Reducing barriers to voting, Supreme Court decision and more


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NEWS FROM THE HAAS, JR. FUND     |    September 24, 2024
Web version
A sign held by a demonstrator reading "Stronger Together"

Building a "Bigger We"

Dear Friend,

Every four years, there’s feverish energy to build coalitions that can win an election. Time and again, we’re reminded that presidential elections—and all elections—come down to how you broaden your base of support, and how you bring people together across race, age, geography, ideology, and interests. But partnerships and alliances are not just relevant in the political arena; they are also crucial when it comes to advancing equality and justice. 

At the Haas, Jr. Fund, we often talk about building a “bigger we.” Bringing people, groups, and sectors together and finding common purpose have long been part of the Haas Jr. DNA.  

  • It’s the reason we have worked for more than a decade to support groups in key regions of California to come together across issues to promote civic engagement among economically marginalized communities, immigrants, and other underrepresented groups.
  • It’s why we’ve worked with higher education institutions, student groups, and immigrant rights organizations to expand opportunities and protections for undocumented students in California.  
  • It’s why we have steadfastly supported coalition groups like the California Immigrant Policy Center and the Asian Pacific Environmental Network, which are working in deep partnership with community leaders and activists to advocate for immigrant, refugee, and environmental justice. 

Time and time again, we’ve seen the magic that happens when people cross race or neighborhood lines, understand one another more deeply, see their common fate, and realize they are stronger in reaching their goals when working together. In this edition of the Haas Jr. newsletter, we spotlight some of the alliances we are supporting today across our programs.

Cathy Cha Signature
Cathy Cha

President & CEO
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund

Group photo of Million Voters Project coalition and community members
A Shared Vision for Building Community Voice

The Million Voters Project (MVP) is a multiracial, multi-generational alliance focused on mobilizing low-income communities, people of color,  immigrants, and other underrepresented populations to vote and have a say on issues that affect their lives.

Group photo of ABIC members, partners, and advocates
Building Broad Alliances for Pro-Immigrant Change

Since its establishment in 2014, the American Business Immigration Coalition has grown into a network of 1,700 CEOs and employers from diverse industries across 21 states, all dedicated to promoting practical immigration reforms and solutions.

Student conversing with her high school counselor
Supporting Students in Their College Journey

Through partnerships with over 60 groups, the Southern California College Attainment Network (SoCal CAN) has amplified the voices of students impacted by the recent FAFSA crisis and served as a critical bridge between policymakers and community organizations.

Young athletes huddling on the basketball court with their coach
Lessons from a Successful Nonprofit Merger

The 2021 merger between longtime Haas Jr. grantee partner Coaching Corps and the Positive Coaching Alliance is an example of how mergers can be a strategic way for nonprofits to grow even stronger and have greater community impact.