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Hi everyone, Welcome to the final edition of Reaching Out eNews for 2023. We would like to thank all of our providers and stakeholders who have worked with us this year. Together we continue to work towards creating healthier communities and reducing health inequities. Looking forward to 2024 we are evaluating our communications, and we want to know what you think of Reaching Out and what type of news items you’re interested in. More information about providing feedback can be found below. This month, we are excited to launch our Indigenous Eye Health Survey, developed in collaboration with the Indigenous Eye Health Advisory Working Group. Your involvement in this initiative is crucial as we strive for inclusive and informed healthcare practices. In October it was announced that CheckUP, in partnership with Country to Coast QLD, have been appointed to deliver health services in the Rural Primary Health Services Program for Central Queensland. This milestone underscores our commitment to enhancing healthcare access in Central Queensland. Finally, mark your calendars for our upcoming event during Disability Action Week, centered around the theme 'Access Ignites: It's Good Business.' This event, free for CheckUP providers, promises insightful discussions about accessibility in the health sector. In the coming weeks we will be sending a number of communications to our contracted providers regarding final payment and reporting deadlines for 2023. If you have any questions about anything Outreach related, please get in touch by speaking to your Regional Coordinator or emailing We hope you all enjoy reading this edition of Reaching Out. Kind regards, Elise Gorman ![]() ![]() OUR LATEST NEWS![]() Payment and reporting deadlines for Outreach providers The last payment run for this year will be on Tuesday 12 December for all visits submitted up to Sunday 10 December. Please refer below payment schedules for December 2023 and January 2024:
All Outcome Reports for services delivered in 2023 must be submitted for bi-annual reporting no later than Sunday 14 January 2024. Tell us what you think of our Reaching Out eNewsletter At CheckUP, we believe in the importance of staying connected with our Outreach service providers and key stakeholders like you. Your insights play a crucial role in shaping the way we communicate, and we are eager to hear your thoughts on our Reaching Out eNewsletter. ![]() ![]() Indigenous Eye Health Survey CheckUP in collaboration with the Indigenous Eye Health Advisory Working Group is excited to announce a comprehensive survey for Queensland. The survey focuses on access to eye health services, screening, Feedback provided will be used to map services, evaluate opportunities, and develop organisational strengths to support communities with better eye care outcomes. We hope you will work with us to ensure we gather information to support your community. "Disability services across the health sector must improve" The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of people with disability found health professionals often lack access to relevant CPD. Funded by the NDIA, CheckUP in consultation with people with disability, health professionals and disability advocacy organisations have developed Access for All: Disability awareness for mainstream health providers (AfA). The online course earns CPD points and is suitable for all health providers. Free until June 30, 2024. ![]() ![]() Ask the question: Are you Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Origin? We need to ask everyone this question to improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders. The under-identification of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in health services and national health data sets is a fundamental barrier to achieving health equality for all Australians. CheckUP have developed some "asking the question" printable resources, to assist clinics in illustrating the importance of capturing this data. Reminder: Collecting patient feedback Reminder to all Outreach Providers to take the Patient Feedback Surveys and other resources (supplied by CheckUP) to your next outreach visit. Patient feedback plays an important role in improving health service delivery and patient outcomes. Surveys responses will be shared with providers where possible. Please contact us if you haven’t received your pack or require additional resources to be posted to you. ![]() ![]() CheckUP team members attended the NACCHO conference Last month, Elise Gorman, General Manager of Health Services; Nyaree Mewett, General Manager of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health; and Melanie Sheridan, Regional Coordinator for Far North QLD, represented the CheckUP team at the NACCHO Conference 2023 held in Noongar Boodjar/Perth. The central theme of the 2023 NACCHO Members’ Conference was encapsulated in the phrase – "Working together, we are stronger." CheckUP appointed to deliver Rural Primary Health Services Program in Central QueenslandIn partnership with Country to Coast QLD (CCQ), CheckUP have been appointed to deliver health services to the Central Queensland community in Rural Primary Health Services Program (RPHS). As part of our commitment to maintaining and improving vital healthcare services, we are thrilled to be involved in enhancing healthcare access in Central Queensland, specifically in Emerald. CheckUP has now taken over the operational coordination of the RPHS program, supported by CCQ. Find out more about RPHS on our website. ![]() Health Workforce Needs Assessment Annual Survey Competition Be part of the health workforce solution in remote and rural Queensland! Every year we provide health professionals the opportunity to have their say about the remote Queensland primary health care workforce. This is your chance to supply valuable, on the ground information about what is happening in your area. Complete our Annual Survey by 30 November 2023 and you will go into the draw to WIN* an Apple iPad! iCOPE release the world's first perinatal mental health digital screening platform Queensland Health has committed to strengthen existing approaches to universal mental health screening throughout the perinatal period, and have commenced implementing iCOPE into public maternity and family care settings. WHAT'S ON![]() Register now for our Queensland Primary Health Care Network event