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Number 434 16 March 2023



Hello  ACORNS subscriber

Welcome to the March edition of ACORNS for 2023. We are fast approaching the 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture in Stockholm this May. As co-hosts of the Summit, IFACCA and the Swedish Arts Council are looking forward to gathering representatives from government, academia, and civil society at the Summit for important conversations on Safeguarding Artistic Freedom. The last phase of registration for the Summit is now open – so, hurry to book your place as a delegate by registering here, before registrations close on 14 April 2023.

The Summit will take place from 3-5 May 2023 in Stockholm, Sweden with an opening ceremony on the evening of 2 May. During the Summit, we will explore a range of political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and cultural influences that affect – and shape our conceptions of – artistic freedom, and how we might strengthen and advance it. The full Summit programme is now available on the website here.

Over 80 speakers from 45 countries will address the delegates over the three days of the Summit. As we commemorate International Women’s Day this March, we are also happy to share that over 65 per cent of Summit speakers are women and 35 per cent of them currently lead governmental or non-profit organisations. This wide range of leadership roles among Summit speakers underlines the importance of women’s voices in decision making as they work to safeguard artistic freedom, a topic that will be addressed at the Summit.

We are also delighted to share that IFACCA, in partnership with the Nordic Culture Fund (through its Globus initiative), is supporting a cohort of 11 artists and cultural professionals from 11 countries in the Global South to bring their voices and perspectives to the Summit, including as speakers: actor, director, writer and journalist, Marlon Ariyasinghe (Sri Lanka); Oaufa Belgacem (Tunisia), founder and CEO, Culture Funding Watch; Curator Sarah Abdu Bushra (Ethiopia); Filmmaker and visual artist Khin Thethar Latt (Myanmar); Singer and songwriter Mia Kami (Tonga); playwright Fadia Loubani (Palestine/Lebanon), who is the co-founder of the Theatre of the Women of the Camp at Burj El Barajneh in Lebanon; Kiwar W Maigua (Ecuador), co-founder, KISTH Foundation; Maria Manjate (Mozambique), activist and Programmer Officer, Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa (OCPA); Joshua Msambila (Tanzania), lawyer, artist and founder, Tanzania Artists Rights Organization (TARO); Odil Mukhamedov (Uzbekistan), lead producer, MOC creative organisation and Pablo Raphael de la Madrid (Mexico), narrator, essayist and diplomat.

We also encourage registered delegates to secure rooms at the Summit's hotel partner at the earliest. Today is the final day to book rooms at the special rates using this link. Should your circumstances change, you could avail the free cancellation policy for flexible room bookings.

We will continue to update the Summit website with the latest information at artsummit.org. We also invite you to read the Summit Discussion Paper here and browse other relevant resources here. You can also receive Summit updates via our ACORNS newsletter and our social channels (Twitter and Facebook, and via #ArtSummitSweden).

We look forward to seeing many of you at the Summit!

ACORNS Iberoamericano


Le recordamos que continuamos entregando noticias del espacio iberoamericano tanto de los países miembros como artículos en prensa en general de la región.  Al final de cada edición de ACORNS encontrará la sección de ACORNS Iberoamericano.  Asimismo, nuestro sitio web cuenta con una variedad de noticias en español a su disposición.

National Agency News


New Data Show Economic Activity of the U.S. Arts & Cultural Sector in 2021

National Endowment for the Arts, 16 March 2023, USA

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released data today that demonstrate the significant contribution of the arts and cultural industries to U.S. GDP in 2021 while also capturing the continued impact of the pandemic on the sector.


Nigeria to Launch the Investment in Digital and Creative Enterprises Program (i-DICE)

African Development Bank, 14 March 2023, Nigeria

Nigeria’s Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, the President of the African Development Bank Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, and other partners will launch the Investment in Digital and Creative Enterprises (i-DICE) Program in Abuja on Tuesday, 14 March 2023. The launch marks the rollout of a flagship initiative that will drive vital funding for Nigeria’s digital and creative industries.


National Arts Council to launch new five-year roadmap to help arts sector grow

Youthopia, 6 March 2023, Singapore

The National Arts Council (NAC)’s five-year roadmap will build on the gains from the previous iteration of the plan that took place from 2018 to 2022, where it increased its touchpoints for communities to encounter the arts in public spaces.


Saudi Strategic Partnership Seeks to Promote Investment in Culture

Asharq Al-Awsat, 2 March 2023, Saudi Arabia

The Saudi ministries of culture and investment concluded a memorandum of strategic partnership to develop cultural investment in the Kingdom and attract local and foreign investors to the sector.


Barbados signed a global intellectual property treaty

Prensa Latina, 21 February 2023, Barbados

Barbados became the 118th country to adhere to the Marrakesh Treaty, which helps the blind, visually impaired or people with other disabilities, to access published works in libraries.


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International News


Stakeholders advocate transformation of creative industries through development bill

The Guardian, 11 March 2023, Nigeria

The Nigerian creative industry has captured the attention of industry stakeholders who have come together to discuss the proposed Creative Industries Development Bill (CIDB) and its potential to transform the Nigerian creative economy.


Building back better! Palestine, Peru, and Senegal pave the way for stronger and more inclusive creative industries

UNESCO, 9 March 2023, International

The project funded by Sweden ReIShaping Cultural Policies for the Promotion of Fundamental Freedoms and the Diversity of Cultural Expressions has supported Palestine, Peru, and Senegal to tackle some of the challenges faced by the contemporary cultural and creative industries (CCIs).


New partnership initiative to advance music’s role in remote and rural communities around the world

The Nordic Culture Fund, 9 March 2023, Norway

The Music Policy Resilience Lab aims at implementing music policies in remote, rural and isolated communities in different parts of the world. The initiative builds on a previous collaboration between the Nordic Culture Fund and the global research organization Center for Music Ecosystems.


State government launches first South Australian Multicultural Charter

Government of South Australia - Department of the Premier and Cabinet, 9 March 2023, Australia

As a key part of bringing the South Australian Multicultural Act 2021 to life for all South Australians, the first Multicultural Charter acknowledges our state’s culturally diverse history and provides six principles to promote a unified, harmonious, and inclusive South Australian community that values, respects and supports diversity.


Government seeks special treatment for creatives

Loop News, 4 March 2023, Jamaica

The Government is seeking special treatment from host countries for creatives and cultural professionals traveling abroad. In an address to diplomats at a ministerial briefing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, on March 1, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Olivia Grange, said that the ability of artists to travel to countries to ply their trade is fundamental to the growth and development of the culture and entertainment sectors of Jamaica.


“Outline on Vietnamese Culture” a torch of nation’s cultural development

VietnamPlus, 27 February 2023, Viet Nam

The “Outline on Vietnamese Culture” 1945, drafted by Party General Secretary Truong Chinh has created a consensus in awareness and ideology of culture among people, especially intellectuals and artists, and encouraged people’s patriotism and devotion for the revolution, thus becoming a torch lighting the way for the development of a new culture, President of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HCMA) and Chairman of the Central Theory Council Nguyen Xuan Thang.


European Union Conference on Artistic Freedom and Cultural and Creative Industries held in Umeå

Konstnärsnämnden - The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, 24 February 2023, Sweden

Representatives of EU Member States and the European Commission at official level, NGOs and other representatives gathered for two days on one of our most important cultural policy issues: On the freedom to create.


Korean government to fund content start-ups to grow creative industry

Korea Joongang Daily, 22 February 2023, Korea, Rep

The Korean government will nurture 200 start-ups in the content field with up to 150 million won ($115,000) allotted per company to grow the domestic creative industry, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism said Wednesday.


Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media signs orders to formally establish Coimisiún na Meán and commence key provisions of the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022

Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, 22 February 2023, Ireland

The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin, has signed a Ministerial Order which will establish Coimisiún na Meán on a statutory basis with effect from 15 March 2023.


Slovenia Prepares New Strategy for Developing Audiovisual Industry

Film New Europe, 16 February 2023, Slovenia

At the initiative of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Robert Golob, the Slovenian Federation of Filmmakers’ Guilds (ZDSFU) is preparing a new strategic plan for the development of the Slovenian audiovisual industry until 2030, aiming to boost its potential.


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The More Europe initiative has published its final publication to memorize ten years of work

Kultura Nova Foundation, 6 March 2023, Croatia

The publication brings an overview of the main results and deliverables implemented during the last ten years, a look back over its history, an assessment of EU policies and programmes in the field of international cultural relations, and an open window on the future of international cultural relations incorporating a set of recommendations and identifying challenges and opportunities ahead for the sector.


The Good Work Review

Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre, 23 February 2023, England

The Good Work Review is the first examination of job quality across the entire creative industries. The Review is based on 40 separate indicators, from evidence submitted by 120 organisations, and focuses on issues including fair pay, flexible working, paid overtime and employee representation.


Connected Lives: Creative solutions to the mental health crisis

Australia Council for the Arts, 22 February 2023, Australia

Connected Lives: Creative solutions to the mental health crisis presents findings from the Arts, Creativity and Mental Wellbeing Policy Development Program which was a 4-month series of discussions that ran from February to May 2022. 

The report outlines a series of recommendations for government and identifies areas of strategic priority of the sector.

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Opportunities and Events


Call for Speakers - Art + Technology

Communicating the Arts, 12 March 2023, International

Communicating the Arts are looking for a variety of voices from the cultural sector to come share experiences, best practices and fresh perspectives on the theme of Art + Technology.


The second online seminar for safeguarding ICH in the Asia-Pacific region will be held on 17 March 2023

International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region, 22 February 2023

Mr Chris Ballard will discuss issues relating to Intangible Cultural Heritage in a Climate of Emergency.


Oxford Cultural Leaders 2023: Applications now open for acclaimed leadership programme

University of Oxford, 17 February 2023, England

Applications are now open for Oxford Cultural Leaders 2023, the acclaimed cultural leadership programme which has developed an international reputation as a vital training ground for senior leaders in the arts and cultural sector worldwide. For the first time since the pandemic, Oxford Cultural Leaders (OCL) will offer both a residential and online programme for 2023.

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Read more ACORNS

Acorns 433: An invitation to join us at the 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture this May

ACORNS 432: A new year dawns and the countdown to the 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture begins

ACORNS 431: 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture to set the agenda for safeguarding artistic freedom

ACORNS 430: Regional meetings amplify the roles of culture and digitalisation in post-pandemic recovery

Download Publications

9th World Summit Discussion Paper

Re-Shifting Centres and Peripheries

From Symbolic Acknowledgement to Tangible Recognition

A crisis of sustainable careers?

Supporting Culture in the Digital Age

8th World Summit Report

Artists, Displacement and Belonging



Bienvenidos a la edición de marzo 2023 de ACORNS. Nos estamos acercando rápidamente a la 9ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura, que se celebrará en Estocolmo este mayo próximo. En tanto que coorganizadores de la Cumbre, IFACCA y el Consejo de las Artes de Suecia esperamos reunir a los representantes de los gobiernos, el mundo académico y la sociedad civil en la Cumbre para mantener estas importantes conversaciones sobre la Salvaguarda de la libertad artística. La última fase de inscripción para la Cumbre ya se ha abierto, así que por favor, dese prisa en reservar su plaza como delegado/a inscribiéndose aquí, antes de que se cierre el plazo de inscripción el 14 de abril de 2023.

La Cumbre se celebrará del 3 al 5 de mayo de 2023 en Estocolmo, Suecia, con una ceremonia inaugural el 2 de mayo. Durante la Cumbre, analizaremos la serie de factores económicos, sociales, tecnológicos, medioambientales y culturales que influyen y dan forma a nuestras concepciones de la libertad artística, y cómo podemos reforzarla y promoverla. El programa de la Cumbre está disponible en nuestra web, aquí.

Más de 80 ponentes de 45 países se dirigirán a los/las delegados/as en los tres días de la Cumbre. A modo de celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer este mes de marzo, nos alegra señalar que más del 65% de los/las ponentes de la Cumbre son mujeres y el 35% dirigen organizaciones públicas o sin ánimo de lucro. Esta amplia gama de liderazgos entre las ponentes de la Cumbre subraya la importancia de las voces de las mujeres en la toma de decisiones políticas y su trabajo para salvaguardar la libertad artística, un tema que se abordará en la Cumbre.

Nos entusiasma también compartir que IFACCA, en colaboración con el Fondo Nórdico de Cultura, a través de su iniciativa Globus, apoyará la presencia de 11 artistas y profesionales de la cultura del Sur Global en la Cumbre para poder contar con sus voces y perspectivas como ponentes: el actor, director, escritor y periodista Marlon Ariyasinghe (Sri Lanka); Oaufa Belgacem (Túnez), fundadora y directora general de Culture Funding Watch; la conservadora Sarah Abdu Bushra (Etiopía); la cineasta y artista visual Khin Thethar Latt (Myanmar); la cantante y letrista Mia Kami (Tonga); la dramaturga Fadia Loubani (Palestina/Líbano), cofundadora del Teatro de las Mujeres en el Campo de Burj El Barajneh en el Líbano; Kiwar W Maigua (Ecuador), cofundador de la Fundación KISTH; Maria Manjate (Mozambique), activista y técnica de programas del Observatorio de Políticas Culturales de África (OCPA); Joshua Msambila (Tanzanía), abogado, artista y fundador de la Organización por los Derechos de los Artistas de Tanzanía (TARO); Odil Mukhamedov (Uzbekistán), productor principal de la organización creativa MOC; y Pablo Raphael de la Madrid (México), narrador, ensayista y diplomático.

Animamos a los/las delegados/as inscritos/as a reservar su alojamiento en el hotel oficial de la Cumbre lo antes posible. Hoy es el último día para reservar sus alojamientos con tarifas especiales en este enlace. Si por alguna razón tiene que hacer cambios, dispondrá de una política de cancelación gratuita para reservas de habitación en la categoría flexible.

Continuaremos actualizando la página web de la Cumbre con todas las novedades en artsummit.org. También le invitamos a leer el Documento de Discusión de la Cumbre aquí y a consultar otras lecturas de referencia aquí. También puede recibir novedades de la Cumbre en el boletín ACORNS y en nuestras redes sociales (Twitter y Facebook, y en #ArtSummitSweden).

¡Esperamos verlos y verlas pronto en la Cumbre!



La Ley General de Derechos Lingüísticos de los pueblos indígenas cumple 20 años de su promulgación

Ministry of Culture, 11 March 2023, Mexico

Es el documento que mandató la creación del Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas (Inali). Esta Ley reconoce a los idiomas originarios y al español como lenguas nacionales, con la misma validez jurídica


Se presentó el informe “Evaluación del impacto del Covid-19 en las industrias culturales y creativas”

Ministry of Culture of the Nation, Argentina, 10 March 2023, Argentina

El Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación, a través de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Cultural y su Dirección Nacional de Integración Federal y Cooperación Internacional, participó el martes 7 de marzo en la ciudad de Lima, República del Perú, de la ceremonia de presentación de dos publicaciones: La Contribución de la Cultura en el desarrollo económico de Iberoamérica y Evaluación del Impacto del COVID-19 en las Industrias Culturales y Creativas. Se trató de un evento que contó con la coordinación del Ministerio de Cultura de Perú y la Organización de los Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI).


Variada agenda de propuestas en el mes de la mujer

Ministry of Education and Culture, 8 March 2023, Uruguay

El Programa Urbano del área de Gestión Territorial de la Dirección de Cultura participa junto organizaciones sociales y colectivos de todo el territorio de actividades en el marco de la celebración del mes de la mujer.


Ministerio de Cultura recibió premio en los Disability Awards 2023

Ministry of Culture of El Salvador, 2 March 2023, El Salvador

La institución fue galardonada por “crear formatos accesibles para personas con discapacidad visual y porque desarrolla programas de inclusión musical para la niñez y adolescencia con discapacidad auditiva, autismo y discapacidad intelectual”, indicaron los organizadores.


Foro internacional sobre cultura africana se dará cita en Santiago de Cuba

Ministry of Culture, Republic of Cuba, 1 March 2023, Cuba

Del 12 al 16 de abril próximo tendrá lugar en la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba la edición 21 de la Conferencia Internacional de Cultura Africana y Afroamericana. Bajo el eslogan Conectados a nuestras raíces, la cita prevé crear un espacio de debate donde expertos e interesados en estos temas analizarán la impronta del llamado continente negro en la cultura cubana y sus diversas manifestaciones artísticas, informó la cartelera digital La Papeleta.


El Consejo de Ministros aprueba el anteproyecto de Ley del Teatro Real

Ministry of Culture and Sport, 28 February 2023, Spain

La norma equiparará el Teatro Real a otras grandes instituciones culturales de España que también cuentan con una ley propia: el Museo Nacional del Prado, el Reina Sofía y la Biblioteca Nacional de España


Fondec y Dinapi firmaron convenio de cooperación con miras a afianzar el trabajo conjunto

National Secretary of Culture, Presidency of the Republic, Paraguay, 21 February 2023, Paraguay

El ministro de Cultura y presidente del Fondo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes (Fondec), Rubén Capdevila y Joel Talavera, director de la Dirección Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual (Dinapi), firmaron en la mañana de este martes un convenio marco de cooperación interinstitucional, cuyo objetivo es establecer una relación interinstitucional entre las partes.


Ministerio de las Culturas y Metro de Santiago conmemoran el Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna regalando libros

Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, 21 February 2023, Chile

El Servicio del Patrimonio, a través del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas, puso a disposición la versión impresa de la antología ciudadana de voces mapuche.


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​50 Holt Street Surry Hills, Sydney
NSW 2010

Phone: +61 417 461 675
Email us: info@ifacca.org
Website: www.ifacca.org