Nov 2021 Newsletter No Images? Click here

Open House!

I can't believe we're nearing the end of 2021, and what a year it's been!

You name it, we've had it, haven't we? Supply shortages, transport issues, continuing concerns for our staff's health and wellbeing - plus we moved premises and embarked on a major building project on top!

Open House Invitation

But wow has it been worth it! I am absolutely delighted with how our new facility is panning out and it would give me great pleasure to be able to show you what we are managing to achieve here now, before the year ends. Now that we have so much more space, we've added new machinery and work spaces and have increased our manufacturing capabilities and performance enormously.

Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to invite you to our Open House and we'll be delighted to welcome you any time that suits you during December!

We are conscious that we need to be sensible and remain COVID compliant, so therefore please could I ask that you notify us in advance of your visit. Not only will this prevent too many people being in one place at any one time but we will be able to ensure coffee is on, lunch is ready and we can give you our undivided attention and a personalised guided tour. Just contact the office and we'll ensure you are in the diary. 

It's been a while, in fact it's been way too long, and so I very much look forward to welcoming you. 

Plunkett Associates
Yizumi injection moulding machines

You're invited!

Come and visit our New Tooling & Moulding Facility and find out about our Increased Capabilities!

Intrigued to see where we are now?

Interested in our new capabilities?

Need to chat through an impending project? 

We're offering you the chance to do just that throughout December!


If you have a project in mind, or would like more information, contact us and we will be pleased to help.

01452 386608