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This month, recent headlines focus on arts, culture and climate change as the international community continues to confront the climate emergency.
At an international level, the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) took place in in Glasgow, Scotland from 31 October to 13 November, with videos from the event available to watch here including events related to arts and culture. Coinciding with COP26, on 4 November, the World Cities Culture Forum held its Global Conversation on cultural recovery and published its new report The Green World Cities of Tomorrow: Culture and Sustainability which looks at how major cities around the world are responding to climate change through cultural policies and programmes. And on 29 October, UNESCO held its World Heritage City Dialogue for the Africa region with a focus on Adapting Cities for Climate Resilience.
For our part, on 25 October Magdalena Moreno Mujica, Executive Director of IFACCA participated in the event Culture: The Missing – a lens on policy hosted by Julie’s Bicycle in partnership with the British Council. Discussions covered mapping national arts policies to climate policies, seeking to strengthen the creative climate movement and mobilising action rapidly. In early November, a summary report Culture: The Missing Link to Climate
Action was released by Julie’s Bicycle, and its research builds on the collaboration with IFACCA’s D’Art Report 34b: The arts and environmental sustainability – an international overview a study conducted just before the Paris COP21.
At a regional level, in early November, the National Endowment for the Arts, USA and IFACCA co-hosted the Americas Cultural Summit 2021 titled Towards a sustainable, equitable and inclusive future featuring a panel session on sustainability and social justice. The panel addressed what future sustainability agendas will mean for the cultural and creative sectors and the importance of social justice in guiding environmental sustainability discussions.
At a national level, governments, national agencies for arts and culture and their partners continue international dialogue and exchange on the climate crisis. Creative Scotland has reflected on art and creativity’s leading role in addressing climate change while Cygnor Celfyddydau Cymru – Arts Council of Wales, will hold an event Is the Climate Emergency a Gamechanger for International Work in the Arts? as part of Wales Climate Week and Arts Council
England has worked in partnership with Julie’s Bicycle on its annual report Culture, Climate and Environmental Responsibility. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Viet Nam took part in meetings at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland to strengthen international cooperation and the Ministry of Culture of the Nation, Argentina signed an agreement with its Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development to commit to develop projects of cultural and environmental relevance.
For more news related to arts, culture and the environment, you can browse our website here. As always, if you have news, publications or updates that you would like us to share, please contact us at news@ifacca.org.
ACORNS Iberoamericano
Le recordamos que continuamos entregando noticias del espacio iberoamericano tanto de los países miembros como artículos en prensa en general de la región. Al final de cada edición de ACORNS encontrará la sección de ACORNS Iberoamericano. Asimismo, nuestro sitio web cuenta con una variedad de noticias en español a su disposición.
Approving the Strategy for Cultural Development to 2030
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Viet Nam, 12 November 2021, Viet Nam
Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has just signed Decision 1909/QD-TTg on November 12, 2021 approving the Strategy for Cultural Development to 2030.
Minister Bowleg Highlights Cultural Initiatives
Ministry of Youth, Sports & Culture, The Bahamas, 9 November 2021, Bahamas
During his Contribution on the Speech from the Throne, in the House of Assembly, on November 3, 2021, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture the Hon. Mario Bowleg said that, in keeping with the Government’s mandate to create a new economic model for culture and the creative industry, the Department of Culture was embarking on several sectorial actions that will provide the resources and strengthen the cultural industry.
NACZ holds strategy review workshop
National Arts Council of Zimbabwe, 5 November 2021, Zimbabwe
National Arts Council of Zimbabwe Director Mr Nicholas Moyo says planning processes for the Cultural and Creative Sector (CCS) must bear in mind the government expectations of the sector to contribute meaningfully to the economic development of the country.
Arts and Wellbeing Forum
Australia Council for the Arts, 5 November 2021, Australia
Streamed on 5 November 2021, the Arts and Wellbeing Forum was a digital event used as a platform to discuss the positive effects of arts and creativity for mental health and wellbeing, and the potential for the arts to help address a major policy challenge.
Ibero-American Cultural Charter
Ministry of Education and Culture, Uruguay, 5 November 2021, Uruguay
The celebrations began in Montevideo, for the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Ibero-American Cultural Charter, a document that lays the foundations for cultural cooperation based on its diversity, richness and as a pillar for the social and economic development of the region.
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Guyana and Canada collaborate to preserve indigenous culture, languages
Department of Public Information, Guyana, 16 November 2021, Guyana
A collaborative effort will be taken by Guyana and Canada to preserve the indigenous people’s culture, language and way of life, Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai, M.P., said on Tuesday at the ceremonial unveiling of the indigenous mural, which is titled “We the first people”.
UAE, UK sign MoU for cultural cooperation
Emirates News Agency, 14 November 2021, United Arab Emirates
The UAE Ministry of Culture and Youth has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the UK's Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) to reinforce cooperation in cultural fields related to tangible and intangible cultural heritage, literature, visual and performing arts, audio-visual media, design, cultural and creative industries.
‘Pandemic impacted creative industries’
The Fiji Times, 9 November 2021, Fiji
Cultural and creative industries were the fastest-growing sector globally prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, says culture specialist Elise Huffer.
Parliament in session: MPs called to embrace heritage policy
New Era, 28 October 2021, Namibia
Education minister Anna Nghipondoka has called on fellow members of parliament to embrace the new Namibia Arts, Culture and Heritage Policy (NACHP). She said it will facilitate and accelerate efforts of incorporating arts, culture and heritage into the national education mainstream.
National developments of the EU Digital Single Market
NEMO - The Network of European Museum Organisations, 2 November 2021, International
NEMO wants to share an update of recent steps made by EU Members States in the process of implementing the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (DCDSM) at national level.
Mixing cultures is a human right, UN expert says
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,
21 October 2021, International
A UN human rights expert today called for greater recognition of human rights-respecting ‘cultural mixing’, and increased respect for mixed and multiple cultural identities, while recognizing that cultures do not always mix from a position of equality.
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Disability Design: Summary Report from a Field Scan
National Endowment for the Arts, 27 October 2021, USA
To better understand current trends in the disability design field, the NEA commissioned a field scan, which included a review of recent research and news articles as well as interviews with key subject matter experts. This report provides a summary of the field scan, sharing current trends and making recommendations for disability design in public spaces and for the human body and mind.
Call for international consultant on project management, reporting and monitoring
UNESCO, 15 November 2021, International
This call for expressions of interest is for an individual consultant interested in taking charge of the management, monitoring and reporting of the project “ReIShaping Cultural Policies for the Promotion of Fundamental Freedoms and the Diversity of Cultural Expressions”, funded by Sweden. Closing date of applications: 24 November 2021.
Call for Projects “UNESCO-Aschberg programme for artists and cultural professionals”
UNESCO, 16 September 2021, International
At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has considerably weakened the creative sector and greatly disrupted the production and distribution of cultural goods and services, UNESCO is giving a new impetus to the UNESCO-Aschberg Programme for Artists and Cultural Professionals to support States and key actors in their efforts to promote the status of the artist and the diversity of cultural expressions. Deadline for submission: 3 December 2021.
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Este mes, los titulares reflejan la atención a las artes, la cultura y el cambio climático y los esfuerzos por enfrentarse a la emergencia climática.
En la esfera internacional, se celebró el 26º período de sesiones de la Conferencia de las Partes (CP 26) en la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático en Glasgow, Escocia, del 31 de octubre al 13 de noviembre pasados. Vídeos de las actividades del evento se pueden ver aquí, incluidas las actividades relativas a las artes y la cultura. Coincidiendo con la CP 26, el Foro Mundial de Ciudades por la Cultura celebró el 4 de
noviembre su Conversación Global sobre la recuperación de la cultura y publicó su nuevo informe Las ciudades verdes del mundo del mañana: cultura y sostenibilidad, que analiza cómo las grandes ciudades de todo el mundo están respondiendo a la emergencia climática mediante programas y políticas culturales. Asimismo, el 29 de octubre, la UNESCO celebró un Diálogo de las Ciudades del Patrimonio Mundial en la región africana con el tema Adaptar las ciudades a la resiliencia
Por nuestra parte, Magdalena Moreno Mujica, directora ejecutiva de IFACCA, participó en el evento Cultura, el eslabón perdido: una perspectiva sobre las políticas públicas organizado el 25 de octubre por Julie’s Bicycle junto con el British Council. Los debates trataron de los ajustes entre las políticas artísticas nacionales y las políticas climáticas, con la intención de reforzar el movimiento climático creativo y de movilizarse rápidamente. A principios de noviembre, Julie’s Bicycle publicó el informe resumido de Cultura: el eslabón perdido de la acción climática, y su investigación parte del informe de IFACCA Informe D’Art 34b: las artes y la sostenibilidad medioambiental. Una panorámica internacional un estudio realizado justo antes de la CP 21 de París.
En la esfera regional, a principios de noviembre, la Fundación Nacional para las Artes de los Estados Unidos e IFACCA coorganizaron la Cumbre Cultural de las Américas 2021, bajo el lema Hacia un futuro más sostenible, equitativo e inclusivo que contó con un panel sobre la sostenibilidad y la justicia social. La sesión analizó el significado de las futuras agendas de sostenibilidad para los sectores creativo y cultural y la importancia de que las discusiones sobre sostenibilidad y el medioambiente se rijan por los principios de la justicia social.
A nivel nacional, gobiernos, agencias nacionales de artes y cultura y sus socios continúan el diálogo y el intercambio internacional sobre la crisis climática. Creative Scotland ha reflexionado sobre el papel protagonista del arte y la creatividad en el cambio climático, el Cygnor Celfyddydau Cymru – Consejo de las Artes de Gales celebrará el evento ¿Transformará la
emergencia climática el trabajo internacional en las artes? como parte de la Semana del Clima de Gales y el Consejo de las Artes de Inglaterra ha colaborado con Julie’s Bicycle en su informe anual Cultura, Clima y responsabilidad medioambiental. El Ministerio de Cultura, Deporte y Turismo de Vietnam tomó parte en reuniones en el CP 26 en Glasgow para reforzar la cooperación internacional y el Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación Argentina firmó un convenio con su
Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible para la producción de proyectos de relevancia cultural y medioambiental.
Para más noticias sobre las artes, la cultura y el medioambiente, puede hacer una búsqueda en nuestra página web aquí. Como siempre, si tiene noticias, publicaciones o novedades que desea que difundamos, contáctenos en news@ifacca.org.
Presidente de la República firma Ley de atracción de inversiones fílmicas
Ministerio de la Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica, 16 November 2021, Costa Rica
El Presidente de la República, Carlos Alvarado Quesada, firmó este martes 16 de noviembre la “Ley de atracción de inversiones fílmicas en Costa Rica” (N.10071), aprobada en segundo debate por la Asamblea Legislativa -de forma unánime-, por 40 diputados y diputadas, el pasado 12 de octubre de 2021.
Carta Cultural Iberoamericana
Ministry of Education and Culture, Uruguay, 5 November 2021, Uruguay
Comenzaron las celebraciones en Montevideo, por los 15 años de la firma de la Carta Cultural Iberoamericana, un documento que sienta las bases para la cooperación cultural a partir de su diversidad, riqueza y como pilar para el desarrollo social y económico de la región.
La Secretaría de Cultura y el INBAL fortalecen cooperación artística con el Gobierno de Francia
Secretary of Culture, 29 October 2021, Mexico
La Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de México, a través del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (INBAL), y el Gobierno de Francia, mediante su Embajada en el país, reafirmaron sus lazos culturales al signar un convenio de cooperación en materia de formación e intercambio artístico desde el diseño escénico en las artes vivas y el uso de la tecnología.
La cultura aporta el 1,7% de los empleos en Iberoamérica, según un estudio
Europa Press, 28 October 2021, International
El sector cultural representa el 1,7 % del empleo total de Iberoamérica, según datos de 2019 del estudio 'La contribución de la cultura al desarrollo económico en Iberoamérica' elaborado por la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI) y la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe de la ONU (Cepal).
La contribución de la cultura al desarrollo económico en Iberoamérica
OEI - Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos, 27 October 2021, International
La cultura es un bien público que además de proporcionar riqueza y bienestar, tiene efectos saludables y reparadores. La cultura contribuye en todo el espectro de las políticas públicas, y el reconocimiento de este aporte la convierte en un poderoso facilitador para dar forma a las diversas vías para lograr el desarrollo sostenible. En esa línea, la cultura impregna los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) consagrados en la Agenda 2030 de Naciones Unidas.
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