News, Trends and Ideas that matter most to Startups. No Images? Click here

6 Real(ish) Tips for Startups On How to Survive The Tech Bubble

With the fear of another bubble, money is tight for the unproven shop. Here are 6 tips for startups on how to survive the tech bubble ...


Space Startups: The Next Frontier

In 2011, Marc Andreessen postulated that software was eating the world. Just four years later, he might need to tweak his iconic statement. No longer is software just eating the world, it is now expanding its reach outside the planet Earth ...


The Future of Wearable Technology

According to recent data from Statista, Fitbit and Apple were in the number two and three spots for wearables market share for 2015’s second quarter. Fitbit had 24.3% of the market, while Apple enjoyed 19.9%. While companies like Garmin, Xiaomi, Jawbone ...


These 5 Technologies Will Change the World

When talking about earth-shaking new gadgets and devices, we like to imagine a far-off future, with technology that has no relation to our devices of today ....


Triplebyte and Their Interview Strategy

Triplebyte cares about one thing and one thing only: can you code like a badass bat out of Hell? ... One Gig, One Day, One Location

If you love music, you’ll really dig! The site and future mobile app ...


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