What's next for the KPP? No images? Click here Roo RoundupSeptember 2023 In this edition:
Project updatesThe three project teams presented final updates during a KPP committee strategy workshop in early June. All three of the funded projects identified key learnings, challenges and opportunities for future work, including expansions to their projects, as well as new innovative ideas to explore and test in the future. Following discussions at the committee workshop, we have extended some projects until the end of the year to make the most of current opportunities. We expect these projects will continue to lay the groundwork for more effective kangaroo management for environmental, agricultural and social outcomes over the next few months and beyond. Kangaroo Management Collective PilotThis project has successfully brought land managers together to manage kangaroo populations collectively across the landscape within the Gawler Ranges region. Through the project, land managers experimented with distributing harvesting tags strategically across their properties based on landscape needs to attract harvesters to these properties. The success of this approach varied across the properties, as a consistent challenge was the limited demand for kangaroo products discouraging harvesters. To address this, a portion of the project funds was diverted to subsidise locally harvested kangaroo meat, with the aim to increase local interest and consumption. This initiative had the bonus of benefiting local businesses and community organisations, including the Bungala Food Service, and providing them with a local, nutritious, and budget-friendly protein source. The Collective project will continue to be supported by the coordinator to meet together for another workshop, and participate in additional knowledge sharing opportunities. The Collective group hopes to become a self-sustaining network that will continue on beyond the life of the KPP, and inspire similar groups to form in other regions. This project has inspired the KPP to support a supply of local kangaroo meat to fundraisers at the Quorn Kurti Festival in October. If you are interested in attending the festival and being involved please contact the coordinator (coordinator@sakangaroopartnership.com). Kangaroo management awareness raisingThis project, led by the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia, aims to increase community awareness of kangaroo management. The campaign - A Kangaroo Conversation - continues to have an impressive, engaged audience and has been extended until the end of the year. The campaign can be found on the following platforms:
The campaign hopes to expand its community outreach and create versatile content which can be used across diverse media platforms. The team is looking to further their outreach by extending the awareness campaign to different mediums such as written journalistic pieces, television broadcasts, and in-person events. A Kangaroo Conversation is always eager to hear from people who have a story to tell about kangaroo management, or people who might be interested in contributing to the media content. If you, or someone you know, is interested in giving input or contributing to the campaign, feel free to reach out to Madeline McShane (madeline.mcshane@ncssa.asn.au). Increasing kangaroo value through improved quality, product diversity, and consistencyThis project by Australian Wildlife Services worked on pathways to increase kangaroo value through improved quality, product diversity, and consistency. The team found that high-value kangaroo products depend on better quality and more accurate product description branding and product diversity. Reliability of supply was identified as a key issue to sustaining higher prices. The report also explored opportunities for credits from soil carbon sequestration plus potential carbon credit from a low emission meat, and potential credits for stewardship and improved biodiversity. You can access the full project report here. We are currently scoping a workshop in Port Augusta for the team to share and discuss findings with key stakeholders (e.g. land managers, harvesters) and discuss the next steps to improving kangaroo value. If you are interested in participating in this workshop please contact the coordinator. What's next?The KPP committee met for a strategy workshop in June to discuss KPP priorities for the next 6 months and beyond. For the first morning, the committee were joined by the funded project teams and representatives from the Department for Environment and Water and the PIRSA Agricultural Kangaroo Taskforce. The group discussed challenges and opportunities for kangaroo management identified through the funded projects, and resulting priorities for kangaroo management both in South Australia and beyond including:
These priorities are discussed in more detail in the final project report, which was finalised in August. You can access the final project report here and the Executive Summary here. The report also presents considerations for future iterations of the KPP, including expanding the project to all regional South Australian Landscape Boards, extending the duration of the project, and focusing on management priorities best addressed by the strengths of the KPP model and network, including:
Coming soonPlanning is in progress for a webinar in late October, where both the KPP coordinator and funded project teams will give final presentations, including a Q&A. This webinar will be open to all. We plan to follow the webinar with a workshop for project partners in November, to inform pitch development for the next iteration of the KPP, based on the priorities listed above. If you are interested in supporting the delivery of this workshop, please contact the coordinator (coordinator@sakangaroopartnership.com). Interim coordinator contactPlease note the KPP coordinator, Emily Gregg, is on leave from the 7th September to 15th October. Fortunately, our previous coordinator, Georgina Shirley, will be stepping back into the role over this time! Feel free to get in touch. Email contact details will remain the same: coordinator@sakangaroopartnership.com NRM Community of Practice UpdateThe Kangaroo Management Community of Practice was recently joined by CSIRO's Nick Tomkins and Aarti Tobin who presented on their project investigating options for improving utilisation of kangaroo protein. This CoP brings together NRM staff across Australia to provide a space for discussion, and facilitate further collaboration and knowledge sharing around kangaroos and their management. Meetings are every 6-8 weeks and typically involve a guest presenter followed by Q&A and discussion. Our next meeting is expected to be on Wednesday 18th October. If you work for an NRM group, and would like to participate in the CoP please join the contact list. If you have any questions or are interested in giving a presentation to the CoP, please contact the coordinator. ConferencesThe Australasian Wildlife Management Society Annual Conference will be taking place in Melbourne in December. The call for abstracts is now open until the 8th of September. This year's theme is 'conservation amidst conflict'. The Australian Rangeland Society 22nd Biennial Conference in Broome, Western Australia on the 18th-22nd September 2023. The call for abstracts have closed, but registration is still open. The KPP will have a poster presentation at the conference, presented by SAAL staff member, Andrea Tschirner. Unfortunately, the 2023 Conservation through Sustainable Use of Wildlife Conference planned to take place in late September has been cancelled due to insufficient submissions. The conference organisers have arranged with MDPI publishers to produce a special edition of the journal Conservation to publish papers submitted to the conference. Website updateWork is in progress to add new South Australia specific and Kangaroo Partnership Project resources to the Kangaroo Management Taskforce website. If you have ideas for relevant additions please contact the coordinator. In the news
Project partners Bush Heritage Australia Ecological Horizons South Gap Station |