Bookstore Items & Fees 2024-2025July 1, 2024 Dear Parents, We pray that you and your family are enjoying your summer break before the start of school on Wednesday, August 14. This email includes information about bookstore fees that need to be paid for the upcoming school year. Please read all of the information contained in this email thoroughly. - ALL FEES for the 24-25 school year (bookstore, athletic, milk,
field trips, etc.) will be processed through your FACTS account.
- We do not accept check, cash or credit card payments.
- Please complete the attached Bookstore Items & Fees order for the 24-25 school year by Thursday, August 1, 2024. Orders submitted after this date will be charged an additional $10 late fee.
- Please submit one order per child.
- The order must be submitted by a parent who is an authorized user on the FACTS tuition account or it will be rejected.
- These fees will be added to your 24-25 FACTS Account. You may
choose to pay all of these fees in your August FACTS tuition payment (if submitted 7 days prior to your August payment date), or you may choose to have these fees spread over all of your FACTS payments for the 24-25 school year. If you do not submit your order 7 days prior to your August payment, it will be applied to your September payment if you choose to pay the bookstore fees in one payment.
- All items will be distributed to your child at the beginning of the school year.
- Once items are ordered and distributed to students, they are nonreturnable and nonrefundable.
If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Oestmann for the elementary school (PreK - 6th grade) at 708.672.5969 or Jessica
Bushey for the junior high and high school (7th grade - 12th grade) at 708.672.3262.
REQUIRED TECHNOLOGY FEESElementary School - Required Fee:- Children in grades Kindergarten - 6th grade are required to pay a $50 per student Technology fee. Please submit an order for your elementary school child, even if that is the only thing that needs to be paid for.
Junior High & High School:- 7th Graders & New Students: All students in grades 7 - 12 are required to have a Chromebook for classes. You may either purchase a new Chromebook through the school at the cost of $225, or you may purchase a Chromebook on your own.
- 7th Graders & New Students: Whether you purchase a Chromebook through the school or on your own, you must also pay the $50 Google Console License fee for new students.
- 8th - 12th Returning Students
Using a New Chromebook: If you are a returning student using a new Chromebook, you must pay a $32 Google Console License transfer fee to cover the cost of transferring the license to your new device. You may purchase a new Chromebook through the school for $225, or you may purchase a Chromebook on your own.
- 8th - 12th Returning Students: If you are a returning student using your Chromebook from the previous year, there are no technology fees to pay, unless you opt to purchase insurance.
- OPTIONAL Chromebook Insurance: Whether you purchase a Chromebook from us or on your own, Chromebook Insurance is available to purchase through the school. We highly recommend purchasing insurance, either through us or on your own. Information about Chromebook Insurance is included here or click on the link below. If you decide to purchase insurance, please select that option on the Bookstore Items order form, complete this form and return it to the office by August 14, 2024.
1ST - 3RD GRADE STUDENTS - NEW HYMNAL REQUIRED- First, second and third grade students are required to have the 2021 NIV Hymnal for school. The cost for this Hymnal is $30. You can order this book when you submit your Bookstore order.
students are required to have the 2017 Luther's Small Catechism. The cost for this Catechism is $27. You can order this book when you submit your Bookstore order.
- Catechism workbooks will be provided to 7th and 8th grade Zion students and 8th grade Trinity students. If you need to order a replacement workbook, a fee will be charged for the replacement ($14 for Zion workbook and $18 for Trinity workbook).
ATHLETIC FEE- For all high school students in grades 9 - 12 who are participating in sports during the 2024-2025 school year, a participation fee of $125 per sport is required (family maximum of $625 per school year).
- For all junior high students in grades 7 - 8 who are participating in sports during the 2024-2025 school year, a participation fee of $25 per sport is required (family maximum of $625 per school year).
- For all elementary students in grades 5 - 6 who are participating in sports during the 2024-2025 school year, a participation fee of $25 per sport is required (family maximum of $625 per school year).
- For ALL GRADE LEVELS, please remember that a Sports Physical or Illinois State Physical must be submitted to the school office BEFORE you can participate in practices or games.
OTHER FEES- BAND - If your child (4 - 12 grade) is planning to participate in band, there is a $90 annual fee.
- AFTERCARE & FIELD TRIPS - Fees such as Aftercare and Field Trips, etc. will all be processed through your FACTS incidentals account on a monthly basis.
- Students in grades 3rd - 12th will be provided with a Daily Planner. They will be provided with one when school starts. If you need to order a replacement planner, a fee will be charged for the
replacement ($10).
- KINDERGARTEN - If your child is in kindergarten this year, please order the PENCIL BOX ($5) in your Bookstore order.
SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTSSchool supply lists for the elementary and junior high have been posted on our website. These lists include what your child will need for the upcoming school year. You can find them by clicking on the links below. The high school supply list will be shared soon.
Please be sure to read through this email as well as the Bookstore Items Order Form before submitting one order per child.