Act2 Project - New Report Launch - 13 July The latest report of the Act2 Project is now here and ready to launch! The Facebook live launch will take place on Thursday 13 July at 11am (AWST). Uniting Church President Rev Sharon Hollis and Act2 Project Lead
Andrew Johnson will introduce the report, take your questions in real time and outline the opportunities to engage and discern during the next phase of the Project.
Good Sammy Youth Volunteer Day - 13 JulyGood Sammy in partnership with Volunteering WA is holding a special Sustainable Fashion
Youth Volunteering Day at their Canning Vale facility where you will get a hands-on perspective of the work that goes into re-selling discarded fashion. The day will include a tour of Good Sammy’s huge sorting facility, talks by industry experts and a hands-on volunteer experience.
Open to young people aged 15-24. Thursday 13 July from 10.00am to 2.00pm. Lunch and snacks included! Spaces limited, register below.
Truth Telling - From Colonising to CovenantingThe fourth biennial Uniting Church National History Society (UCNHS) Conference will be held on Larrakia country, hosted by the Northern Synod from 24 to 27 August. This years theme is 'Truth Telling - From Colonising to Covenanting' and will include 150th anniversary celebrations at Darwin Memorial Church and the Centenary of Milingimbi Methodist Mission. Registrations are open and more information can be found here.
Safe Church Awareness WorkshopsThe Culture of Safety team are offering two Safe Church Awareness Workshops in July 2023. All ministers, pastors, church leaders, volunteers, members of congregations and those involved in community services are welcome and urged to attend. Saturday 22 July in Kenwick Saturday 29 July in Mosman Park Click on the dates for information. To register contact Kerry -
News & Information - 5 Ways to Celebrate NAIDOC Week 2023 - NAIDOC Week is currently underway, running from
Sunday 2 July to Sunday, 9 July. This is an opportunity to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The 2023 NAIDOC week theme is 'For Our Elders'.
- Yarn for Yes is a free webinar taking place on Thursday 13 July at 5.30pm (AWST). The Working for Justice and Walking Together as First and Second Peoples Circles would like to invite you into some deep dadirri listening around this essential conversation.
- Intercultural Neighbouring Sunday - 16 July 2023. A celebration guide for Intercultural Neighbouring Sunday (INS) is now available to download, as
well as prayers and other ideas for congregations to celebrate the cultural diversity at the heart of our church. The theme this year is 'Our Pentecost Vision: Being a Multicultural Church'.
- XIV International Bonhoeffer Congress is being held from 14 to 18 January 2024 with the theme 'Crisis to Hope - Reading Bonhoeffer for Today'. The congress, hosted by United Theological College is being held at the Wesley Conference Centre, 220 Pitt St, Sydney.
- Introducing RightByYou: a mental health resource for young people at risk. The website was developed in Perth for young people, by young people, with members of the Uniting WA team (Community Engagement Senior Manager, Annette Boyle and Digital Marketing Coordinator, Grace Annear) consulting on the project.
- After
the fire - Brookton Uniting Church A fire incident in the 114 year old Brookton Uniting Church in late February, caused extensive damage to the interior of the historic and unique building. This story by Wendy Hendry follows a visit to the town to meet with members of the congregation to learn more about the church, and community after the fire. This article was originally published in the June 2023 edition of Revive Magazine.
- Ordering Name Badges - If your congregation would like to place an order for Uniting Church WA name badges you can request a new order form by contacting Wendy, Executive Officer: Communications, or phone the Uniting Church Centre on 9260 9800.
Events- Sunday 2 - Sunday 9 July. NAIDOC Week 'For our Elders'.
- Wednesday 5 July, 5.15pm to 6.00pm. Taize Service at Uniting Church in the City, Trinity Perth.
- Friday 7 July. Uniting Church Centre closed.
- Friday 7 July, 1.00pm. Wesley at One - Highlights for the Euphonium at Uniting Church in the City, Wesley Perth.
- Wednesday 12 July, 5.15pm to 6.00pm. Taize Service at Uniting Church in the City, Trinity Perth.
- Thursday 13 July, 12.30pm. Recitals at Ross - Sounds of a Mystical World at Uniting Church in the City, Ross Memorial.
- Thursday 13 July, 11.00am. Act2 Project Report launch - online.
- Friday 14 July. Uniting Church Centre closed.
- Sunday 16 July. Intercultural Neighbouring Sunday
- Sunday 16 July, 5.00pm to 6.00pm. Social.Justice.Church at Uniting Church in the City, Wesley Perth.
- Monday 17 July. Term 3 first day.
- Wednesday 19 July, 5.15pm to 6.00pm. Taize Service at Uniting Church in the City, Trinity Perth.
- Friday 21 July. Uniting Church Centre closed.
- Friday 21 - Sunday 23 July. Mission Shaped Ministry at St Augustine Uniting Church, Bunbury.
- Saturday 22 July, 9.00am to 2.00pm. Safe Church Awareness Workshop at Gospel Methodist Church in Kenwick.
- Wednesday 26 July, 5.15pm to 6.00pm. Taize Service at Uniting Church in the City, Trinity Perth.
- Friday 28 July. Uniting Church Centre closed.
- Saturday 29 July, 9.30am to 2.30pm. Safe Church Awareness Workshop at GKI Uniting Church in Mosman Park.
This week we pray for: East Avon Group (Cunderdin/Meckering and Quairading Uniting Churches)
Assembly Circle of Interest: Growing in Faith
Books, resources and more to inspire, encourage and educate.