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Number 431 16 December 2022



Hello  ACORNS subscriber

Artistic and cultural expressions are fundamental to our collective human experience. They create space for us to reflect on ourselves and our societies; to connect with different perspectives; to understand and learn from each other; to test and contest ideas; and ultimately, to inspire us to imagine new paths to individual, collective, and social development. In times of crises, they offer us pathways to constructive dialogue and become a channel for resilience. To ensure that these diverse and dynamic expressions continue to thrive, it is imperative to safeguard artistic freedom.

Yet today, attacks on these freedoms are steadily on the rise, be it life-threatening attacks on artists or the suppression of creative voices in regions experiencing conflict. Never has it been more crucial to ensure and honour safe spaces for artistic expressions. It is against this backdrop that the 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture, co-hosted by the Swedish Arts Council and IFACCA, seeks to bring together the international community in Stockholm, Sweden, in May 2023, to highlight a diversity of perspectives on artistic freedom. 

We are delighted to share some of important voices that will take the stage at the Summit. Bringing insights from the heart of international cultural policy will be UNESCO’s Assistant Director General for Culture, Ernesto Ottone R. Joining us from the Asia-Pacific are United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Farida Shaheed (Pakistan) and Caren Rangi (New Zealand/Cook Islands), Chair, Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa. Independent researcher Sara Whyatt (UK) and Ann Follin (Sweden), Director General, National Museums of World Culture, Stockholm are among the European voices at the table. From the African continent, we have Farai Mpfunya (Zimbabwe), Executive Director, Culture Fund of Zimbabwe Trust and from the Americas, academic and performing arts manager, Pamela López (Argentina/Chile); and cultural policy consultant Lázaro Rodríguez (Cuba/Panama).

2023 will mark the first World Summit on Arts and Culture in the Nordic region. Sweden takes the baton from Malaysia which hosted the 8th World Summit in 2019: so, we will travel north from the bustling streets of Kuala Lumpur in the heart of Asia to Stockholm, a European city where modernity meets tranquillity. The city is set to play host to the Summit and the accompanying cultural programme is carefully curated to offer delegates the perfect opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich local arts offerings. 

Stage two registrations for the Summit are now open via the Summit website. We invite and encourage those interested to register early in order to secure their places, as well as to have sufficient time to make the necessary travel-related arrangements, including accommodation bookings at the Summit's hotel partner. 

In the lead up to the Summit, we will continue to bring you more updates on the Summit programme and speakers. As always, you can find the latest information on the Summit website at artsummit.org. 

On behalf of the IFACCA secretariat and the wider IFACCA family, we wish our readership a restful and happy end of the year and look forward to reconnecting with you at the Summit and beyond in 2023.


ACORNS Iberoamericano


Le recordamos que continuamos entregando noticias del espacio iberoamericano tanto de los países miembros como artículos en prensa en general de la región.  Al final de cada edición de ACORNS encontrará la sección de ACORNS Iberoamericano.  Asimismo, nuestro sitio web cuenta con una variedad de noticias en español a su disposición.

National Agency News


New research on gender pay gap shows ‘triple penalty’ for artists based on gender and cultural background

Australia Council for the Arts, 08 December 2022, Australia

The Australia Council has released a summary of research that examines the role of culture in the gender pay gap for artists, which shows female artists with a first language other than English experience even greater levels of disadvantage in the remuneration they receive for their creative work. 


Northern European Arts Councils meeting discusses the sustainability of the conditions for artists' work

Lithuanian Council for Culture, 08 December 2022, Lithuania

The meeting was attended in person by the heads of the Arts Councils of Norway, Sweden, Finland, England and Scotland, the Cultural Foundations of Latvia and Estonia and the Joint Nordic Cultural Foundation, and representatives of the Arts Councils of Wales and Northern Ireland joined remotely; and discussed regional cooperation, conditions for the creation of artists, and environmental protection and green mobility.


8 in 10 Singaporeans expressed a sense of pride in the local arts scene in the latest Population Survey on the Arts

National Arts Council of Singapore, 01 December 2022, Singapore

The key findings from the biennial Population Survey on the Arts which were released on 1 December 2022 by the National Arts Council (NAC) forecast a rise in interest and engagement levels as arts activities return after the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Importance of Investing in the Rich Historical Joint Between Tunisia and Turkey to Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation in the Fields of Heritage, Digital Cultural Economy, Cultural and Creative Industries, Cinema and Music

Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Tunisia, 29 November 2022, Tunisia

The importance of investing in the rich historical joint between Tunisia and Turkey to enhance bilateral cooperation in the fields of heritage, digital cultural economy, cultural and creative industries, cinema, music and other artistic and creative forms, and the implementation of model projects in 2023 were the most prominent themes raised during the meeting of the Minister of Cultural Affairs, Dr. Hayat Katat Al-Qarmazi on Monday, November 28, 2022, with His Excellency the Ambassador of Turkey, Mr. Caglar Fihri Şakylarb.


Opening of the 57th ASEAN Culture-Information Committee Meeting

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Viet Nam, 24 November 2022, Viet Nam

On the morning of 24/11, the 57th Meeting of the ASEAN Culture and Information Committee with the theme "Digital Transformation: Access opportunities for everyone" officially opened in Hoi An city (Quang Nam province), with representatives of Quang Nam People's Committee, delegations of ministries, ASEAN agencies in charge of culture and information, representatives of embassies of ASEAN countries in Vietnam, as well as IFACCA's Executive Director, Magdalena Moreno Mujica.


Int'l art gala held in HK to enhance cultural exchanges between East, West

China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC), 17 November 2022, China

ART HONG KONG, a four-day international art and culture gala, took place in November under the theme of "Tradition and Modernity", with an aim to enhance cultural exchanges between the East and the West. 

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International News


UNESCO celebrates the International Decade of Indigenous Languages

UNESCO, 09 December 2022

On Tuesday 13 December UNESCO will celebrate the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032). UNESCO will highlight a ten-year action plan to draw the world’s attention to the critical loss of indigenous languages and the urgent need to preserve, revitalise and celebrate them.


Art forum promotes inclusiveness in arts and culture

China Daily, 06 December 2022, China

The Fourth UK-China Disability Arts Forum co-hosted by the British Council, Beijing Body On&On Culture Center and Beijing Minsheng Art Museum was held on Dec 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, under the theme of "Connection and Action", to continue promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in arts and culture.


Intangible Cultural Heritage: UNESCO inscribes 47 elements

UNESCO, 01 December 2022

UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which met in Rabat from 28 November to 3 December, inscribed 47 elements submitted by 60 countries on the Intangible Cultural Heritage lists.


Council of Ministers agrees on new EU Work Plan for Culture 2023-2026

European Commission, 30 November 2022

On 29 November the Council of Culture Ministers of the EU adopted a Resolution on the EU Work Plan for Culture 2023-2026, which sets out priorities to address the main challenges facing the cultural and creative sectors today and corresponding actions to address them.


Ministerial Statement on Cultural Property Protection

ASEAN, 28 November 2022

On the occasion of the 10th Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts (AMCA) on 27 October 2022, held online and in Vientiane, Lao PDR, the ASEAN Member states reaffirmed their commitment to safeguard Southeast Asia’s shared heritage, combat the illicit trade in cultural property, and build a responsible art market, all pursuant to ASEAN’s broader goal of maintaining and enhancing peace, security, and stability in the region.


The Nordic Culture Fund takes part at Cultural Policy Summit in Oslo

The Nordic Culture Fund, 18 November 2022

On 29 November, the Nordic Culture Fund participate in the cultural policy summit in Oslo, which gathered actors within cultural policy and the cultural field in the Nordic region to discuss challenges, need and opportunities within the artistic and cultural field, and focused on artistic freedom and the developmental role that art and culture can play in society. 


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Which Side Are You On? - Ideas for Reaching Fair Working Conditions in the Arts

IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts, 06 December 2022

In their contributions to this publication, Katja Praznik, Bojana Kunst and Hans Abbing challenge some of the belief systems and prevailing mechanisms that keep us from reaching fundamental change within the arts sector, and invite us to rethink how we deal with and value labour and time, the prevailing project-approach in the arts and boundaries between artistic and non-artistic work.


The Australia Council has released a summary of the 2022 National Survey of Australian Book Authors, which provides valuable insights into the conditions faced by authors

Australia Council for the Arts, 29 November 2022, Australia

The survey, conducted by Paul Crosby, David Throsby and Jan Zwar from Macquarie University and supported by funding from the Australia Council and the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund, examines how authors have fared and responded to industry changes since the previous survey in 2015, including changes brought about by COVID-19, and shows that despite a modest increase, authors still struggle to earn an income from writing that comes close to earnings for other professions.


NEMO report provides recommendations for including museums in the sustainable transition of Europe

NEMO - The Network of European Museum Organisations, 29 November 2022

Following survey responses from 578 museums from 38 European countries between April and June 2022, NEMO publishes a report that reflects the status quo of European museums in the climate crisis, including seven key recommendations for policy makers and the sector that will help tap the full potential of museums as contributors and allies in the sustainable transition of Europe. 


We Have Always Had to Fight: African Artists on Human Rights and Artistic Freedom

ARC - Artists at Risk Connection, 23 November 2022

In response to the troubling rise in restrictions on artistic freedom faced by African artists and human rights defenders, exacerbated by recent military coups, political crises, flawed elections, the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and other serious threats, PEN America’s Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) and the Southern Africa Human Rights Defenders Network (SouthernDefenders) conducted a four-day closed virtual workshop titled “Artistic Freedom in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities", the final report on which is now available online.


The #CultureForHealth report is now available to the public

Culture Action Europe, 21 November 2022

In November, the CultureForHealth project released its report, “Scoping review of culture, well-being, and health interventions and their evidence, impacts, challenges and policy recommendations for Europe.” which is now available for download.


Music industry goes for green

Creative Victoria, 18 November 2022, Australia

Victoria’s music industry is committing to a greener future with the release of Sound Country: A Green Artist Guide; produced by Green Music Australia with the support of Creative Victoria; which offers practical tips for everything from energy use, tours and transport, to merchandise, packaging and waste.

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Opportunities and Events


Call for applications: 2022 Roberto Cimetta Fund for Southern Mediterranean countries

Music in Africa, 07 December 2022

Call for applications is now open for a travel grant from the Roberto Cimetta Fund (RCF), dedicated to women artists and cultural professionals from the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean, who are willing to travel within the southern Mediterranean region for south-south mobility (North Africa and the Middle East).


Call for Innovation Labs

European Commission, Directorate General Education & Culture, 06 December 2022

The Creative Innovation Lab launched a new Call for 2023, which will incentivise players from different cultural and creative sectors, including audiovisual, to design and test innovative solutions for key challenges, with a potential positive long-term impact on multiple cultural and creative sectors. 


Call for Expression of Interest: UNESCO report on the fashion industry in Africa

UNESCO, 25 November 2022

UNESCO calls upon interested institutions/organizations that can develop and conduct a multi-stakeholder survey in order to collect qualitative and quantitative data on the main trends, challenges and opportunities faced by the fashion industry in Africa, as well as produce an analysis of the results and present them in a consolidated report, which will be published in the framework of the work conducted by UNESCO on cultural and creative industries and in line with the Organization’s Global Priority Africa.

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Read more ACORNS

ACORNS 430: Regional meetings amplify the roles of culture and digitalisation in post-pandemic recovery

ACORNS 429: The journey from MONDIACULT 2022 to the 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture

ACORNS 428: Working conditions in the cultural sectors in the spotlight and secure your place at the 9th World Summit in Stockholm (3-5 May 2023)

ACORNS 427: A stronger voice for civil society in international policy processes

Download Publications

9th World Summit Discussion Paper

Re-Shifting Centres and Peripheries

From Symbolic Acknowledgement to Tangible Recognition

A crisis of sustainable careers?

Supporting Culture in the Digital Age

8th World Summit Report

Artists, Displacement and Belonging



Las expresiones artísticas y culturales son parte fundamental de la experiencia humana colectiva. Crean los espacios necesarios para reflexionar sobre nosotros/as mismos/as y nuestras sociedades, conectar con perspectivas distintas, comprendernos y aprender unos/as de otros/as, probar y cuestionar ideas y, básicamente, nos inspiran para imaginar nuevos caminos de desarrollo individual, colectivo y social. En tiempos de crisis, nos ofrecen también vías para un diálogo constructivo y son un medio de resistencia. Para garantizar la diversidad, dinamismo y pujanza de estas expresiones, es imperativo salvaguardar la libertad artística.  

Y, sin embargo, hoy en día aumentan continuamente los ataques a estas libertades, desde las amenazas y ataques mortales a los/las artistas a la supresión de las voces creativas en las regiones en conflicto. Nunca ha sido tan crucial como ahora garantizar y honrar espacios seguros para las expresiones artísticas. Es en este contexto en que la 9ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura, organizada conjuntamente por el Consejo de las Artes de Suecia e IFACCA, aspira a reunir la comunidad internacional en Estocolmo, Suecia, en mayo de 2023, para destacar la diversidad de perspectivas sobre la libertad artística.

Nos entusiasma en compartir algunas de las voces que estarán en el escenario de la Cumbre. El subdirector general de Cultura de la UNESCO, Ernesto Ottone, nos aportará perspectivas desde el corazón de la política cultural internacional. Desde la región de Asia y el Pacífico nos acompañarán la Relatora Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre el derecho a la educación, Farida Shaheed (Pakistán) y Caren Rangi (Nueva Zelanda /Islas Cook), presidenta de Consejo de las Artes de Nueva Zelanda – Toi Aotearoa. La investigadora independiente Sara Whyatt (Reino Unido) y Ann Follin (Suecia), directora general de los Museos Nacionales de la Cultura Mundial, Estocolmo, formarán parte de las voces europeas presentes. Del continente africano tendremos a Farai Mpfunya (Zimbabue) director ejecutivo del fondo de Cultura del Consorcio de Zimbabue y, de las Américas, Pamela López (Argentina/Chile), académica y gestora de artes escénicas; y al consultor en políticas culturales Lázaro Rodríguez (Cuba/Panamá).

En 2023 celebraremos la primera Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura en la región nórdica. Suecia toma así el relevo de Malasia, que organizó la 8ª Cumbre Mundial en 2019, con lo que viajaremos de las bulliciosas calles de Kuala Lumpur, en el corazón de Asia, a Estocolmo, una ciudad europea que combina la modernidad y la tranquilidad. La ciudad está lista para ser la anfitriona de la Cumbre y el programa cultural ha sido elaborado con suma atención para ofrecer a los/as delegados/as la oportunidad perfecta de sumergirse en la rica oferta artística local.

La segunda etapa de las inscripciones para la Cumbre está ya abierta en la web de la Cumbre. Invitamos a los/las interesados/as a inscribirse con antelación para asegurar la plaza así como para disponer del tiempo suficiente para realizar los preparativos necesarios relacionados con el viaje, incluidas las reservas de alojamiento en el hotel asociado a la Cumbre.

A medida que nos preparamos para la Cumbre, continuaremos ofreciéndole novedades sobre el programa y los/las ponentes de la Cumbre. Como siempre, encontrará la información más reciente sobre la web de la Cumbre en artsummit.org. 

En nombre del Secretariado y toda la familia de IFACCA, deseamos a nuestros/as lectores/as un feliz y relajado final de año, y esperamos retomar el contacto con usted en la Cumbre y a lo largo de 2023.




En reunión virtual, el Consejo Intergubernamental de IberCultura Viva aprueba el Plan Operativo Anual 2023

Ministry of Culture, 06 December 2022, Mexico

Representantes de ocho países miembros de IberCultura Viva, además de Paraguay (país invitado en 2022), participaron en la última reunión del año del Consejo Intergubernamental, a conocer informes, evaluar las iniciativas del Plan Operativo Anual (POA) ejecutadas durante 2022, y aprobar las actividades propuestas por la Unidad Técnica para el POA de 2023.


Se firmó un convenio entre Tecnópolis y la Agencia Nacional de Discapacidad

Ministry of Culture of the Nation, Argentina, 03 December 2022, Argentina

Como parte de la Semana por la Promoción de los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad, Tecnópolis y la Agencia Nacional de Discapacidad (ANDIS) firmaron un convenio con el objeto de garantizar la efectiva participación de las personas con discapacidad, en las actividades culturales, recreativas y artísticas que ofrece el Parque.


Ministerio de las Cultura, las Artes y el Patrimonio invita a la sexta versión del Encuentro de las Economías Creativas de Chile, CHEC 2022

Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, Chile, 01 December 2022, Chile

El Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio lanzó la sexta versión del Encuentro de Economías Creativas de Chile (CHEC), que se realizó el 12 y 13 de diciembre en el Centro Gabriela Mistral (GAM), en el marco de la agenda internacional de políticas culturales, que está marcada por la celebración de Mondiacult (Conferencia Mundial de la UNESCO) en México y el lanzamiento de MICSUR (Mercado de Industrias Culturales del Sur) 2023, del cual Chile será sede.


El Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte emprende el proyecto de digitalización de fondos de la Filmoteca Española

Ministry of Culture and Sport, Spain, 16 November 2022, Spain

El Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte ha dado hoy a conocer el desarrollo del proyecto de digitalización de fondos de la Filmoteca Española que, enmarcado en el Componente 24 ‘Revalorización de la industria cultural’ del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, está dotado con 10.145.273,73 euros.


Reunión de ministros de Cultura del Mercosur en Montevideo

Ministry of Education and Culture, Uruguay, 11 November 2022, Uruguay

Se celebró una nueva Reunión de Ministros de Cultura del Mercosur en Montevideo, en el marco del ejercicio de la Presidencia Pro Tempore que asumió Uruguay este semestre, y participaron de la reunión las más altas autoridades de Cultura de los Estados miembros (Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay) y de los Estados asociados (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú).

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Email us: info@ifacca.org
Website: www.ifacca.org