Make a Difference with Good SammyThis poster from Good Sammy highlights the many ways you and your congregation can connect with this vital Uniting Church agency and help Western Australians with disability achieve employment goals. A copy was sent to all Uniting Church WA congregations in the July mailout, and is also available to download and print on our website here.
What the Voice means to me - Rev Sharon HollisUniting Church in Australia President Rev Sharon Hollis shares her hope for the day after the referendum on the Voice, looking forward with more hope and joy. This is the latest video in the series 'What the Voice means to me.'
Website Spotlight - NewslettersMissed a newsletter?
Did you know you can find the newsletters from our Uniting Church WA team online? Here you can find current and past editions of:
📧News & Notes
📧Mission aka 'Rob's Ramblings'
📧Social Justice Update
It's all on our website here.
Covenanting in WaroonaA conversation with Rev Robert Jetta on Covenanting, and his ministry with the Waroona Uniting Church. This article was first published in the June 2023 edition of Revive Magazine.
YES Banner AvailableThe Uniting Church WA has a 3m x 1m 'Uniting for the Voice - Yes' banner available for congregations to borrow when holding events on the Voice to Parliament. Please contact Wendy Hendry at
Uniting Generations Network MeetingThe Uniting Generations Network invites you to a meeting on Friday 18 August from 9.30am to 11.30am at Trinity North Uniting Church, Greenwood.
Service of AdmissionA Service of Admission for Rev Erica Payne as Minister of the Word is taking place on Sunday 27 August 2023, 9.00am at Dongara Uniting Church.
News & Information - Q&A With Noel Pearson - What a Voice to Parliament would mean for Australia. A free online webinar, Wednesday 16 August, 5.30pm (AWST). Hear directly from Indigenous leader Noel Pearson about what a Voice to Parliament would mean for Australia in this special Q&A webinar, in
conversation with Uniting Church in Australia President Rev Sharon Hollis.
- UnitingWorld - Thank you for helping us reach our target. In the final months of the financial year our supporters helped us reach our target of $500,000 to support the life-changing work of our partners.
- ARRCC WA Multi-Faith Climate Care Forum
- the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change WA (ARRCC WA) invites interested people to a Multi-Faith Forum on Climate Change on Saturday 9 September at the Hillview Intercultural Community Centre, Bentley, between 1.30pm to 5.30 pm. Register via event link.
- Ethical Ministry Workshop - Self-Care in Ministry. The WA Synod in-person Ethical Ministry Workshop (EMW) is scheduled for Thursday 31 August, 9.00am – 12.00pm at Maylands/Mt Lawley Uniting Church. A Zoom EMW is scheduled for Tuesday 5 September, 5.00pm-8.00pm. RSVP to
- What Jews Wish Christians Understood - The Council of Christians and Jews is holding a seminar on Tuesday 22 August at 7.30pm, Applecross Anglican Parish Centre, Ardross. Three Jewish educators will share their approach to texts from the Hebrew scriptures that are interpreted differently in Christian traditions. A Q&A session will
follow. All Welcome. RSVP by Friday 18 August to
Events CalendarJuly August - Friday 4 August. Uniting Church Centre closed.
- Friday 4 August, 1.00pm to 1.45pm. Wesley at One at Uniting Church in the City, Wesley Perth.
- Saturday 5 August, 9.00am to 12.00pm. Kalamunda Uniting Church Market Day, at Kalamunda Uniting Church.
- Wednesday 9 August, 5.15pm to 6.00pm. Taize Service at Uniting Church in the City, Trinity Perth.
- Thursday 10 August, 12.30pm to 1.30pm. Recitals at Ross - Musical Tapestry: Beautiful Music by Women Creators at Uniting Church in the City, Ross Memorial
- Friday 11 August. Uniting Church Centre closed.
- Saturday 12 August, 9.00am to 12.30pm. Safe Church Refresher Workshop at Nedlands Uniting Church.
- Wednesday 16 August, 5.15pm to 6.00pm. Taize Service at Uniting Church in the City, Trinity Perth.
- Friday 18 August. Uniting Church Centre closed.
- Friday 18 August, 9.30am to 11.30am. Uniting Generations Network Meeting at Trinity North Uniting
Church, 89 Martlock Dve, Greenwood.
- Friday 18 August, 1.00pm to 1.45pm. Wesley at One - There were girls too at Uniting Church in the City, Wesley Perth.
- Sunday 20 August, 12.00pm to 2.00pm. Singing in Secret at Uniting Church in the City, Trinity Perth.
- Wednesday 23 August, 5.15pm to 6.00pm. Taize Service at Uniting Church in the City, Trinity Perth.
- Friday 25 August. Uniting Church Centre closed.
- Sunday 27 August, 9.00am. Service of Admission for Rev Erica Payne, Dongara Uniting Church,
- Wednesday 30 August, 5.15pm to 6.00pm. Taize Service at Uniting Church in the City, Trinity Perth.
- Thursday 31 August, 9.00am to 12.00pm. Ethical Ministry Workshop - Self-Care in Ministry at Maylands-Mt Lawley Uniting Church.
This week we pray for: St Andrew’s Perth Uniting Church and Uniting Church in the City
Uniting Network Australia
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