13 June 2024#12
afrika Platform

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela


Guest lecture on eco-oral literature by Peter Wasamba - 13/6/2024

We welcome Prof. Peter Wasamba from the University of Nairobi for a public lecture and lab work on “Narratives and Objects in a Museal Oral Ecolit-Lab: Ecological Sustainability in East-African Literary scholarship and UGent Curricula”.

This lecture markts the start of a Short Training Programme seeking to innovate the PhD trajectory at Ghent University's Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, with a strengthened emphasis on ecological sustainability in literary and museal studies from an East-African perspective.

Afrika Focus 37:1 is out now!

Afrika Focus, the Scopus-listed journal of the AUGent Africa Platform, promotes critical and worldly debates with Africa at the centre.

The journal is increasingly used as an international publication forum for different types of fascinating research.

We are proud to present to you the newly published issue: Afrika Focus 37:1.

National Remittance Summit 2024 - Transforming diaspora remittances - 14/6/2024

We are thrilled to announce the highly anticipated National Remittance Summit 2024 set to take place on Friday the 14th of June 2024 in Brussels (Belgium).

The IOM National Remittance Summit 2024 holds special significance as it celebrates the O-REMIT project and the International Day of Family Remittances, both dedicated to recognizing the essential contribution of diaspora remittances to families, communities, and economies worldwide.

CMSI Lecture - Translating Trauma, (Re)writing Memory: Mauritius and the Indenture Narrative - 19/6/2024

Suppliers of its largest workforce to colonized Mauritius for over a century, slavery and indenture were characterized by structural violence. This violence was physical, psychological and discursive, marked by misrepresentations, gaps, and the suppression and destruction of archival material.

This talk highlights key features of this intergenerational trauma in and through Dr Sraddha Shivani Rajkomar's English translation of  the novel Gandhiji Bole The.

Nigeria Belgium Luxembourg Business Forum - 18-20/9/2024

We are glad to inform you that CBL-ACP will be organizing the second edition of the High-level Nigeria Belgium Luxembourg Business Forum.

The program will include a plenary session/seminar, a networking lunch, B2B & B2G meetings between Nigerian government officials & Nigerian companies and company visits.



Workshop: Is ECOWAS a Tool or an Obstacle to Decolonization? Migration Governance and Beyond - call for submissions deadline: 15/6/2024

This workshop aims to explore how various dynamics influence the scenarios of migration without borders (MWB) and a post-national West Africa discussed in the literature.

Arhin-Sam and colleagues have urged the development of unique cross-border mobility systems based on West African realities, cautioning against simply replicating models from other contexts, such as the EU. In the light of this, the key question of the workshop is: to what extent is ECOWAS moving towards or away from the post-nationalism and decolonization scenario described by Aniche and colleagues, and why?

Mediterranean Youth in Action Programme (Young Researchers) - application deadline: 27/6/2024
  • Are you a researcher between 18 and 35 years old?
  • Do you come from one of the 43 UfM (Union for the Mediterranean) countries?
  • Are you affiliated to a research centre (think tank or university)?
  • Are you proficient in English?

Then the Mediterranean Youth in Action program is for you!

Open call: Reversing Environmental Degradation in Africa and Asia programme - deadline for concept notes: 30/6/2024

REDAA invites proposals for locally led, multi-locational, research-to-action for restoration programmes in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia.

In this second REDAA Grant Call, up to nine Programme Grants of between £1,000,000 and £1,500,000 (GBP) will be offered to the best proposals for substantial programmes.

Subsidie internationaliseringsintiatieven voor Oost-Vlaamse kennisinstellingen - deadline: 30/9/2024

De provincie Oost-Vlaanderen hecht veel belang aan de internationaliseringsinitiatieven van de kennisinstellingen en geeft deze al meerdere jaren een duwtje in de rug.

Projecten kunnen tot € 5.000 per deelnemende Oost-Vlaamse kennisinstelling krijgen.
De geografische focus van de projecten moet strategisch zijn voor zowel de kennisinstelling als voor de provinciale speerpuntclusters.

VLIR-UOS Call Accelerate projects 2024 - deadline: 1/10/2024

Accelerate aims to provide policy and policy implementation support to the VLIR-UOS community, both in Belgium as well as in all partner and scholarship countries, in a limited number of strategic themes. Accelerate will identify, connect, deepen and mobilise relevant expertise available in the VLIR-UOS network, supporting the acceleration of these themes within the VLIR-UOS community.

Interesting new topic added to the Cluster Health of Horizon Europe - specifically targetting low- and middle-income countries. Deadline: 26/11/2024

Implementation research for management of multiple long-term conditions in the context of non-communicable diseases (Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases - GACD)

Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases, an alliance of international funding agencies representing over 80% of the world’s public health research funding and the first collaboration of its kind to specifically address NCDs.

This call specifically targets implementation science to improve health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs*) and/or those in high-income countries (HICs) serving disadvantaged populations.



GAPSYM17: Africa at the intersection of Climate, Migration & Health challenges - 28 & 29/11/2024

The symposiums organised by the Africa Platform of Ghent University Association (GAPSYM) have been trendsetting in the Belgian academic landscape over the last 16 years, in the sense that they provide a unique interdisciplinary forum to showcase academic research taking place in collaboration with African-based partners.

This 17th multidisciplinary conference of the AUGent Africa Platform will be co-organised by Ghent University’s International Thematic Network CliMigHealth, which focuses on the nexus between climate change, migration and health(care), the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) and the Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR).

Sportieve fietsreis door Oeganda voor UGent-alumni - 11-22/2/2025

Onze sportieve UGent-alumni zijn welkom in februari 2025 deel te nemen aan een avontuurlijke fietstocht door Oeganda!

Dit project wordt uitgevoerd aan het universitair ziekenhuis van de Makerere University door Prof. Moses Galukande en Dr. Hervé Monka Lekuya in nauwe samenwerking met Prof. Edward Baert (UZ/UGent). Deelnemers zullen onder begeleiding van de leidinggevenden het project kunnen bezoeken. Ook een ontmoeting in Kampala met UGent-rector Rik Van de Walle en lokale alumni staat mogelijks op het programma.


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