No images? Click here CREATING CONDITIONS THAT ATTRACT SUCCESS![]() Photo by Jan van der Wolf on Pexels “To tend, unfailingly, unflinchingly, towards a goal is the secret of success. But success? What exactly is success? For me it is to be found not in applause, but in the satisfaction of feeling that one is realizing one’s ideal.” —Anna Pavlova ORCHIDS THAT WANT TO BLOOM“Nothing succeeds like success” is an adage that has special relevance to hobby orchid growers. These enterprising growers have learned how to create the conditions in which their orchid plants will prosper and basically can’t not re-bloom. They provide the right combinations of sunlight, water, temperature, humidity, and other needed components to entice the orchids to surrender swiftly to their strong desire to bloom and be admired. As with any skill, time and practice confer mastery; creating the best conditions becomes easy; and the grower’s success soars. Once orchid growers figure this out, there is no stopping them. They become known for their prowess, teach and inspire other growers, and their orchids win awards. The processes for creating the best conditions can attract success in many other areas. If we want exceptional houseplants, tasty sourdough bread, award-winning beer, vibrant communities, or more healthiness, creating the right conditions will likely be our best strategy. ATTRACTING MORE HEALTHINESSIt is true. I’ve seen it many times—even at a large scale. Healthiness automatically increases when folks are encouraged to: 1. focus on
healthiness; Adopting just one of the five components above increases healthiness, and it increases proportionally with adoption of each additional component. There are no downsides to creating conditions that promote healthiness by prioritizing these five components. Once folks figure this out, their healthiness soars, and there is no stopping them. PRODUCING MORE POWERFUL EFFECTSSuccess in any endeavor rarely occurs without the contribution of many factors. Healthiness, like orchid growing, bread making, or beer brewing depends on multiple key components that when combined and coordinated produce more powerful effects than they can independently. For example, combining flour and yeast will not make bread, but adding salt, mixing in water, placing the dough in a warm spot to rise, and baking it creates the minimum conditions for producing a simple loaf of bread. While media reports about health typically focus on a single cause, treatment, or disease, healthiness—a state of high energy, capacity to function well in life, and resistance to illness—is the product of multiple factors in dynamic partnership. Thinking about health one topic at a time may encourage a perception that we can also create healthiness one factor at a time. But engaging multiple key activities is required to create the conditions that bring high levels of healthiness. The focus is on the set of components and how each component is more effective when working in combination with the others. REACHING OUR HIGHEST POTENTIALWhile the conditions for healthiness are not difficult to create, all of them need to be in play. Although physical conditions for fitness and nutrition are the most familiar, the non-physical conditions for managing emotions and cultivating health-focused mindsets, mental attention, focus, personal meaning, and life direction are equally important. Growing orchids may be unique, but the more common activity of tending houseplants offers valuable lessons for us all. Numerous houseplants may grow in inconsistent conditions such as moderate to low sunlight, warm or cold temperatures, fluctuating humidity, too little or too much watering. Even with these less-than-optimal conditions, we may see many of them as moderately attractive. Yet houseplants have the potential to be exceptional and orchids have the potential to be spectacular. Without optimal conditions, none will reach their highest potential. Like houseplants, we can manage under average conditions. The lessons plants teach are relevant to our own experiences where without intention, effort, and effective action, the less-than-optimal conditions of modern living will create average to below average levels of healthiness. If we want our health to flourish, we’ll benefit from adopting a more powerful approach. Focusing our efforts on creating the conditions that promote healthiness enables us to achieve impressive results and realize our ideal. THE NETWORK ADVANTAGEThe mission of the High Health Network is to help everyone create the conditions that bring more healthiness. By following this strategy, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you or your company want the best option for attaining more healthiness, contact us and find out how. Joyce M. Young, MD, MPH Photo by Thắng Văn on Pexels Your colleagues at Advanced Wellness Systems High health is now a business imperative. Your company needs it for competitive edge. The High Health Network makes it easy. Get the one sheet. |