 EUR.

Questions for the 2023 competition

  • Question 1

A study is requested on the development of autochthonous religious traditions in the contemporary global world.

  • Question 2

A study is requested on the impact of climate changes and/or anthropogenic activities on ecosystem services (see UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment) in the tropics. The study should deal with provisioning, regulating, supporting and/or cultural services.

  • Question 3

A study is requested that would link biodiversity changes to the worldwide food supply and health evolution of populations in the South (rural and/or urban environments).


Upcoming events

Meet & Engage with the Kenyan embassy

WHEN 17-05-2022 from 16:00 to 19:00
WHERE Oude Infirmerie, Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, Ghent
ORGANIZER Africa Platform of Ghent University Association
CONTACT Annelies.Verdoolaege@UGent.be
WEBSITE https://www.africaplatform.ugent.be/event/meet-engage-kenyan-embassy


  • Introduction + presentation UGent by Mieke Van Herreweghe, UGent Deputy Vice Chancellor
  • Pitch presentations by UGent professors on their research in Kenya
  • Speech by HE the Ambassador
  • Q&A
  • Informal meeting + drinks & snacks

UGent visit to Nigeria

WHEN 05-06-2022 - 11-06-2022
WHERE Lagos & Abuja
ORGANIZER Africa Platform of Ghent University Association
CONTACT Annelies.Verdoolaege@UGent.be
WEBSITE https://www.africaplatform.ugent.be/event/ugent-visit-nigeria

Ghent University will visit the cities of Lagos and Abuja in Nigeria to meet with partner institutions, sign bilateral agreements and explore research collaboration.

A special seminar showcasing UGent and UGent's expertise in Nigeria will be organised in Abuja on 9 June.  

