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LAUGHING MATTERS![]() “Laughter is by definition healthy.” —Doris Lessing LAUGHTER IS HEALTHYMention laughter and images of cartoons, children, and comedians might come to mind. But in evoking pleasure, laughter can benefit everyone. Laughter’s health benefits—including improved mood, attention, and composure—have been well documented. Laughter enhances respiration and digestion; it also reduces stress hormones and improves blood flow to the heart. “Laughter is a form of internal jogging,” writes Norman Cousins, who consumed high doses of laughter to help cure his arthritic condition. He notes: “It moves your internal organs around. It enhances respiration. It is an igniter of great expectations.” LAUGHTER FACILITATES MASTERY OF THE SEVEN ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR HIGH HEALTH“The essence of humor is that it should be unexpected, that it should embody an element of surprise, that it should startle us out of that reasonable gravity which, after all, must be our habitual frame of mind.”—Agnes Repplier Unexpected scenarios and odd combinations of ideas startle us in good ways. No matter what we’re engaged in, laughter increases our enjoyment and deepens insight and understanding. In this way, we can use laughter to facilitate our mastery of the seven essential skills—skills ranging from a growth mindset for health to quality movement—that are needed for building high health. Laughter is especially helpful in mastering the more abstract, non-physical essential skills, such as restoring attention and mental energy or navigating life through meaning and purpose. Laughing makes the essential skills more memorable and easier to practice in daily life—an experience you can try by reading the 3 examples below. 1. Essential skill: Nurturing a growth mindset for health One sunny afternoon, a father and his ten-year old son were leisurely biking along a forest trail. Suddenly the father realized that the bike path was taking them through a nudist colony. As he frantically tried to think of a suitable explanation for the unclothed people, his son blurted out, “Daddy, they don’t even have helmets on!” How laughter can help: Like the boy focused on helmet safety, we can recognize that, regardless of circumstances, there may be opportunities to take more charge of our health. 2. Essential skill: Balancing positive and negative emotions ![]() ![]() How laughter can help: Knowing how to maintain a positive outlook maximizes problem solving. 3. Essential skill: Overcoming the challenges of finding personal meaning and life direction. ![]() How laughter can help: Experts tell us that meaning is something we have to discover. Prioritizing the activity of finding personal meaning and taking advantage of helpful (yet often overlooked) guidance reduces effort and enhances success. EFFECTIVELY FUNThese humorous examples carry key messages along for the ride, and when combined with other strategies, create the effectively fun atmosphere of the High Health Network. If you’re looking for unique approaches to improve the health of employees in your company, contact us today and find out more.
![]() Enjoy laughing and speed up your mastery in the Network's creative environment. Sincerely, High health is now a business imperative. Your company needs it for competitive edge. The High Health Network makes it easy. Get the one sheet. |