The important role of culture and the arts in post-pandemic recovery and socio-economic development has been firmly in focus, especially in regional gatherings in many parts of the world. In Asia, the 10th ASEAN Ministers of Culture and Arts Meeting bringing together southeast Asian policymakers took place online in late October. Here, the valuable part
played by the arts in supporting societal and individual resilience at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic was duly recognised. Acknowledging the rapid increase in digital adoption in the cultural sector both during and post pandemic, Ministers emphasised support for the transition of key cultural industries to the digital economy.
The role of culture in making resilient and shared societies was also in focus at the 2022 edition of the Abu Dhabi Culture Summit (23-25 October 2022), which brought together more than 180 cultural leaders from around the world, including global policymakers and leaders in art, heritage, museums, and technology, including our Executive Director. Organised by the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi under the theme of 'A Living Culture', the Summit raised big questions about our collective future: how do we use culture to heal our societies and bring us together as a global family? How can marginalised communities have an equal say in culture?
How to make sure that the cultural sector remains stable, especially during crises, be it war or pandemics?
Meanwhile, in Yaoundé, Cameroon, Ministers and experts in charge of World Heritage from eight countries in Central Africa launched a Call to Action on 26 October 2022 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention. In line with discussions in other parts of the world, the Yaoundé Call to Action highlighted the urgent need to exploit digital transformation to promote culture, while stressing the importance of culture (in this case, cultural heritage) for socio-economic development and the well-being of local communities.
In Latin America, governments have been actively reinforcing the cultural sector as an engine of social and economic development. This November, the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires has been celebrating the Month of Independent Culture with nearly 200 free or affordable performances across the city, while in El Salvador, the public project for Strengthening and Modernization of Cultural Spaces saw 12 more houses of culture renovated and
equipped with upgraded facilities.
Earlier this year in July, 60 artists, diplomats, policymakers, and academics came together in Salzburg to interrogate the future of cultural diplomacy and cultural relations. Organised by the Salzburg Global Seminar, the Currents of Change programme considered the potential for art as a force to improve the world and developed recommendations for reimagining the role that cultural diplomacy and relations can play in bringing us closer to the future we need. The final report and declaration have now been published.
Next month, key actors from the Nordic region will come together for a Nordic cultural policy summit in Oslo to discuss the future of the cultural sector in the Nordics after the pandemic. Given the loss of income faced by cultural professionals during COVID-19, the conference seeks to strengthen dialogue and contact between decision makers and civil society in the Nordic region towards stronger reconstruction of the cultural and creative sectors.
In other news, the international cultural community was in strong attendance in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh, where the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt hosted the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27), to underline the role of cultural institutions as strong advocates for sustainable development in their communities and call for greater engagement from them on climate change policy
ACORNS Iberoamericano
Le recordamos que continuamos entregando noticias del espacio iberoamericano tanto de los países miembros como artículos en prensa en general de la región. Al final de cada edición de ACORNS encontrará la sección de ACORNS Iberoamericano. Asimismo, nuestro sitio web cuenta con una variedad de noticias en español a su disposición.
Co-hosted by IFACCA and the Swedish Arts Council, the 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture is being held in Stockholm, Sweden from 3 - 5 May 2023. The Summit will bring together leading policy makers, researchers, managers and practitioners from the arts, culture and related sectors from around the world to explore artistic freedom as a fundamental pillar of cultural policy and examine how we can –
and why we should – safeguard artistic freedom.
During the course of the Summit, the delegates will come together to explore how artistic freedom is experienced across the globe; to draw out the opportunities artistic freedom affords, and the challenges it faces on local and global levels; and to co-design agile solutions to improve artistic freedom at home, while contributing to advancing artistic freedom internationally. More information about the programme is available on the World Summit website.
Registrations to the Summit are being released in stages, and are now open as part of the early release, from October to November 2022.
Bringing creativity and culture to your doorstep
Arts Council England, 04 November 2022, United Kingdom
£43.5 million investment is being made in Levelling up, as Arts Council England backs art, culture, and creativity for more people in more places, across the country.
Cultural Programming for the Year of Celebrating the Centenary of Cinema in the Republic of Tunisia Begins
Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Tunisia, 03 November 2022, Tunisia
The Minister of Cultural Affairs, Dr. Hayat Katat Al-Garmazi, announced on Wednesday, November 02, 2022, the launch of the cultural programming for the year of celebrating the centenary of cinema in the Republic of Tunisia, in the presence of a group of Tunisian filmmakers, a number of guests of the activities of the 33rd edition of Carthage Film Days, lovers of the seventh art and its actors, and a group of intellectuals and media professionals.
Promoting the role of ASEAN cultural and artistic cooperation in the post-Covid-19 context for sustainable development
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Viet Nam, 28 October 2022, Viet Nam
On October 27, 2022, the 10th ASEAN Ministers of Culture and Arts (AMCA) Meeting and related meetings with China, Korea and Japan took place online, where ministers adopted important documents, including: (i) Press Release of the 10th ASEAN Ministers of Culture and Arts (AMCA); (ii) the Siem Reap Declaration on promoting an innovative and adaptive ASEAN community; and (iii) the Ministerial Declaration on the Protection of Cultural Property.
State of the Arts in action
Arts Council Malta, 28 October 2022, Malta
The state of Malta’s cultural ecosystem was put under the spotlight in Malta’s first ever national symposium on the arts, titled The State of the Arts – Malta National Symposium, a 2-day event organised by Arts Council Malta on the at the end of October.
Arts Council announces £500,000 funding to support 73 rurally-based arts projects
Arts Council of Northern Ireland, 24 October 2022, Northern Ireland
73 Community groups, arts organisations and local authorities in rurally-based communities across Northern Ireland are set to benefit from the Arts Council’s new Rural Engagement Arts Programme (REAP) worth £500,000, which aims to provide an integrated, cohesive approach to the needs of rural communities as they emerge from the global Covid-19 pandemic, by tackling isolation and loneliness, and promoting social inclusion and wellbeing through participation in the arts.
Cultural and creative activity boosts the economy
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, Australian Government, 20 October 2022, Australia
The latest analysis from the Bureau of Communications, Arts and Regional Research (BCARR) shows cultural and creative activities contributed $122.3 billion to the national economy in 2019–20.
Intangible Cultural Heritage Training Underway
Solomon Islands Government, 18 October 2022, Solomon Islands
A National Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Community-Based Inventory Training Workshop is currently underway in Honiara, wich aims to build capacity by training selected youths to create a pool of local national experts for Solomon Islands.
Council for Culture examines dealing with colonial archives
Council for Culture, Netherlands, 12 October 2022, Netherlands
In the request for advice, State Secretary Uslu asks the Council, among other things, to zoom in on issues relating to ownership, management and restitution in the context of involuntary loss of possession.
A Living Culture: Abu Dhabi's Culture Summit asks the big questions about our societies' future
Euronews, 07 November 2022, United Arab Emirates
Organised by the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi, the 2022 edition of the Abu Dhabi Culture Summit which was under the theme of 'A Living Culture' brought together more than 180 cultural leaders from around the world, including global policymakers and leaders in art, heritage, museums, and technology, to examine the ways in which culture can transform societies and communities.
New Report Examines Cultural Diplomacy After Salzburg Global Session
Salzburg Global Seminar, 04 November 2022
Currents of Change: Redefining Cultural Diplomacy for the Future We Need report summarizes the Salzburg Global Fellows’ discussions at its latest arts and culture session, which brought together over 60 artists, diplomats, policymakers, and academics, representing 30 countries.
Ministers from Central Africa launch a Call to Action to improve the representation of African cultural and natural heritage on the World Heritage List
UNESCO, 26 October 2022
Gathered in Yaoundé (Cameroon) at the invitation of the Government of Cameroon, the ministers and experts in charge of World Heritage from eight countries in Central Africa (Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon and Sao Tomé and Principe) called on UNESCO and its partners, including the African World Heritage Fund, to support them in implementing concrete measures to strengthen their institutional capacity and professional expertise in the field of World Heritage, with a view to better identify potential sites for inscription on the World Heritage List.
World Cities Culture Forum Report 2022
World Cities Culture Forum, 31 October 2022
The World Cities Culture Forum launched the World Cities Culture Report 2022 – the most comprehensive account of culture in cities documenting over 200 pioneering initiatives from across 40 global cities in 6 continents, with the most far-reaching account of how cities have responded to crisis with creative solutions building great resilience to face the Covid-19 pandemic.
New guide for arts advocates is live
Creative New Zealand - Toi Aotearoa, 25 October 2022, New Zealand
Changing the story on arts, culture and creativity in Aotearoa’ offers advice on how to build support for a future where artists and creativity thrive, and introduces ways of talking so people understand and support the changes that will make the biggest difference to the arts, culture and creative sector.
Defining Resilience in Remote Music Ecosystems
The Nordic Culture Fund, 25 October 2022
The report ‘Defining Resilience in Remote Music Ecosystems’ offers a policy toolkit and a set of recommendations to strengthen the local music ecosystems and their connections to secure the survival and sustainability of small, mid-sized and geographically isolated communities.
New report shows Africa’s creative and cultural industries are lacking local support
Africa No Filter, 24 October 2022
The report unpacks the attitudes and behaviours of respondents towards creativity in Africa; with its findings covering the creative sector, including whether youth respondents thought governments were doing enough to support the creative industry, their perceptions about creativity and success, and their behaviour as an audience for the creative sector.
NSW Public Art Toolkit provides best practice guidance
Create NSW, 21 October 2022, Australia
Designed for government agencies and local councils commissioning public art, the Public Art Toolkit outlines best practice in policy, commissioning, construction, and engagement with artists.
Creative Industries and the Climate Emergency: New Report
Julie's Bicycle, 20 October 2022, United Kingdom
Launched on 19 October 2022, this landmark report brings together for the first time a sector by sector overview of the creative industries, and looks at the huge amount of activity taking place, and what more the sector needs to do to reach Net Zero.
Connecting the Dots: Artist Protection & Artistic Freedom in Asia
Pen America, 12 October 2022, USA
PEN America’s Artists at Risk Connection released Connecting the Dots: Artist Protection & Artistic Freedom in Asia, a new report that illuminates the challenges to artistic freedom that artists in Asia face; based on a closed workshop conducted in November 2021, and produced in partnership with the Mekong Cultural Hub (MCH) and the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA).
Apply for IETM Global Connect 2023
IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts, 08 November 2022
Applications for IETM Global Connect 2023 are now open to performing arts professionals worldwide (producers, artists, managers, presenters, etc) who have at least 5 years of professional experience in the field, to broaden their international connections, develop new skills and knowledge, actively share their perspectives with the network and bring new insights and learnings to their communities.
Call for Participation: SHE GOT GAME
Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council, 27 October 2022
She got game is a mentorship program by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia to promote equal opportunities in the Swiss and international videogames scene, which includes formats to empower participants, foster international exchanges with peers and industry veterans and promote discussions around the topic of women in games.
Call for inputs for a report on cultural rights and migration
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 25 October 2022
For her upcoming report to the Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Ms. Alexandra Xanthaki, will consider the respect, protection and fulfilment of the cultural rights of persons in the context of migration, and as such invites States, regional and local governments, international and regional organizations, National Human Rights Institutions, equality bodies, academics and civil society organizations, UN agencies, funds and programmes and other interested stakeholders to share relevant information.
Nordic cultural co-operation after the pandemic
Kulturrådet – Arts Council Norway, 25 October 2022, Norway
Arts Council Norway is holding a Nordic cultural policy summit at Deichman Bjørvika in Oslo on 29 November 2022, which will bring together key players in the Nordic cultural field to share knowledge, strengthen dialogue and increase contact between decision makers and stake holders in the cultural sector in the Nordic region.
El importante rol de la cultura y de las artes en la recuperación post pandemia y el desarrollo socioeconómico ha sido el centro de las miradas este mes, especialmente en los encuentros regionales que se han celebrado en diversas partes del mundo. En Asia, los/as responsables de políticas públicas del Sureste Asiático se dieron cita en la 10ª Reunión de los ministros/as de Cultura y Artes de ASEAN a finales de octubre, en donde se reconoció debidamente el valioso aporte de las artes a la resiliencia social e individual, en el apogeo de la pandemia del COVID-19.
Reconociendo también el rápido aumento de la digitalización del sector cultural durante y después de la pandemia, los ministros/as destacaron su apoyo a la transición de las industrias culturales clave hacia la economía digital.
El papel de la cultura en la construcción de sociedades resilientes y más equitativas también fue el foco de la edición en 2022 de la Cumbre de Cultura de Abu Dhabi (23 a 25 de octubre de 2022), que reunió a más de 180 líderes de la cultura de todo el mundo entre responsables de políticas públicas y líderes globales en las artes, el patrimonio, los museos y la tecnología, incluida la participación de nuestra directora ejecutiva. Organizada por el Departamento de Cultura y Turismo de Abu Dhabi con el tema “Una cultura viva”, la Cumbre abordó las grandes cuestiones de nuestro futuro colectivo: ¿Cómo usamos la cultura para sanar nuestras sociedades y acercarnos a una gran familia global? ¿Cómo pueden participar en la cultura las comunidades marginalizadas en igualdad de condiciones? ¿Cómo podemos asegurar la estabilidad del sector cultural, especialmente durante crisis como guerras o pandemias?
Mientras tanto, en Yaundé, Camerún, los ministros/as y expertos/as a cargo del Patrimonio Mundial de ocho países de África Central publicaron un llamado a la acción el 26 de octubre de 2022, en conmemoración del 50º aniversario de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial. Alienado con los debates en otras partes del mundo, el llamado a la acción de Yaundé destacó la urgente necesidad de explotar la transformación digital para promover la cultura, a la vez que subrayó la importancia de la cultura (en este caso, del patrimonio cultural) para el desarrollo económico y el bienestar de las comunidades locales.
En Latinoamérica, los gobiernos han reforzado activamente el rol del sector cultural como motor de desarrollo social y económico. Este mes de noviembre, el Ministerio de Cultura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires ha celebrado el Mes de la Cultura Independiente con casi 200 espectáculos gratuitos o a precios asequibles en toda la ciudad, mientras que en El Salvador, el proyecto público de Fortalecimiento y Modernización de los Espacios Culturales vio renovadas y equipadas con instalaciones mejoradas otras 12 casas de cultura.
Antes, en julio 2022, 60 artistas, diplomáticos/as, responsables de la formulación de políticas y académicos/as se reunieron en Salzburgo a cuestionar el futuro de la diplomacia y las relaciones culturales. Organizado por Salzburg Global Seminar, el programa Corrientes de Cambio (Currents of Change) consideró el potencial de las artes como una fuerza capaz de mejorar el mundo, y planteó recomendaciones para re-imaginar el rol que la diplomacia y las relaciones culturales podría jugar en acercarnos al futuro que necesitamos. El informe final y la declaración
acaban de ser publicada.
El mes próximo, actores clave en la región nórdica se reunirán en una cumbre de política cultural en Oslo para analizar el futuro del sector cultural tras la pandemia. A la vista de la pérdida de ingresos de los/as profesionales de la cultura durante el COVID-19, la cumbre buscará reforzar el diálogo y el contacto entre los/as responsables de las políticas públicas y la sociedad civil en la región nórdica, para una reconstrucción más sólida de los sectores culturales y creativos.
La asistencia de la comunidad cultural internacional también ha sido significativa en Sharm el-Sheij, donde el Gobierno de la República Árabe de Egipto alberga la 27ª Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas para el Cambio Climático (COP27), para subrayar el papel de las instituciones culturales como firmes defensoras del desarrollo sostenible en sus comunidades y pedir un mayor
compromiso por su parte en la elaboración de políticas sobre el cambio climático.
Organizada conjuntamente por la Federación Internacional de Consejos de Artes y Agencias Culturales y el Consejo de las Artes de Suecia, la 9ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura se celebrará en Estocolmo (Suecia) del 3 al 5 de mayo de 2023. La Cumbre reunirá representantes internacionales clave de la cultura y de las artes, incluyendo responsables de políticas públicas, investigadores/as, gestores/as y profesionales de las artes, la cultura y otros sectores relacionados. La Cumbre se centra en el tema de la libertad artística como pilar fundamental de la
política cultural y en examinar cómo podemos – y por qué deberíamos – salvaguardar la libertad artística.
Durante la Cumbre, los delegados se reunirán para analizar cómo se experimenta la libertad artística en todo el mundo y quién disfruta, o no, de sus bondades; para identificar las oportunidades que ofrece la libertad artística y las amenazas que sufre en las esferas locales y global; y para codiseñar soluciones ágiles para mejorar la libertad artística en nuestro entorno y promoverla internacionalmente. Para más información, visite la página web de la Cumbre.
Las inscripciones a la Cumbre se están liberando por etapas y ahora están abiertas, como parte de la distribución anticipada de octubre a noviembre de 2022.
Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes dará seguimiento a proceso de tráfico ilícito de 166 bienes culturales prehispánicos
Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Guatemala, 14 November 2022, Guatemala
El Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes se constituirá como querellante adhesivo, en el nuevo proceso de presunto tráfico ilícito de 166 piezas arqueológicas prehispánicas, las cuales fueron encontradas en el vehículo de dos personas extranjeras (una de ellascuales está ligada a proceso por el delito de tráfico ilícito de piezas patrimonio cultural) en Antigua Guatemala, el pasado domingo 13 de noviembre.
Reúne Réquiem for Justice a poetas, escritores, gestores y activistas culturales de más de 27 países del mundo
Ministry of Culture, 28 October 2022, Mexico
El arte está haciendo posible una nueva manera de vivir, de soñar y de interrelacionarse con los demás, aseguró la directora general del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (Inbal), Lucina Jiménez López, al inaugurar las actividades de Réquiem for Justice, un encuentro internacional de artistas y escritores y escritoras por la justicia social, que se lleva a cabo del 27 al 30 de octubre en recintos del Centro Cultural del Bosque y el Colegio de San Ildefonso.
Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual: El INCAA lanza un censo nacional de acervo audiovisual
Ministry of Culture of the Nation, Argentina, 27 October 2022, Argentina
En el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual, el Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales lanza del Censo Nacional del Acervo Audiovisual, que está dirigido a instituciones públicas y privadas, coleccionistas, directores, productores y a la ciudadanía en general; se realizará de manera virtual y simultánea en todo el territorio nacional por medio de un formulario online.
Lanzan Registro Nacional de los Trabajadores de la Cultura y el Arte
Ministry of Culture of El Salvador, 21 October 2022, El Salvador
El Ministerio de Cultura y el Banco Central de Reserva (BCR) presentaron, este 21 de octubre, el Registro Nacional de los Trabajadores de la Cultura y el Arte (RENTCA), una iniciativa que busca identificar, dignificar y promover al sector artístico y cultural salvadoreño.
OEI seguirá cooperando con la SNC para el desarrollo de políticas nacionales de cultura
National Secretary of Culture, Presidency of the Republic, Paraguay, 21 October 2022, Paraguay
La Secretaría Nacional de Cultura (SNC) y la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI), firmaron este viernes 21 de octubre, un convenio de cooperación interinstitucional que permitirá seguir desarrollando actividades de manera conjunta.
Nominamos el décimo Centro Cultural Nacional del país en la ciudad de Young
Ministry of Education and Culture, Uruguay, 17 October 2022, Uruguay
El pasado 13 de octubre se realizó la designación de la Casa de la Cultura “Pedro C. Marín” de Young como Centro Cultural Nacional (CCN), en coincidencia con su reapertura, luego de la obra de remodelación realizada por la Intendencia de Río Negro con una inversión de ocho millones de pesos.
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