No images? Click here THIRTY SECONDS TO A GOOD MOOD![]() Photo by Marian Florinel Condruz on Pexels LITTLE KIT DELIVERS BIG RESULTSI’d been asked to give a presentation to the students at the Wake Tech College of Health Sciences, and I looked forward to introducing them to new concepts for building high levels of health. The advantages of generating positive emotions was one of the concepts I highlighted and building a “Cheerfulness-on-Demand Kit” was another. The presentation began in typical fashion, and the thirty college students present were initially polite and attentive. But by the time we finished assembling our kits, our genteel lecture room was feeling more like a comedy club. I began the discussion by explaining how positive emotions such as joy, hope, and awe are pleasant and energizing. I presented research findings about how these emotions facilitate innovation, optimism, and overall well-being, encourage successful relationships, and enhance communication and collaboration. Then we moved on to the activity: creating Cheerfulness-on-Demand Kits. EASY TO ASSEMBLE IN JUST THREE STEPSFirst, I distributed the kit materials: small, reclosable snack bags, a box of facial tissues, and two bottles of quality lavender essential oil. Pleasant, inexpensive, and relatively easy to find, lavender essential oil is known for its ability to promote relaxation, contentment, and composure when you inhale small quantities of its vapor. ![]() Next, I demonstrated how to assemble the kit by folding a sheet of facial tissue once, placing it in the plastic snack bag, sprinkling three drops of lavender essential oil along the tissue, then sealing the bag. I explained to the students that any time they wanted to lift their moods they could open the bag and take a few sniffs of the vapor. The effectiveness of the lavender oil on the tissue lasts about one day, but additional drops can be added to the tissue to reactivate it. The students jumped in and started assembling their kits. As soon as the lavender aroma started drifting through the air, they began smiling and laughing. By the time the bottles of oil reached the back of the room, everyone was relaxed, cheerful, and smiling. All was proceeding as I’d anticipated until I played a 2-minute laughter yoga video. Suddenly the room exploded with sound, and the students were doubled over with laughter and practically on the floor. Watching them, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was happy that making the kits and viewing the video created more positive emotions than I’d expected, and since we were at the end of the session, I fortunately didn’t have to disturb their festive mood. The students thanked me profusely as they departed in small groups while hugging each other. THIRTY SECONDS TO A GOOD MOODAlthough I’ve seen good results among many individuals who have created and used these kits, I was pleasantly surprised to see that when used in a group setting their mood-lifting effect was enhanced and easily spread to others. Of the many ways to generate positive emotions, the Cheerfulness-on-Demand Kit is one of the easiest and most enjoyable. Taking thirty seconds to place a few drops of lavender essential oil on a tissue requires only a little effort but can deliver a big result. The materials are readily available, and there is no downside to giving it a try. AN ESSENTIAL SKILL FOR HIGH HEALTHAn ability to consistently generate positive emotions is one of the essential skills needed to attain high levels of health. Finding accessible ways to learn and master this skill in our environment of constant distraction and negativity can be challenging. Fortunately, a good resource that makes learning and mastering ways to generate positive emotions exists and can be found in the High Health Network. Taking advantage of this resource is one of the easiest ways to create good moods and experience more positivity in our lives. If you or your company want effective methods for transforming health, contact us to find out more. Joyce M. Young, MD, MPH Photo by Nicole Avagliano on Pexels Sincerely, Your colleagues at Advanced Wellness Systems High health is now a business imperative. Your company needs it for competitive edge. The High Health Network makes it easy. Get the one sheet. |