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The Key to a Successful Startup: Your Significant Other

When people discuss the keys to entrepreneurial success, the angles at which those discussions are approached are often predictable. Usually, the discussions break down into two major categories: Business Merits (corporate strategy) & Agent Merits (founder aptitude). Those major categories then break down into several supporting “factors”. ...


VentureFocus Offers Access to Cash from the Right Investors, Or They’ll Give You Yours Back

Finding startup funding sucks. It’s super competitive, everybody and their grandma is contacting the same people, and often, you’re pitching to investors who don’t understand your space and will probably never invest in it anyway ...


Airbnb Is Fighting Its Own Deflategate and The Struggle Is Real

Airbnb, the popular short-term rental website with over 2 million listings in 34,000 cities, was relatively unheard of five years ago, forcing people to rent travel accomodations in the traditional way. Now, however, the company is valued at $25 billion, exploding on the heels of the more functional “sharing” frenzy, alongside companies like Uber ...


Cloudy With a Chance of Crossfade: Video Editing is About to Go Skyward

Move over, iMovie (and, uh, Windows Movie Maker, I guess?): amatuer video editing is ready to explode, and it’s headed straight for the cloud. We’ve been heading in this direction for a while. Name something a sizable number of people do with a computer, and chances are there’s a cloud-based service that will get it done ...


Chargifi Wants Any Place with a Table to Let You Charge Your Phone Wirelessly

About 10 years ago, if you wanted to work outside the home or office, you had to find a location that offered free WiFi. If you were planning on traveling abroad, you planned your stops based on the whether you could easily get on the Internet ...


Twitter Sort of Followed in Facebook Footsteps but One of These Things is Not “Like” the Other

As of this article, both Facebook and Twitter have a “Like” option.Isn’t it just a little weird that the most common currency of expression on both these social media networks, once thought to be competitors, is now the same? ...


Lumo Wants You In Their Shorts

Given how much I run, you’d think I’d want to improve my running mechanics. I’m talking stride length, pelvic rotation, bounce, and all the other nerdy stats only runners care about. Knowing and improving upon these stats would enable me to run farther, faster, and with fewer injuries ...


Karma: I’m a believer

How many times have you gotten that surprise last minute email or call requesting that the most important PowerPoint file in the world be sent by EOD? ...


Put Grocery Shopping on Autopilot With the New Hiku

Until technology can begin to work on making humans smarter — leading to the arrival of the first transhumans around 2045 (obligatory Ray Kurzweil shoutout) — we’re going to have to make do with the devices we use getting smarter ...


Did Amazon Really Kill the Independent Bookstore?

There are some things we just love to hate. A cursory examination of anecdotal evidence reveals filing taxes and text messages written exclusively in emoji are both pretty widely disliked. Another favorite punching bag of the masses, for reasons old and new, is Amazon ...