Welcome to the June edition of the Salamanca Market stallholder news ![]() Hi Everyone, Welcome to the latest edition of our stallholder newsletter. As the shortest day of the year is now behind us, we can all begin to look forward to the days starting to get longer. Included in this edition are some important reminders about ensuring you seek product approvals for any changes to your product lines and a link to the forms to complete. Also included is a reminder to everyone that our market is full of people from all different walks of life and how important it is to ensure that we all work together to provide a safe workspace for our crew, our stallholders and for all of our visitors. This is part of your licence agreement and racist comments will not be tolerated. I wish to let you know that I am moving on from the City of Hobart to a new opportunity in tourism and hospitality training. Rob Matson will be taking up the reigns as Acting Manager City Welcome, which, as you all know, not only includes Salamanca, but City of Hobart Customer Services, our Travel and Tourism Information Centre, City Welcome Volunteers and the Parking Investigations teams. Henry Fagg will be taking on the Senior Advisor Market Operations while Rob is acting, with these arrangements in place while a recruitment process gets underway. I wish Rob and Henry and the team all the very best for these interim arrangements. My time with the Salamanca team has been just fabulous and I have loved learning about all things market related. It certainly is one of our truly unique Tasmanian treasures and I thank all the market ‘family’ for letting me play a small part in the journey over the past year. Kind regards, Lisa Punshon, City Welcome Manager ![]() Festival of Voices Festival of Voices will be held from 28 June to 7 July and we are very happy for them to include some pop-up choir performances at the market for everyone to enjoy. The performances this year will include:
![]() Hobart Respects All The market is a multicultural melting pot where Hobartians and visitors from other parts, gather to explore what it is to be Tasmanian. The stallholder code of conduct talks a lot about treating stallholders and customers with respect and inclusiveness. Many of our visitors and stallholders do not necessarily have English as a first language or are unfamiliar with local customs and other things that are taken for granted by locals. The market is seen as a very safe welcoming place, however we do occasionally receive reports of racially-based or discriminatory comments overheard in the market. The City encourages stallholders to help make Salamanca Market a safe workplace where everyone is patient, appreciates our differences and stallholders are empowered to call out any racist or discriminatory comments. ![]() Casual intake The 2024 casual intake closed on 16 April and a total of 179 applications were received. These applications have now been assessed by the panel, with 148 casuals recommended for trade either directly, with some special conditions, or to be on the waitlist to fill spots should some stallholders not be able to comply with the conditions of trading casually. As we know, casual stallholders are an important part of the market and equally, the market provides an important opportunity for many small, artisanal Tasmanian business to test and launch their products and ideas, which may lead to purchasing a licensed site in the future. Of note, is that two of our casual applicants have already purchased sites and will be trading as licensed stallholders in the future. You will have already started to see casual traders at the market, please make them feel welcome. ![]() Fees and charges You will all start to notice that Salamanca Licence Fees and Charges have increased. As per the 2023-2028 Salamanca Market Stallholder Licence Agreement, fees and charges were set from 1 July this year and have gone up by the Consumer Price Index - which is an increase of 3.06%. ![]() Stallholder product verification audit A reminder that stallholders are only permitted to sell products that are on their Approved Product Line. It has been noted that there are some stallholders selling products that are not included on their Approved Product Line, which is not permitted. Stallholders can apply to add/change their product line via the Salamanca website. Your Approved Product Line is outlined in your licence agreement and can be provided if you require a copy. Product Line Verification checks will be conducted on an ongoing basis. ![]() Website updates - check your listing There are quite a few stallholders who have not updated their website listing in several years. This means that most of the information and photos are out of date. If you haven't done this in the last year, please click the link below to complete the form, even if you think your old listing is OK. There are lots of new options for photos, contact details and product search features which will help people to find you. ![]() Welcome and farewell We would like to welcome the following new stallholders to Salamanca Market: