Earlier this month, we brought together more than 400 delegates from over 86 countries in Stockholm, Sweden to address the theme Safeguarding Artistic Freedom at the 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture. This was the third Summit in Europe and the first held in the Nordic region. The Summit created a powerful interactive platform for colleagues representing government, civil society, the cultural and creative sectors and academia, as well as Indigenous perspectives and diverse voices to engage in open dialogue about artistic freedom as a fundamental pillar of cultural policy, and actionable ideas to advance such freedoms moving forward. Over 60
percent of the Summit delegates were female, with global representation across the five mainly inhabited continents.
We are currently preparing a full Summit Report which will include a detailed synthesis of the conversations that took place. The Report intends to maintain the momentum generated and open the dialogue to those who were not able to attend. In the meantime, we are pleased to share a few emerging insights from the Summit, as eloquently summarised by narrator and essayist (and former IFACCA Board Member), Pablo Raphael de la Madrid and Simon Brault,
Director and CEO, Canada Council for the Arts and the Chair of IFACCA’s Board.
At least three leitmotifs recurred through the deliberations at the Summit: understanding context and being self-aware (particularly as gatekeepers across the whole arts and cultural ecology); reconciling rights to and responsibilities of artistic freedom and dignity; and, ensuring multistakeholder dialogue is ongoing and inclusive to ensure previously excluded voices are heard. As Mr Raphael recapped at the start of the last day of the Summit, a recurring conversation was the one about balance between rights and responsibilities: balance between global narratives and local context, ‘between the right to tell the truth and the public responsibility to protect people; between making our voices heard in the public space and preserving the right to privacy; between exercising freedom of expression and being politically respectful; between freedom of movement
and the responsibility to protect the environment; between the obligations that societies have in the face of climate change and the needs that States have to survive; between the five dominant languages in the world and the other 6,995 languages that are spoken throughout the planet; between innovation and tradition and between the relationships that are built from the peripheries to the centre or between the Global South and the Global North’. In this context, Summit delegates concluded that guaranteeing the balance that allows us to survive contradictions implies strengthening rights. In turn, this also indicates increased responsibilities on all of us to safeguard such freedoms.
Speaking of these issues, Mr Brault raised the important question of the price of reconciling freedom and responsibility. He particularly underlined ‘the wide margin for frank and open debate — especially regarding freedom and responsibility’, given, on one hand, ‘the unconditional defence of the absolute sovereignty of artistic freedom (all too often used to justify the status quo or maintain privilege) and accusations of wanting to exploit artistic creation to serve socio-political ends’, on the other. ‘Such debate must also embrace and make room for those voices that have, up until now, been excluded or intentionally marginalised,’ he stressed.
Culture is a long conversation, as Mr Raphael reminded us, referring to the wise words of late José Teixeira Coelho Netto, former Emeritus Professor at the University of São Paulo. In not keeping silent but rather continuing to have that long conversation lies the entire essence of artistic freedom, stated Mr Raphael, especially in these times of polycrisis. ‘Let's remember: Do not silence, do not be silenced’.
The Summit closed with an open call to delegates and the sectors they represent to continue engaging and exchanging to advance artistic freedom, and an announcement that Ms Kristin Danielsen, Executive Director, Kulturdirektoratet - Arts and Culture Norway will take over as the new Chair of the IFACCA Board on 1 July 2023.
We look forward to sharing the full Summit Report with you soon, which will focus on both what was discussed, as well as how our global network might advance these ideas in practice, in collaboration and in ways that celebrate the distinct character of local contexts.
We warmly thank and congratulate our co-hosts, the Swedish Arts Council for hosting such a successful and inspiring World Summit; and thank our partners, the International Programme Advisory Committee (IPAC) members, all the speakers, moderators, workshop leads, daily round up presenters, rapporteurs and delegates who participated and generously shared their lived experience and expertise.
If you missed the Summit or would like to recap, the morning sessions were recorded and available to access here for a limited time.
ACORNS Iberoamericano
Le recordamos que continuamos entregando noticias del espacio iberoamericano tanto de los países miembros como artículos en prensa en general de la región. Al final de cada edición de ACORNS encontrará la sección de ACORNS Iberoamericano. Asimismo, nuestro sitio web cuenta con una variedad de noticias en español a su disposición.
Updates from the IFACCA Board
IFACCA - International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies, 16 May 2023
The IFACCA Board welcomed Mr Nicholas Moyo, Executive Director, National Arts Council of Zimbabwe on 30 April 2023. He also takes over as the Chair of IFACCA’s Africa Regional Chapter at IFACCA. Mr Moyo, a seasoned arts administrator (and artist), brings extensive experience in arts management spanning over 28 years.
At the conclusion of the World Summit, Mr Dennis Marita, Director of Culture, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Solomon Islands and Mr Patrick Sam, Chairperson, National Arts Council of Namibia concluded their terms as members of the IFACCA Board. Mr Marita joined the IFACCA Board in February 2018. Over these five years, he has been an active Board member and Co-Chair of our Pacific Chapter, especially ensuring the voice of the small island states are heard and visible in the work of the Federation. A particularly noteworthy achievement was the delivery of the Melanesian Arts Festival providing the Federation with such an important platform. Mr Sam joined the IFACCA Board in 2019 and served as a key voice for Africa in all IFACCA discussions and engagement as Chair of our Africa Chapter. Among his achievements is the realisation of the Art
Summit for Southern Africa in August 2018 under his leadership. We wish Mr Marita and Mr Sam all the very best and thank them for their devoted commitment to the federation and to advancing arts and culture as a public good.
Asta Pakarklytė and Rūta Stepanovaitė at the Cultural Summit in Stockholm
Lithuanian Council for Culture, 15 May 2023, Lithuania
Asta Pakarklytė, Chairwoman of the Lithuanian Council for Culture, and Rūta Stepanovaitė, Director of Administration, participated in the 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture in Stockholm. The meeting was organized by the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies in conjunction with the Swedish Arts Council. The main theme of this year's conference is creative freedom, and the goal is to unlock the power of culture through collaboration and dialogue in an international context.
National Cultural Diversity week
National Arts Council of Zimbabwe, 10 May 2023, Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe celebrates World Cultural diversity day (21 May) over a week with programming from all over the country and diverse artistic expressions
Trade unions and Ministry of Culture agree on extension of collective agreement
Ministry of Culture,10 May 2023, Slovenia
On Tuesday, 9 May, members of the trade union confederation Glosa-Zasuk and the SVIZ trade union, together with representatives from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, held a third meeting at the Ministry of Culture, where the social partners agreed on the need to extend the existing collective agreement for cultural activities. They will work to ensure that it includes and regulates the labour standards of precarious workers in the cultural and creative sector. They will also seek to regulate working conditions and ensure social security for the whole sector, and agreed that collective bargaining should be launched as soon as possible.
Signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Viet Nam and the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 6 May 2023, Viet Nam
On May 6, in the capital Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Party Central Committee Commissioner, Minister of VHTTDL, President of Viet Nam Olympic Committee Nguyen Van Hung and Minister of Tourism, Cambodian Olympic Committee President Thong Khon signed a Memorandum of Understanding between VHTTDL Viet Nam and the Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Cambodia on tourism cooperation to open new opportunities for tourism development between the two countries.
Matchmaking service to accelerate growth of Scotland’s creative industries
Creative Scotland, 3 May 2023, Scotland
Responsible finance provider, Social Investment Scotland (SIS) has joined forces with Creative Scotland to support the growth of enterprises in Scotland’s creative and cultural industries. The CultureXcelerator Programme will provide eight ambitious cultural and creative leaders with free one-to-one strategic business support over the next six-eight months from SIS’s selected team of experienced business associates. They include entrepreneurs and experts in finance, the third sector, retail, and strategy and board development.
Announcement by the Department of Antiquities on the repatriation of over 80 antiquities to Cyprus
Press and Information Office, Ministry of Interior, Republic of Cyprus, 2 May 2023, Cyprus
The Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works, announces that on the 26th of April 2023, the repatriation of over 80 Cypriot antiquities from the United States of America was successfully completed. The antiquities date to various periods of Cypriot history, from around 2000 BC up to the 18th century AD. These include, amongst others, ancient clay and glass vessels, limestone sculptures, coins and an ecclesiastical wall painting fragment.
Over $7 Million to Rebuild Flood Damaged Arts and Cultural Infrastructure
Create NSW, 15 May 2023, Australia
More than $7.2 million in grants has been made available for 32 projects aimed at rebuilding flood damaged arts, culture and recreation infrastructure assets in five Local Government Areas impacted by floods in February last year. The Arts and Culture Priority Needs Grants Program, jointly funded by the Commonwealth and NSW Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, offers funding between $5,000 and $500,000 as part of the broader Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Package (CLIRP).
2nd G20 culture meet to focus on sustainability through crafts
The Indian Express,14 May 2023, India
The second meeting of the G20 Culture Working Group Meeting, which begins in Bhubaneswar on Sunday, will focus on achieving sustainability through crafts and heritage. In keeping with that theme, an exhibition — ‘Sustain: The Craft Idiom’ — will be inaugurated by Union Culture Minister G Kishan Reddy and Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik on Monday at Odisha Crafts Museum.
Koalisi Seni Launches Artistic Freedom Monitoring System for Indonesian Public
Tempo, 11 May 2023, Indonesia
An Indonesian non-profit organization that focuses on arts advocacy, Koalisi Seni, on Wednesday, launched an artistic freedom monitoring system at Taman Ismail Marzuki or TIM, Central Jakarta. The system that can be accessed on kebebasanberkesenian.id was Koalisi Seni's consistent contribution to supporting the rights in creating and enjoying arts in the country.
The Cultural Vibrancy Index for Africa (CVIA) launches at the iHub in Nairobi, Kenya
Music in Africa, 20 April 2023, Kenya
CVIA is a comprehensive database that maps the cultural landscape in Africa, highlighting the cultural infrastructure, institutions, events, organisations, policies and initiatives that support the creative economy. The project was developed by the Creative Economy Practice at CcHUB in Nigeria in partnership with Africa No Filter and the British Council. The Creative Economy Practice aims to stimulate innovation and technology adoption in the African creative economy to catalyse further growth in the sector and capture maximum value for African creatives and other sector players.
UNESCO calls for more protection for artists under attack
The United Nations, 4 May 2023, International
The international community must provide greater protection to artists caught up in armed conflict, political instability, and natural disasters, the UN Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said in a new report titled Defending Creative Voices.
The State of Creativity
Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre, 26 April 2023, England
The State of Creativity reflects on creative industry policy over the last 10 years and asks where next for the creative sector. It includes contributions from 24 creative industry thinkers from seven UK universities and across the creative sector. In the report, researchers highlight the priority areas for creative industries policy, and research.
Créer en Afrique Centrale - call for external evaluators
ACP-EU culture, 16 May 2023
The consortium of Créer en Afrique Centrale is calling for professionals with proven experience in the evaluation of cultural cooperation and development programmes and projects in Africa to carry out the external evaluation of this three-year project, co-financed by the European Union with the support of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). Applicants must submit a written proposal in conformity with the Terms of Reference by 23 June 2023 (21:00 CET).
Handle with Care | Beyond the Obvious 2023
Culture Action Europe, 16 May 2023, Greece
Registrations for the 2023 Edition of Culture Action Europe’s Beyond the Obvious (BtO) are now open. Handle with Care | Culture for Social Well-being will take place in Elefsina (Eleusis), Greece from 6 to 10 June 2023.
‘Ni silenciar, ni que nos silencien : primeras reflexiones de la 9ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura
A principios de este mes reunimos a más de 400 delegados/as de más de 86 países en Estocolmo, Suecia, bajo el lema La salvaguarda de la libertad artística en la 9ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura, la tercera Cumbre en Europa y la primera en un país nórdico. La Cumbre creó una enérgica plataforma interactiva para que los/las representantes de instituciones públicas, la sociedad civil, de los sectores culturales y creativos y del ámbito académico, contando con perspectivas indígenas y diversas voces en un diálogo abierto sobre la libertad artística como pilar fundamental de la política cultural, y ofrecer ideas factibles para promover
dichas libertades relacionadas. Más del 60% de los/las participantes eran mujeres, y la representación abarcó los cinco continentes más poblados.
Estamos preparando un informe completo de la Cumbre con una síntesis detallada de las conversaciones que tuvieron lugar. El informe busca mantener el impulso generado y abrir el diálogo a todos/as aquellos/as que no pudieron asistir. Mientras tanto, nos alegra compartir unas reflexiones iniciales sobre la cumbre elocuentemente resumidas por el narrador y ensayista (y antiguo miembro de la Junta Directiva de IFACCA) Pablo Raphael de la Madrid y Simon
Brault, director general del Consejo de las Artes de Canadá y presidente de la Junta de IFACCA.
Encontramos como base tres temas recurrentes en las deliberaciones de la Cumbre: entender el contexto y de ser auto conscientes de la realidad que sucede (particularmente como guardianes de acceso en la ecología de las artes y la cultura); reconciliar los derechos y responsabilidades de la libertad artística y la dignidad; y asegurar que el diálogo entre los/as distintos/as agentes sea continuo e inclusivo, para garantizar que tengan espacio voces anteriormente excluidas. Como resumió el Sr. Raphael al inicio del último día de la Cumbre, una conversación recurrente fue la del equilibrio entre derechos y responsabilidades: el equilibrio entre las narrativas globales y el contexto local “entre el derecho a decir la verdad y la responsabilidad pública de proteger a las personas; entre hacer oír nuestras voces en el espacio público y preservar el derecho a la
privacidad; entre ejercer la libertad de expresión y ser políticamente respetuosos/as; entre la libertad de movimiento y la responsabilidad de proteger el medio ambiente; entre las obligaciones de las sociedades frente al cambio climático y las necesidades que los Estados tiene para sobrevivir; entre los cinco idiomas dominantes en el mundo y las otras 6.995 lenguas que se hablan en todo el planeta; entre la innovación y la tradición y entre las relaciones construidas desde las periferias al centro o entre el Sur y el Norte Global”. En este contexto, los/las delegados/as de la Cumbre concluyeron que, para garantizar el equilibrio que nos permite sobrevivir a nuestras contradicciones, necesitamos reforzar los derechos. A la vez, eso conlleva mayores responsabilidades para todos/as en la salvaguarda de dichas libertades.
Hablando de estas cuestiones, el Sr. Brault planteó el importante punto del precio de reconciliar libertad y responsabilidad, subrayando en particular “el amplio margen para debates francos y abiertos, especialmente sobre la libertad y la responsabilidad”, dada por un lado “la defensa incondicional de la soberanía absoluta de la libertad artística, usada tan frecuentemente para justificar el estatus quo o mantener privilegios, y las acusaciones de explotar la creación artística para finalidades sociopolíticas”, por el otro. “Un debate así debe aceptar y dar espacio a las voces que hasta ahora han sido excluidas o marginalizadas a propósito”, remarcó.
La cultura es una larga conversación, como nos recordó el Sr. Raphael, retomando las palabras del fallecido José Teixeira Coelho Netto, antiguo catedrático emérito de la Universidad de São Paulo. El reto de la libertad artística reside en continuar manteniendo esa larga conversación y no dejar que se haga el silencio, afirmó, especialmente en estos tiempos de múltiples crisis. “Recordemos: ni silenciar, ni que nos silencien”.
La Cumbre concluyó con una llamada abierta a los/las delegados/as y a los sectores que representan a continuar con los intercambios destinados a promover la libertad artística, y con el anuncio de que la Sra. Kristin Danielsen, directora ejecutiva de la Dirección de Cultura del Consejo de las Artes de Noruega, será la nueva presidenta de la Junta Directiva de IFACCA a partir del 1 de julio de 2023.
Esperamos compartir pronto el informe completo de la Cumbre, que se centrará en el contenido de los diálogos y en cómo puede nuestra red global poner las ideas en práctica, mediante la colaboración y de manera que se reconozca el carácter distintivo de los contextos locales.
También queremos felicitar calurosamente y mostrar nuestro agradecimiento al Consejo de las Artes de Suecia por la organización de esta Cumbre tan inspiradora y exitosa; damos las gracias también a nuestros socios, el Comité Internacional Asesor del
Programa (IPAC), ponentes, moderadores/as, directores/as de talleres, presentadores/as, relatores/as, y delegados/as que participaron y compartieron generosamente sus conocimientos y experiencia.
Si no pudo asistir a la Cumbre o desea revisitarla, las sesiones de la mañana fueron grabadas y accesibles aquí por un tiempo limitado. (Tenga en cuenta que las grabaciones están en inglés).
Novedades de la Junta de IFACCA
IFACCA - International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies, 16 May 2023
El 30 de abril de 2023, la Junta de IFACCA dio la bienvenida al Sr. Nicholas Moyo, Director Ejecutivo del Consejo Nacional de las Artes de Zimbabue. También asumirá el cargo de Presidente del Capítulo Regional de África de IFACCA. El Sr. Moyo, un experto administrador de las artes (y artista), aporta una amplia experiencia en la gestión de las artes que abarca más de 28 años.
Al término de la 9a Cumbre Mundial, Dennis Marita, Director de Cultura del Ministerio de Cultura y Turismo de las Islas Salomón, y Patrick Sam, Presidente del Consejo Nacional de las Artes de Namibia, concluyeron su mandato como miembros de la Junta de IFACCA. El Sr. Marita se unió a la Junta de IFACCA en febrero de 2018. Durante estos cinco años, ha sido un miembro activo de la Junta y Copresidente de nuestro Capítulo del Pacífico, especialmente asegurando que la voz de los pequeños estados insulares sea escuchada y visible en el trabajo de la Federación. Un logro especialmente fue la organización del Festival de las Artes Melanesias, que proporcionó a la Federación una plataforma muy importante. El Sr. Sam se unió a la Junta de IFACCA en 2019 y sirvió como una voz clave para África en todas las discusiones y compromisos de IFACCA como
Presidente de nuestro Capítulo de África. Entre sus logros se encuentra la realización de la Cumbre de Arte para África Austral en agosto de 2018 bajo su liderazgo. Deseamos al Sr. Marita y al Sr. Sam todo lo mejor y les agradecemos su dedicado compromiso con la federación y con el avance de las artes y la cultura como un bien público.
El MICA 2023 recibe a Brasil como país invitado de honor
Ministry of Culture of the Nation, 12 May 2023, Argentina
El martes 9 de mayo tuvo lugar en modalidad virtual, a través de la plataforma Mercado de Industrias Culturales Argentinas (MICA) y de manera presencial en el Centro Cultural Kirchner, la presentación institucional de la Comitiva Comercial de Brasil. El evento se llevó adelante como parte de las actividades previas a la próxima edición del MICA, que se realizará del 1 al 4 de junio en el Centro Cultural Kirchner y en la que el Brasil será el país invitado de honor.
Instan en Cuba a que la cultura sea Objetivo de Desarrollo
Ministry of Culture, Republic of Cuba, 5 May 2023, Cuba
La propuesta de la Unesco de convertir la cultura en objetivo de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible fue uno de los reclamos más escuchados hoy en el Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana.
Plan Nacional de Danza
Ministry of Education and Culture, 28 April 2023, Uruguay
En conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Danza 2023 el Instituto Nacional de Artes Escéncias dispone en su página web la publicación del primer Plan Nacional de Danza del Uruguay. Una herramienta de trabajo que reúne el conjunto de lineamientos estratégicos para el desarrollo de la danza en todo el territorio uruguayo; un proceso que ha confiado en un modelo dinámico y plural de participación, basado en la corresponsabilidad entre Estado y sociedad civil organizada, para el diseño, implementación y evaluación de las políticas públicas a favor del acceso y ejercicio de la danza como campo de conocimiento, producción simbólica y derecho cultural.
Congreso de Archivología del Mercosur se realizará en el país en el mes de noviembre
National Secretary of Culture, Presidency of the Republic, Paraguay, 21 April 2023, Paraguay
En la mañana de este viernes, el ministro de la Secretaría Nacional de Cultura (SNC), Rubén Capdevila, se reunió con Germán García, director de la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI) en Paraguay y con Fernando Moreno, coordinador de proyectos de la Facultad Politécnica de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA), quien estuvo acompañado Hilda Velázquez y Soledad Ayala, con quienes conversó sobre el XIV Congreso de Archivología del Mercosur, que se realizará en nuestro país en noviembre próximo.
Inauguran el III Foro Internacional de Innovación, Reestructuración y Conservación del Patrimonio, en Puebla
Ministry of Culture, 18 April 2023, Mexico
Con sede en el Museo Fuerte de Guadalupe, esta mañana se inauguró el III Foro Internacional de Innovación, Reestructuración y Conservación del Patrimonio, en el marco de la conmemoración del Día Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios. La actividad académica convoca a expertos de México, Colombia y Francia, para dialogar en torno a las experiencias en la atención del patrimonio cultural.
Contact us
Suite 405, Level 4
50 Holt Street Surry Hills, Sydney
NSW 2010
Phone: +61 417 461 675
Email us: info@ifacca.org
Website: www.ifacca.org